How to use certbot - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few certbot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot-compatibility-test / certbot_compatibility_test / View on Github external
"""Validators to determine the current webserver configuration"""
import logging
import socket
import requests
import zope.interface

from acme import crypto_util
from acme import errors as acme_errors
from certbot import interfaces

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Validator(object):
    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    """Collection of functions to test a live webserver's configuration"""

    def certificate(self, cert, name, alt_host=None, port=443):
        """Verifies the certificate presented at name is cert"""
        host = alt_host if alt_host else socket.gethostbyname(name)
            presented_cert = crypto_util.probe_sni(name, host, port)
        except acme_errors.Error as error:
            return False

        return presented_cert.digest("sha256") == cert.digest("sha256")

    def redirect(self, name, port=80, headers=None):
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot-compatibility-test / certbot_compatibility_test / configurators / View on Github external
def load_config(self):
        """Returns the next config directory to be tested"""
        shutil.rmtree(self.le_config.work_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        backup = os.path.join(self.le_config.work_dir, constants.BACKUP_DIR)
        return self._configs.pop()
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / View on Github external
def get_version(self):
        """Return version of Apache Server.

        Version is returned as tuple. (ie. 2.4.7 = (2, 4, 7))

        :returns: version
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises .PluginError: if unable to find Apache version

            stdout, _ = le_util.run_script(
        except errors.SubprocessError:
            raise errors.PluginError(
                "Unable to run %s -v" %

        regex = re.compile(r"Apache/([0-9\.]*)", re.IGNORECASE)
        matches = regex.findall(stdout)

        if len(matches) != 1:
            raise errors.PluginError("Unable to find Apache version")

        return tuple([int(i) for i in matches[0].split(".")])
github certbot / certbot / certbot-nginx / certbot_nginx / View on Github external
ssl_matches = ssl_regex.findall(text)

        if not version_matches:
            raise errors.PluginError("Unable to find Nginx version")
        if not ssl_matches:
            raise errors.PluginError(
                "Nginx build is missing SSL module (--with-http_ssl_module).")
        if not sni_matches:
            raise errors.PluginError("Nginx build doesn't support SNI")

        nginx_version = tuple([int(i) for i in version_matches[0].split(".")])

        # nginx < 0.8.48 uses machine hostname as default server_name instead of
        # the empty string
        if nginx_version < (0, 8, 48):
            raise errors.NotSupportedError("Nginx version must be 0.8.48+")

        return nginx_version
github certbot / certbot / certbot / certbot / _internal / plugins / View on Github external
multiple candidates are found.
    :param list ifaces: Interfaces that plugins must provide.

    :returns: Initialized plugin.
    :rtype: IPlugin

    if default is not None:
        # throw more UX-friendly error if default not in plugins
        filtered = plugins.filter(lambda p_ep: == default)
        if config.noninteractive_mode:
            # it's really bad to auto-select the single available plugin in
            # non-interactive mode, because an update could later add a second
            # available plugin
            raise errors.MissingCommandlineFlag(
                "Missing command line flags. For non-interactive execution, "
                "you will need to specify a plugin on the command line.  Run "
                "with '--help plugins' to see a list of options, and see "
                " for more detail on what "
                "the plugins do and how to use them.")

        filtered = plugins.visible().ifaces(ifaces)

    verified = filtered.verify(ifaces)
    prepared = verified.available()

    if len(prepared) > 1:
        logger.debug("Multiple candidate plugins: %s", prepared)
        plugin_ep = choose_plugin(list(six.itervalues(prepared)), question)
github certbot / certbot / certbot-nginx / certbot_nginx / View on Github external
def config_test(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Check the configuration of Nginx for errors.

        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If config_test fails

            util.run_script([self.conf('ctl'), "-c", self.nginx_conf, "-t"])
        except errors.SubprocessError as err:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(str(err))
github certbot / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / _internal / View on Github external
def config_test(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Check the configuration of Apache for errors.

        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If config_test fails

        except errors.SubprocessError as err:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(str(err))
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot-postfix / certbot_postfix / View on Github external
def test(self):
        """Make sure the configuration is valid.

        :raises .MisconfigurationError: if the config is invalid
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            print e
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                "Postfix failed internal configuration check.")
github certbot / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / _internal / View on Github external
def _try_restart_fedora(self):
        Tries to restart httpd using systemctl to generate the self signed keypair.

            util.run_script(['systemctl', 'restart', 'httpd'])
        except errors.SubprocessError as err:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(str(err))

        # Finish with actual config check to see if systemctl restart helped
        super(CentOSConfigurator, self).config_test()
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot-postfix / certbot_postfix / View on Github external
def _lock_config_dir(self):
        """Stop two Postfix plugins from modifying the config at once.

        :raises .PluginError: if unable to acquire the lock

        except (OSError, errors.LockError) as e:
            logger.debug("Encountered error:", exc_info=True)
            raise errors.PluginError(
                "Unable to lock %s", self.config_dir)