Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def __init__(self, image_set, year, devkit_path=None):
imdb.__init__(self, 'voc_' + year + '_' + image_set)
self._year = year
self._image_set = image_set
self._devkit_path = os.environ['HOME'] + '/data/Object_Detection/pascal/VOCdevkit'
self._data_path = os.path.join(self._devkit_path, 'VOC' + self._year)
self._classes = ('__background__', # always index 0
'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair',
'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor')
self._class_to_ind = dict(zip(self.classes, xrange(self.num_classes)))
self._image_ext = '.jpg'
self._image_index = self._load_image_set_index()
# Default to roidb handler
self._roidb_handler = self.selective_search_roidb
self._salt = str(uuid.uuid4())
def get_roidb(imdb_name):
imdb = get_imdb(imdb_name)
print('Loaded dataset `{:s}` for training'.format(
print('Set proposal method: {:s}'.format(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD))
roidb = get_training_roidb(imdb)
return roidb
roidbs = [get_roidb(s) for s in imdb_names.split('+')]
roidb = roidbs[0]
if len(roidbs) > 1:
for r in roidbs[1:]:
tmp = get_imdb(imdb_names.split('+')[1])
imdb =, tmp.classes)
imdb = get_imdb(imdb_names)
if training:
roidb = filter_roidb(roidb)
ratio_list, ratio_index = rank_roidb_ratio(roidb)
return imdb, roidb, ratio_list, ratio_index
def combined_roidb(imdb_names):
def get_roidb(imdb_name):
imdb = get_imdb(imdb_name)
print 'Loaded dataset `{:s}` for training'.format(
print 'Set proposal method: {:s}'.format(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD)
roidb = get_training_roidb(imdb)
return roidb
roidbs = [get_roidb(s) for s in imdb_names.split('+')]
roidb = roidbs[0]
if len(roidbs) > 1:
for r in roidbs[1:]:
imdb =
imdb = get_imdb(imdb_names)
return imdb, roidb
def __init__(self, version, image_set, ):
imdb.__init__(self, 'vg_' + version + '_' + image_set)
self._version = version
self._image_set = image_set
self._data_path = os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, 'genome')
self._img_path = os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, 'vg')
# VG specific config options
self.config = {'cleanup' : False}
# Load classes
self._classes = ['__background__']
self._class_to_ind = {}
self._class_to_ind[self._classes[0]] = 0
with open(os.path.join(self._data_path, self._version, 'objects_vocab.txt')) as f:
count = 1
for object in f.readlines():
names = [n.lower().strip() for n in object.split(',')]
from import imdb
import datasets.ds_utils as ds_utils
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import as sio
import model.utils.cython_bbox
import pickle
import subprocess
import uuid
from .voc_eval import voc_eval
from model.utils.config import cfg
import pdb
class pascal_voc(imdb):
def __init__(self, image_set, year, devkit_path=None):
imdb.__init__(self, 'voc_' + year + '_' + image_set)
self._year = year
self._image_set = image_set
self._devkit_path = self._get_default_path() if devkit_path is None \
else devkit_path
self._data_path = os.path.join(self._devkit_path, 'VOC' + self._year)
self._classes = ('__background__', # always index 0
'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair',
'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor')
self._class_to_ind = dict(list(zip(self.classes, list(range(self.num_classes)))))
import datasets.ds_utils as ds_utils
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import as sio
import utils.cython_bbox
import cPickle
import subprocess
import uuid
from fast_rcnn.config import cfg
from PIL import Image
from fast_rcnn.icdar import *
DEBUG = False
class icdar(imdb):
def __init__(self, image_set, year, devkit_path=None):
imdb.__init__(self, 'icdar_' + year + '_' + image_set)
self._year = year
self._image_set = image_set
self._devkit_path = self._get_default_path() if devkit_path is None \
else devkit_path
self._data_path = os.path.join(self._devkit_path, 'ICDAR' + self._year)
self._data_path = self._devkit_path
self._classes = ('__background__', # always index 0
self._class_to_ind = dict(zip(self.classes, xrange(self.num_classes)))
self._image_ext = '.jpg'
self._image_index = self._load_image_set_index()
# Default to roidb handler
self._roidb_handler = self.selective_search_roidb
self._salt = str(uuid.uuid4())
for ix, entry in enumerate(roidb):
overlaps = entry['gt_overlaps'].toarray()
crowd_inds = np.where(overlaps.max(axis=1) == -1)[0]
non_gt_inds = np.where(entry['gt_classes'] == 0)[0]
if len(crowd_inds) == 0 or len(non_gt_inds) == 0:
iscrowd = [int(True) for _ in range(len(crowd_inds))]
crowd_boxes = ds_utils.xyxy_to_xywh(entry['boxes'][crowd_inds, :])
non_gt_boxes = ds_utils.xyxy_to_xywh(entry['boxes'][non_gt_inds, :])
ious = COCOmask.iou(non_gt_boxes, crowd_boxes, iscrowd)
bad_inds = np.where(ious.max(axis=1) > crowd_thresh)[0]
overlaps[non_gt_inds[bad_inds], :] = -1
roidb[ix]['gt_overlaps'] = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(overlaps)
return roidb
class coco(imdb):
def __init__(self, image_set, year):
imdb.__init__(self, 'coco_' + year + '_' + image_set)
# COCO specific config options
self.config = {'top_k' : 2000,
'use_salt' : True,
'cleanup' : True,
'crowd_thresh' : 0.7,
'min_size' : 2}
# name, paths
self._year = year
self._image_set = image_set
self._data_path = osp.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, 'coco')
# load COCO API, classes, class <-> id mappings
self._COCO = COCO(self._get_ann_file())
cats = self._COCO.loadCats(self._COCO.getCatIds())
self._classes = tuple(['__background__'] + [c['name'] for c in cats])
def __init__(self, image_set, devkit_path, data_path):
imdb.__init__(self, image_set)
self._image_set = image_set
self._devkit_path = devkit_path
self._data_path = data_path
synsets_image = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(self._devkit_path, 'data', 'meta_det.mat'))
synsets_video = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(self._devkit_path, 'data', 'meta_vid.mat'))
self._classes_image = ('__background__',)
self._wnid_image = (0,)
self._classes = ('__background__',)
self._wnid = (0,)
for i in xrange(200):
self._classes_image = self._classes_image + (synsets_image['synsets'][0][i][2][0],)
self._wnid_image = self._wnid_image + (synsets_image['synsets'][0][i][1][0],)
for i in xrange(30):
from model.utils.config import cfg
import os.path as osp
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import as sio
import pickle
import json
import uuid
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
from pycocotools import mask as COCOmask
class coco(imdb):
def __init__(self, image_set, year):
imdb.__init__(self, 'coco_' + year + '_' + image_set)
# COCO specific config options
self.config = {'use_salt': True,
'cleanup': True}
# name, paths
self._year = year
self._image_set = image_set
self._data_path = osp.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, 'coco')
# load COCO API, classes, class <-> id mappings
self._COCO = COCO(self._get_ann_file())
cats = self._COCO.loadCats(self._COCO.getCatIds())
# class name
self._classes = tuple(['__background__'] + [c['name'] for c in cats])
# class name to ind (0~80) 0= __background__