How to use the certbot.interfaces.IPluginFactory function in certbot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few certbot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github certbot / certbot / certbot-dns-dnsimple / certbot_dns_dnsimple / _internal / View on Github external
from lexicon.providers import dnsimple
import zope.interface

from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.plugins import dns_common
from certbot.plugins import dns_common_lexicon

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class Authenticator(dns_common.DNSAuthenticator):
    """DNS Authenticator for DNSimple

    This Authenticator uses the DNSimple v2 API to fulfill a dns-01 challenge.

    description = 'Obtain certificates using a DNS TXT record (if you are using DNSimple for DNS).'
    ttl = 60

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Authenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.credentials = None

    def add_parser_arguments(cls, add):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        super(Authenticator, cls).add_parser_arguments(add, default_propagation_seconds=30)
github robin-thoni / certbot-pdns / certbot_pdns / View on Github external
"""DNS plugin."""
import collections
import logging

import zope.interface
from acme import challenges
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.plugins import common

from certbot_pdns.PdnsApiAuthenticator import PdnsApiAuthenticator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Authenticator(common.Plugin):
    """PDNS Authenticator."""

    description = "Place challenges in DNS records"

    MORE_INFO = """\
Authenticator plugin that performs dns-01 challenge by saving
necessary validation resources to appropriate records in a PowerDNS server."""

    backend = None

    def more_info(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,no-self-use
        return self.MORE_INFO

    def add_parser_arguments(cls, add):
github certbot / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / _internal / View on Github external
# Note: FILEPATHS and changes to files are transactional.  They are copied
# over before the updates are made to the existing files. NEW_FILES is
# transactional due to the use of register_file_creation()

# TODO: Verify permissions on configuration root... it is easier than
#     checking permissions on each of the relative directories and less error
#     prone.
# TODO: Write a server protocol finder. Listen   or
#     Protocol .  This can verify partial setups are correct
# TODO: Add directives to sites-enabled... not sites-available.
#     sites-available doesn't allow immediate find_dir search even with save()
#     and load()

@zope.interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticator, interfaces.IInstaller)
class ApacheConfigurator(common.Installer):
    """Apache configurator.

    :ivar config: Configuration.
    :type config: :class:`~certbot.interfaces.IConfig`

    :ivar parser: Handles low level parsing
    :type parser: :class:`~certbot_apache._internal.parser`

    :ivar tup version: version of Apache
    :ivar list vhosts: All vhosts found in the configuration
        (:class:`list` of :class:`~certbot_apache._internal.obj.VirtualHost`)

    :ivar dict assoc: Mapping between domains and vhosts

github certbot / certbot / certbot / certbot / _internal / plugins / View on Github external
"""Null plugin."""
import logging

import zope.component
import zope.interface

from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.plugins import common

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Installer(common.Plugin):
    """Null installer."""

    description = "Null Installer"
    hidden = True

    # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,no-self-use

    def prepare(self):
        pass  # pragma: no cover

    def more_info(self):
        return "Installer that doesn't do anything (for testing)."

    def get_all_names(self):
        return []
github certbot / certbot / certbot-dns-gehirn / certbot_dns_gehirn / _internal / View on Github external
"""DNS Authenticator for Gehirn Infrastracture Service DNS."""
import logging

from lexicon.providers import gehirn
import zope.interface

from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.plugins import dns_common
from certbot.plugins import dns_common_lexicon

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class Authenticator(dns_common.DNSAuthenticator):
    """DNS Authenticator for Gehirn Infrastracture Service DNS

    This Authenticator uses the Gehirn Infrastracture Service API to fulfill
    a dns-01 challenge.

    description = 'Obtain certificates using a DNS TXT record ' + \
                  '(if you are using Gehirn Infrastracture Service for DNS).'
    ttl = 60

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Authenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.credentials = None

github dlapiduz / certbot-s3front / certbot_s3front / View on Github external
import zope.interface

import boto3

from acme import challenges

from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.plugins import common

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Authenticator(common.Plugin):
    description = "S3/CloudFront Authenticator"

    def add_parser_arguments(cls, add):
        add("s3-bucket", default=os.getenv('S3_BUCKET'),
            help="Bucket referenced by CloudFront distribution")
        add("s3-region", default="us-east-1",
            help="Bucket region name")
            help="A directory of the S3 bucket/the distribution's origin path")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Authenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._httpd = None
github certbot / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / _internal / View on Github external
""" Distribution specific override class for Fedora 29+ """
import pkg_resources
import zope.interface

from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot import util
from certbot.compat import os
from certbot_apache._internal import apache_util
from certbot_apache._internal import configurator
from certbot_apache._internal import parser

class FedoraConfigurator(configurator.ApacheConfigurator):
    """Fedora 29+ specific ApacheConfigurator override class"""

    OS_DEFAULTS = dict(
        version_cmd=['httpd', '-v'],
        restart_cmd=['apachectl', 'graceful'],
        restart_cmd_alt=['apachectl', 'restart'],
        conftest_cmd=['apachectl', 'configtest'],
github EnigmaBridge / certbot-external-auth / certbot_external_auth / View on Github external
return self.default_classic(obj)

    def default_classic(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, set):
            return list(o)
        elif isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
            return (o - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
        elif isinstance(o, bytes):
            return o.decode('UTF-8')
            return super(AutoJSONEncoder, self).default(o)

class AuthenticatorOut(common.Plugin):
    """Manual Authenticator.

    This plugin requires user's manual intervention in setting up a HTTP
    server for solving http-01 challenges and thus does not need to be
    run as a privileged process. Alternatively shows instructions on how
    to use Python's built-in HTTP server.

    Script is also based on

    hidden = True

    description = "Manual challenge solver"
github certbot / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / _internal / View on Github external
""" Distribution specific override class for macOS """
import pkg_resources
import zope.interface

from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.compat import os
from certbot_apache._internal import configurator

class DarwinConfigurator(configurator.ApacheConfigurator):
    """macOS specific ApacheConfigurator override class"""

    OS_DEFAULTS = dict(
        version_cmd=['apachectl', '-v'],
        restart_cmd=['apachectl', 'graceful'],
        conftest_cmd=['apachectl', 'configtest'],
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / View on Github external
# Note: FILEPATHS and changes to files are transactional.  They are copied
# over before the updates are made to the existing files. NEW_FILES is
# transactional due to the use of register_file_creation()

# TODO: Verify permissions on configuration root... it is easier than
#     checking permissions on each of the relative directories and less error
#     prone.
# TODO: Write a server protocol finder. Listen   or
#     Protocol .  This can verify partial setups are correct
# TODO: Add directives to sites-enabled... not sites-available.
#     sites-available doesn't allow immediate find_dir search even with save()
#     and load()

@zope.interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticator, interfaces.IInstaller)
class ApacheConfigurator(augeas_configurator.AugeasConfigurator):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
    """Apache configurator.

    State of Configurator: This code has been been tested and built for Ubuntu
    14.04 Apache 2.4 and it works for Ubuntu 12.04 Apache 2.2

    :ivar config: Configuration.
    :type config: :class:`~certbot.interfaces.IConfig`

    :ivar parser: Handles low level parsing
    :type parser: :class:`~certbot_apache.parser`

    :ivar tup version: version of Apache
    :ivar list vhosts: All vhosts found in the configuration
        (:class:`list` of :class:`~certbot_apache.obj.VirtualHost`)