How to use the mahotas.cwatershed function in mahotas

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mahotas examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github luispedro / mahotas / tests / View on Github external
def cast_test(M,S,dtype):
        M = M.astype(dtype)
        S = S.astype(dtype)
        W = mahotas.cwatershed(2-S,M)
        assert sys.getrefcount(W) == 2
        assert np.all(W == np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1, 1],
               [2, 2, 1, 1],
               [2, 2, 2, 2],
               [2, 2, 2, 2],
               [2, 2, 2, 2]]))
    for d in [np.uint8, np.int8, np.uint16, np.int16, np.int32, np.uint32,int]:
github CellProfiler / CellProfiler / tests / modules / View on Github external
surface = distance.max() - distance

    if image.volumetric:
        footprint = numpy.ones((3, 3, 3))
        footprint = numpy.ones((3, 3))

    peaks = mahotas.regmax(distance, footprint)

    if image.volumetric:
        markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16, 16)))
        markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16)))

    expected = mahotas.cwatershed(surface, markers)

    expected = expected * binary

    expected = skimage.measure.label(expected)

    actual = workspace.get_objects("watershed")

    actual = actual.segmented

    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
github luispedro / mahotas / tests / View on Github external
def test_mix_types():
    f = np.zeros((64,64), np.uint16)
    f += np.indices(f.shape)[1]**2
    f += (np.indices(f.shape)[0]-23)**2
    markers = np.zeros((64,64), np.int64)
    markers[32,32] = 1
# Below used to force a crash (at least in debug mode)
    a,b = mahotas.cwatershed(f, markers, return_lines=1)
github urakubo / UNI-EM / dojo / View on Github external
seed_mask[outside_brush_mask] = True
    seed_mask[frame] = True
    # seed_mask[corners] = False
    seed_mask[end_points] = False
    seeds,n = mh.label(seed_mask)

    # remove small regions
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(seeds)
    min_seed_size = 5
    too_small = np.where(sizes < min_seed_size)
    seeds = mh.labeled.remove_regions(seeds, too_small).astype(np.uint8)

    # run watershed
    ws = mh.cwatershed(brush_image.max() - brush_image, seeds)

    lines_array = np.zeros(ws.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
    lines = []

    for y in range(ws.shape[0]-1):
      for x in range(ws.shape[1]-1):

        # print 'looking for', seg_sub_tile[y,x]

        if self.lookup_label(seg_sub_tile[y,x]) != self.label_id:

        if ws[y,x] != ws[y,x+1]:
          lines_array[y,x] = 1
          lines.append([ int(bb[0]+x), int(bb[2]+y) ])
        if ws[y,x] != ws[y+1,x]:
github CellProfiler / CellProfiler / cellprofiler / modules / View on Github external
if x.volumetric:
                footprint = numpy.ones(
                    (self.footprint.value, self.footprint.value, self.footprint.value)
                footprint = numpy.ones((self.footprint.value, self.footprint.value))

            peaks = mahotas.regmax(distance, footprint)

            if x.volumetric:
                markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16, 16)))
                markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16)))

            y_data = mahotas.cwatershed(surface, markers)

            y_data = y_data * x_data

            if factor > 1:
                y_data = skimage.transform.resize(
                    y_data, original_shape, mode="edge", order=0, preserve_range=True

                y_data = numpy.rint(y_data).astype(numpy.uint16)
            markers_name = self.markers_name.value

            markers = images.get_image(markers_name)

            markers_data = markers.pixel_data
github Rhoana / dojo / _dojo / View on Github external
# seeds,n = mh.label(brush_boundary_mask)
    seeds,n = mh.label(seed_mask)

    print n

    # remove small regions
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(seeds)
    min_seed_size = 5
    too_small = np.where(sizes < min_seed_size)
    seeds = mh.labeled.remove_regions(seeds, too_small).astype(np.uint8)

    # run watershed
    ws = mh.cwatershed(brush_image.max() - brush_image, seeds)

    mh.imsave('/tmp/end_points.tif', 50*end_points.astype(np.uint8))
    mh.imsave('/tmp/seeds_mask.tif', 50*seed_mask.astype(np.uint8))
    mh.imsave('/tmp/seeds.tif', 50*seeds.astype(np.uint8))
    mh.imsave('/tmp/ws.tif', 50*ws.astype(np.uint8))

    lines_array = np.zeros(ws.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
    lines = []

    print label_id

    # valid_labels = [label_id]

    # while label_id in self.__merge_table.values():
    #   label_id = self.__merge_table.values()[]
    #   valid_labels.append(label_id)
github Rhoana / dojo / _dojo / scripts / View on Github external
grad = grad.astype(np.uint8)

# compute seeds
seeds,_ = mh.label(mask)

# remove small regions
sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(seeds)
min_seed_size = 5
too_small = np.where(sizes < min_seed_size)
seeds = mh.labeled.remove_regions(seeds, too_small)

# run watershed
ws = mh.cwatershed(grad, seeds)

lines_array = np.zeros(ws.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
lines = []

for y in range(ws.shape[0]-1):
  for x in range(ws.shape[1]-1):
    if ws[y,x] != ws[y,x+1]:  
      lines_array[y,x] = 1
    if ws[y,x] != ws[y+1,x]:
      lines_array[y,x] = 1
github luispedro / mahotas / mahotas / demos / View on Github external
import mahotas as mh
from os import path
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

nuclear = mh.demos.load('nuclear')
nuclear = nuclear[:,:,0]
nuclear = mh.gaussian_filter(nuclear, 1.)
threshed  = (nuclear > nuclear.mean())
distances = mh.stretch(mh.distance(threshed))
Bc = np.ones((9,9))

maxima = mh.morph.regmax(distances, Bc=Bc)
spots,n_spots = mh.label(maxima, Bc=Bc)
surface = (distances.max() - distances)
areas = mh.cwatershed(surface, spots)
areas *= threshed

import random
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib import cm
cols = [cm.jet(c) for c in range(0, 256, 4)]
cols[0] = (0.,0.,0.,1.)
rmap = colors.ListedColormap(cols)
plt.imshow(areas, cmap=rmap)