How to use the function in linearmodels

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few linearmodels examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        model : IV3SLS
            Model instance

        At least one of exog or endog must be provided.

        Utility function to simplify the construction of multivariate IV
        models which all use the same regressors and instruments. Constructs
        the dictionary of equations from the variables using the common
        exogenous, endogenous and instrumental variables.
        equations = OrderedDict()
        dependent = IVData(dependent, var_name='dependent')
        if exog is None and endog is None:
            raise ValueError('At least one of exog or endog must be provided')
        exog = IVData(exog, var_name='exog')
        endog = IVData(endog, var_name='endog', nobs=dependent.shape[0])
        instr = IVData(instruments, var_name='instruments', nobs=dependent.shape[0])
        for col in dependent.pandas:
            equations[col] = (dependent.pandas[[col]], exog.pandas, endog.pandas, instr.pandas)
        return cls(equations)
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def _check_weights(self):
        if self._weights is None:
            nobs = self._dependent.shape[0]
            self._is_weighted = False
            self._weight_data = IVData(ones(nobs), 'weights')
            self._is_weighted = True
            weights = IVData(self._weights).ndarray
            weights = weights / nanmean(weights)
            self._weight_data = IVData(weights, var_name='weights', nobs=self._nobs)
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def __init__(self, dependent: ArrayLike, exog: OptionalArrayLike,
                 endog: OptionalArrayLike, instruments: OptionalArrayLike, *,
                 weights: OptionalArrayLike = None, fuller: Numeric = 0,
                 kappa: OptionalNumeric = None):

        self.dependent = IVData(dependent, var_name='dependent')
        nobs = self.dependent.shape[0]  # type: int
        self.exog = IVData(exog, var_name='exog', nobs=nobs)
        self.endog = IVData(endog, var_name='endog', nobs=nobs)
        self.instruments = IVData(instruments, var_name='instruments', nobs=nobs)
        self._original_index = self.dependent.pandas.index
        if weights is None:
            weights = ones(self.dependent.shape)
        weights = IVData(weights).ndarray
        if any(weights <= 0):
            raise ValueError('weights must be strictly positive.')
        weights = weights / nanmean(weights)
        self.weights = IVData(weights, var_name='weights', nobs=nobs)

        self._drop_locs = self._drop_missing()
        # dependent variable
        w = sqrt(self.weights.ndarray)
        self._y = self.dependent.ndarray
        self._wy = self._y * w
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def __init__(self, dependent: ArrayLike, exog: OptionalArrayLike = None, *,
                 absorb: InteractionVar = None,
                 interactions: Union[InteractionVar, Iterable[InteractionVar]] = None,
                 weights: OptionalArrayLike = None):

        self._dependent = IVData(dependent, 'dependent')
        self._nobs = nobs = self._dependent.shape[0]
        self._exog = IVData(exog, 'exog', nobs=self._nobs)
        self._absorb = absorb
        if isinstance(absorb, DataFrame):
            self._absorb_inter = Interaction.from_frame(absorb)
        elif absorb is None:
            self._absorb_inter = Interaction(None, None, nobs)
        elif isinstance(absorb, Interaction):
            self._absorb_inter = absorb
            raise TypeError('absorb must ba a DataFrame or an Interaction')
        self._weights = weights
        self._is_weighted = False

        self._interactions = interactions
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Model instance

        At least one of exog or endog must be provided.

        Utility function to simplify the construction of multivariate IV
        models which all use the same regressors and instruments. Constructs
        the dictionary of equations from the variables using the common
        exogenous, endogenous and instrumental variables.
        equations = OrderedDict()
        dependent = IVData(dependent, var_name='dependent')
        if exog is None and endog is None:
            raise ValueError('At least one of exog or endog must be provided')
        exog = IVData(exog, var_name='exog')
        endog = IVData(endog, var_name='endog', nobs=dependent.shape[0])
        instr = IVData(instruments, var_name='instruments', nobs=dependent.shape[0])
        for col in dependent.pandas:
            equations[col] = (dependent.pandas[[col]], exog.pandas, endog.pandas, instr.pandas)
        return cls(equations)
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dep_name = 'dependent_' + str(i)
            exog_name = 'exog_' + str(i)
            endog_name = 'endog_' + str(i)
            instr_name = 'instr_' + str(i)
            if isinstance(eq_data, (tuple, list)):
                dep = IVData(eq_data[0], var_name=dep_name)
                current_id = id(eq_data[1])
                self._exog.append(IVData(eq_data[1], var_name=exog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                endog = IVData(eq_data[2], var_name=endog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                if endog.shape[1] > 0:
                    current_id = (current_id, id(eq_data[2]))

                self._instr.append(IVData(eq_data[3], var_name=instr_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                if len(eq_data) == 5:
                    dep = self._dependent[-1].ndarray

            elif isinstance(eq_data, (dict, Mapping)):
                dep = IVData(eq_data['dependent'], var_name=dep_name)

                exog = eq_data.get('exog', None)
                self._exog.append(IVData(exog, var_name=exog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                current_id = id(exog)

                endog = eq_data.get('endog', None)
                endog = IVData(endog, var_name=endog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
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self._exog.append(IVData(eq_data[1], var_name=exog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                endog = IVData(eq_data[2], var_name=endog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                if endog.shape[1] > 0:
                    current_id = (current_id, id(eq_data[2]))

                self._instr.append(IVData(eq_data[3], var_name=instr_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                if len(eq_data) == 5:
                    dep = self._dependent[-1].ndarray

            elif isinstance(eq_data, (dict, Mapping)):
                dep = IVData(eq_data['dependent'], var_name=dep_name)

                exog = eq_data.get('exog', None)
                self._exog.append(IVData(exog, var_name=exog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                current_id = id(exog)

                endog = eq_data.get('endog', None)
                endog = IVData(endog, var_name=endog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                if 'endog' in eq_data:
                    current_id = (current_id, id(eq_data['endog']))

                instr = eq_data.get('instruments', None)
                instr = IVData(instr, var_name=instr_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
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def _check_weights(self):
        if self._weights is None:
            nobs = self._dependent.shape[0]
            self._is_weighted = False
            self._weight_data = IVData(ones(nobs), 'weights')
            self._is_weighted = True
            weights = IVData(self._weights).ndarray
            weights = weights / nanmean(weights)
            self._weight_data = IVData(weights, var_name='weights', nobs=self._nobs)
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def _check_data(self):
        cat, cont = self._cat, self._cont
        cat_nobs = getattr(cat, 'shape', (0,))[0]
        cont_nobs = getattr(cont, 'shape', (0,))[0]
        nobs = max(cat_nobs, cont_nobs)
        if cat is None and cont is None:
            if self._nobs is not None:
                self._cont_data = self._cat_data = IVData(None, 'none', nobs=self._nobs)
                raise ValueError('nobs must be provided when cat and cont are None')
        self._nobs = nobs

        self._cat_data = IVData(cat, 'cat', nobs=nobs, convert_dummies=False)
        self._cont_data = IVData(cont, 'cont', nobs=nobs, convert_dummies=False)
        if self._cat_data.shape[1] == self._cont_data.shape[1] == 0:
            raise ValueError('Both cat and cont are empty arrays')
        cat_data = self._cat_data.pandas
        convert = [col for col in cat_data if not (is_categorical(cat_data[col]))]
        if convert:
            cat_data = DataFrame({col: cat_data[col].astype('category') for col in cat_data})
            self._cat_data = IVData(cat_data, 'cat', convert_dummies=False)
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def _check_weights(self):
        if self._weights is None:
            nobs = self._dependent.shape[0]
            self._is_weighted = False
            self._weight_data = IVData(ones(nobs), 'weights')
            self._is_weighted = True
            weights = IVData(self._weights).ndarray
            weights = weights / nanmean(weights)
            self._weight_data = IVData(weights, var_name='weights', nobs=self._nobs)