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gls_eps = np.reshape(gls_eps, (k, gls_eps.shape[0] // k)).T
eps = np.reshape(eps, (k, eps.shape[0] // k)).T
cov_est = cov_est(self._wxhat, gls_eps, sigma, full_sigma, gls=True,
constraints=self._constraints, **cov_config)
cov = cov_est.cov
# Repackage results for individual equations
individual = AttrDict()
debiased = cov_config.get('debiased', False)
method = 'Iterative GLS' if iter_count > 1 else 'GLS'
for i in range(k):
cons = int(self.has_constant.iloc[i])
if cons:
c = np.sqrt(self._w[i])
ye = self._wy[i] - c @ lstsq(c, self._wy[i])[0]
ye = self._wy[i]
total_ss = float(ye.T @ ye)
stats = self._common_indiv_results(i, beta, cov, gls_eps, eps,
method, cov_type, cov_est, iter_count,
debiased, cons, total_ss)
key = self._eq_labels[i]
individual[key] = stats
# Populate results dictionary
nobs = eps.size
results = self._common_results(beta, cov, method, iter_count, nobs,
cov_type, sigma, individual, debiased)
# wresid is different between GLS and OLS
wresid = []
# Covariance estimation
cov_est = COV_EST[cov_type]
cov_est = cov_est(self._wxhat, eps, sigma, sigma, gls=False,
constraints=self._constraints, **cov_config)
cov = cov_est.cov
individual = AttrDict()
debiased = cov_config.get('debiased', False)
for i in range(k):
wy = wye = self._wy[i]
w = self._w[i]
cons = int(self.has_constant.iloc[i])
if cons:
wc = np.ones_like(wy) * np.sqrt(w)
wye = wy - wc @ lstsq(wc, wy)[0]
total_ss = float(wye.T @ wye)
stats = self._common_indiv_results(i, beta, cov, eps, eps, 'OLS',
cov_type, cov_est, 0, debiased, cons, total_ss)
key = self._eq_labels[i]
individual[key] = stats
nobs = eps.size
results = self._common_results(beta, cov, 'OLS', 0, nobs, cov_type,
sigma, individual, debiased)
results['wresid'] = results.resid
results['cov_estimator'] = cov_est
results['cov_config'] = cov_est.cov_config
return SystemResults(results)
return True, int(loc)
if np.any((np.ptp(x, axis=0) == 0) & ~np.all(x == 0, axis=0)):
loc = (np.ptp(x, axis=0) == 0) & ~np.all(x == 0, axis=0)
loc = np.argwhere(loc)
return True, int(loc)
n = x.shape[0]
aug_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.c_[np.ones((n, 1)), x])
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(x) if x_rank is None else x_rank
has_const = (aug_rank == rank) and x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]
has_const = has_const or rank < min(x.shape)
loc = None
if has_const:
out = lstsq(x, np.ones((n, 1)))
beta = out[0].ravel()
loc = np.argmax(np.abs(beta) * x.var(0))
return bool(has_const), loc
The kernel covariance estimator takes the optional arguments
``kernel``, one of 'bartlett', 'parzen' or 'qs' (quadratic spectral)
and ``bandwidth`` (a positive integer).
nobs, nf, nport, nrf, s1, s2, s3 = self._boundaries()
excess_returns = not self._risk_free
f = self.factors.ndarray
p = self.portfolios.ndarray
nport = p.shape[1]
# Step 1, n regressions to get B
fc = np.c_[np.ones((nobs, 1)), f]
b = lstsq(fc, p)[0] # nf+1 by np
eps = p - fc @ b
if excess_returns:
betas = b[1:].T
betas = b.T.copy()
betas[:, 0] = 1.0
sigma_m12 = self._sigma_m12
lam = lstsq(sigma_m12 @ betas, sigma_m12 @ p.mean(0)[:, None])[0]
expected = betas @ lam
pricing_errors = p - expected.T
# Moments
alphas = pricing_errors.mean(0)[:, None]
moments = self._moments(eps, betas, lam, alphas, pricing_errors)
# Jacobian
jacobian = self._jacobian(betas, lam, alphas)
drop_first = True
if self.other_effects:
oe = self._other_effect_cats.dataframe
for c in oe:
dummies = pd.get_dummies(oe[c], drop_first=drop_first).astype(np.float64)
drop_first = True
d = np.column_stack(d)
wd = root_w * d
if self.has_constant:
wd -= root_w * (w.T @ d / w.sum())
z = np.ones_like(root_w)
d -= z * (z.T @ d / z.sum())
x_mean = lstsq(wd, x)[0]
y_mean = lstsq(wd, y)[0]
# Save fitted unweighted effects to use in eps calculation
x_effects = d @ x_mean
y_effects = d @ y_mean
# Purge fitted, weighted values
x = x - wd @ x_mean
y = y - wd @ y_mean
ybar = root_w @ lstsq(root_w, y)[0]
return y, x, ybar, y_effects, x_effects
df_resid = wy.shape[0] - wx.shape[1]
cov_est, cov_config = self._choose_cov(cov_type, **cov_config)
cov = cov_est(wy, wx, params, self.dependent.entity_ids, self.dependent.time_ids,
debiased=debiased, **cov_config)
weps = wy - wx @ params
eps = weps / root_w
index = self.dependent.index
fitted = pd.DataFrame(self.exog.values2d @ params, index, ['fitted_values'])
effects = pd.DataFrame(self.dependent.values2d - np.asarray(fitted) - eps, index,
idiosyncratic = pd.DataFrame(eps, index, ['idiosyncratic'])
residual_ss = float(weps.T @ weps)
wmu = 0
if self.has_constant:
wmu = root_w * lstsq(root_w, wy)[0]
wy_demeaned = wy - wmu
total_ss = float(wy_demeaned.T @ wy_demeaned)
r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss
res = self._postestimation(params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, wy, wx, root_w)
res.update(dict(df_resid=df_resid, df_model=x.shape[1], nobs=y.shape[0],
residual_ss=residual_ss, total_ss=total_ss, r2=r2,
resids=eps, wresids=weps, index=index, sigma2_eps=sigma2_e,
sigma2_effects=sigma2_u, rho=rho, theta=theta_out,
fitted=fitted, effects=effects, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic))
return RandomEffectsResults(res)
loc = np.argwhere(np.all(x == 1, axis=0))
return True, int(loc)
if np.any((np.ptp(x, axis=0) == 0) & ~np.all(x == 0, axis=0)):
loc = np.any((np.ptp(x, axis=0) == 0) & ~np.all(x == 0, axis=0))
loc = np.argwhere(loc)
return True, int(loc)
n = x.shape[0]
aug_rank = matrix_rank(np.c_[np.ones((n, 1)), x])
rank = matrix_rank(x) if x_rank is None else x_rank
has_const = bool(aug_rank == rank)
loc = None
if has_const:
out = lstsq(x, np.ones((n, 1)))
beta = out[0].ravel()
loc = np.argmax(np.abs(beta) * x.var(0))
return has_const, loc
def single(z: pd.DataFrame):
exog = z.iloc[:, 1:].values
if exog.shape[0] < exog.shape[1] or matrix_rank(exog) != exog.shape[1]:
return pd.Series([np.nan] * len(z.columns), index=z.columns)
dep = z.iloc[:, :1].values
params = lstsq(exog, dep)[0]
return pd.Series(np.r_[np.nan, params.ravel()], index=z.columns)
weights : PanelData, optional
Weights to use in demeaning
if self.nentity > self.nobs:
group = 'entity'
dummy = 'time'
group = 'time'
dummy = 'entity'
e = self.demean(group, weights=weights)
d = self.dummies(dummy, drop_first=True)
d.index = e.index
d = PanelData(d).demean(group, weights=weights)
d = d.values2d
e = e.values2d
resid = e - d @ lstsq(d, e)[0]
resid = DataFrame(resid, index=self._frame.index,
return PanelData(resid)
if self.other_effects:
oe = self._other_effect_cats.dataframe
for c in oe:
dummies = pd.get_dummies(oe[c], drop_first=drop_first).astype(np.float64)
drop_first = True
d = np.column_stack(d)
wd = root_w * d
if self.has_constant:
wd -= root_w * (w.T @ d / w.sum())
z = np.ones_like(root_w)
d -= z * (z.T @ d / z.sum())
x_mean = lstsq(wd, x)[0]
y_mean = lstsq(wd, y)[0]
# Save fitted unweighted effects to use in eps calculation
x_effects = d @ x_mean
y_effects = d @ y_mean
# Purge fitted, weighted values
x = x - wd @ x_mean
y = y - wd @ y_mean
ybar = root_w @ lstsq(root_w, y)[0]
return y, x, ybar, y_effects, x_effects