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from linearmodels.iv import IVGMM
mod = IVGMM(dependent, exog_e, endog_e, instruments)
res_e =, **self.cov_config)
j_e = res_e.j_stat.stat
x = self.model._x
y = self.model._y
z = self.model._z
nz = z.shape[1]
weight_mat_c = res_e.weight_matrix.values[:nz, :nz]
params_c = mod.estimate_parameters(x, y, z, weight_mat_c)
j_c = self.model._j_statistic(params_c, weight_mat_c).stat
stat = j_e - j_c
df = exog_e.shape[1] - exog.shape[1]
return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null, df, name='C-statistic')
def pval(self):
"""Always returns np.NaN"""
return np.NaN
def critical_values(self):
"""Always returns None"""
return None
def __str__(self):
msg = "Invalid test statistic\n{reason}\n{name}"
name = '' if self._name is None else self._name
return msg.format(name=name, reason=self._reason)
class InapplicableTestStatistic(WaldTestStatistic):
Class returned if a requested test is not applicable for a specification
reason : str
Explanation why test is invalid
name : str, optional
Name of test
See Also
def __init__(self, *, reason=None, name=None):
params = stats.params[sel]
df = params.shape[0]
nobs = stats.nobs
null = 'All parameters ex. constant are zero'
name = 'Equation F-statistic'
stat = float(params.T @ inv(cov) @ params)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
return InvalidTestStatistic('Covariance is singular, possibly due '
'to constraints.', name=name)
if debiased:
total_reg = np.sum(list(map(lambda s: s.shape[1], self._wx)))
df_denom = len(self._wx) * nobs - total_reg
wald = WaldTestStatistic(stat / df, null, df, df_denom=df_denom,
return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null=null, df=df, name=name)
return wald
null = 'All parameters ex. constant are zero'
name = 'Equation F-statistic'
stat = float(params.T @ inv(cov) @ params)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
return InvalidTestStatistic('Covariance is singular, possibly due '
'to constraints.', name=name)
if debiased:
total_reg = np.sum(list(map(lambda s: s.shape[1], self._wx)))
df_denom = len(self._wx) * nobs - total_reg
wald = WaldTestStatistic(stat / df, null, df, df_denom=df_denom,
return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null=null, df=df, name=name)
return wald
if self.entity_effects or self.time_effects or self.other_effects:
wy, wx = root_w * self.dependent.values2d, root_w * self.exog.values2d
df_num, df_denom = (df_model - wx.shape[1]), df_resid
if not self.has_constant:
# Correction for when models does not have explicit constant
wy -= root_w * lstsq(root_w, wy)[0]
wx -= root_w * lstsq(root_w, wx)[0]
df_num -= 1
weps_pooled = wy - wx @ lstsq(wx, wy)[0]
resid_ss_pooled = float(weps_pooled.T @ weps_pooled)
num = (resid_ss_pooled - resid_ss) / df_num
denom = resid_ss / df_denom
stat = num / denom
f_pooled = WaldTestStatistic(stat, 'Effects are zero',
df_num, df_denom=df_denom,
name='Pooled F-statistic')
effects = pd.DataFrame(eps_effects - eps, columns=['estimated_effects'],
effects = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros_like(eps), columns=['estimated_effects'],
res.update(dict(df_resid=df_resid, df_model=df_model, nobs=y.shape[0],
residual_ss=resid_ss, total_ss=total_ss, wresids=weps, resids=eps,
r2=r2, entity_effects=self.entity_effects, time_effects=self.time_effects,
other_effects=self.other_effects, sigma2_eps=sigma2_eps,
sigma2_effects=sigma2_effects, rho=rho, r2_ex_effects=r2_ex_effects,
effects=effects, fitted=fitted, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic))
num_df = x.shape[1]
name = 'Model F-statistic (homoskedastic)'
if self.has_constant:
if num_df == 1:
return InvalidTestStatistic('Model contains only a constant',
num_df -= 1
weps_const = y - float((root_w.T @ y) / (root_w.T @ root_w))
resid_ss = weps.T @ weps
num = float(weps_const.T @ weps_const - resid_ss)
denom = resid_ss
denom_df = df_resid
stat = float((num / num_df) / (denom / denom_df))
return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null='All parameters ex. constant not zero',
df=num_df, df_denom=denom_df, name=name)
def deferred_f():
test_params = params[sel]
test_cov = cov_est.cov[sel][:, sel]
test_stat = test_params.T @ np.linalg.inv(test_cov) @ test_params
test_stat = float(test_stat)
df = sel.sum()
null = 'All parameters ex. constant not zero'
if debiased:
wald = WaldTestStatistic(test_stat / df, null, df, df_resid,
wald = WaldTestStatistic(test_stat, null, df, name=name)
return wald
jacobian = self._jacobian(betas, lam, alphas)
if cov_type not in ('robust', 'heteroskedastic', 'kernel'):
raise ValueError('Unknown weight: {0}'.format(cov_type))
if cov_type in ('robust', 'heteroskedastic'):
cov_est = HeteroskedasticCovariance
else: # 'kernel':
cov_est = KernelCovariance
cov_est = cov_est(moments, jacobian=jacobian, center=False,
debiased=debiased, df=fc.shape[1], **cov_config)
full_vcv = cov_est.cov
alpha_vcv = full_vcv[s2:, s2:]
stat = float(alphas.T @ np.linalg.pinv(alpha_vcv) @ alphas)
jstat = WaldTestStatistic(stat, 'All alphas are 0', nport - nf - nrf,
total_ss = ((p - p.mean(0)[None, :]) ** 2).sum()
residual_ss = (eps ** 2).sum()
r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss
rp = lam
rp_cov = full_vcv[s1:s2, s1:s2]
betas = betas if excess_returns else betas[:, 1:]
params = np.c_[alphas, betas]
param_names = []
for portfolio in self.portfolios.cols:
for factor in self.factors.cols:
param_names.append('beta-{0}-{1}'.format(portfolio, factor))
if not excess_returns: