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if((rate_type == 'SWAP') & (period == 'Y')):
liborIndex = Libor(
'USD Libor', Period(6, Months), settlement_days,
USDCurrency(), calendar, Actual360()
spread = SimpleQuote(0)
fwdStart = Period(0, Days)
helper = SwapRateHelper.from_tenor(
Period(tenor, Years),
calendar, Annual,
Unadjusted, Thirty360(),
liborIndex, spread, fwdStart)
elif((rate_type == 'LIBOR') & (period == 'M')):
helper = DepositRateHelper(SimpleQuote(rate),
Period(tenor, Months),
raise Exception("Rate type %s not supported" % label)
return (helper)
# libor as fixed in London, but cash-flows are determined according to
# US calendar, hence the need to combine both holidays lists
calendar = JointCalendar(UnitedStates(), UnitedKingdom())
# must be a business day
eval_date = calendar.adjust(dateToDate(dtObs))
settings.evaluation_date = eval_date
settlement_days = 2
settlement_date = calendar.advance(eval_date, settlement_days, Days)
# must be a business day
settlement_date = calendar.adjust(settlement_date);
depositData =[[1, Months, 'Libor1M'],
[3, Months, 'Libor3M'],
[6, Months, 'Libor6M']]
swapData = [[ 1, Years, 'Swap1Y'],
[ 2, Years, 'Swap2Y'],
[ 3, Years, 'Swap3Y'],
[ 4, Years, 'Swap4Y'],
[ 5, Years, 'Swap5Y'],
[ 7, Years, 'Swap7Y'],
[ 10, Years,'Swap10Y'],
[ 30, Years,'Swap30Y']]
rate_helpers = []
end_of_month = True
for m, period, label in depositData:
tenor = Period(m, Months)
dt_obs = pydate_to_qldate(dt_obs)
settings = Settings()
calendar = JointCalendar(UnitedStates(), UnitedKingdom())
# must be a business day
eval_date = calendar.adjust(dt_obs)
settings.evaluation_date = eval_date
settlement_days = 2
settlement_date = calendar.advance(eval_date, settlement_days, Days)
# must be a business day
settlement_date = calendar.adjust(settlement_date)
end_of_month = True
if((rate_type == 'SWAP') & (period == 'Y')):
liborIndex = Libor(
'USD Libor', Period(6, Months), settlement_days,
USDCurrency(), calendar, Actual360()
spread = SimpleQuote(0)
fwdStart = Period(0, Days)
helper = SwapRateHelper.from_tenor(
Period(tenor, Years),
calendar, Annual,
Unadjusted, Thirty360(),
liborIndex, spread, fwdStart)
elif((rate_type == 'LIBOR') & (period == 'M')):
helper = DepositRateHelper(SimpleQuote(rate),
Period(tenor, Months),
settings = Settings()
# Market information
calendar = TARGET()
# must be a business day
eval_date = calendar.adjust(today())
settings.evaluation_date = eval_date
settlement_days = 2
settlement_date = calendar.advance(eval_date, settlement_days, Days)
# must be a business day
settlement_date = calendar.adjust(settlement_date);
depositData =[[1, Months, 'Libor1M'],
[3, Months, 'Libor3M'],
[6, Months, 'Libor6M']]
swapData = [[ 1, Years, 'Swap1Y'],
[ 2, Years, 'Swap2Y'],
[ 3, Years, 'Swap3Y'],
[ 4, Years, 'Swap4Y'],
[ 5, Years, 'Swap5Y'],
[ 7, Years, 'Swap7Y'],
[ 10, Years,'Swap10Y'],
[ 30, Years,'Swap30Y']]
rate_helpers = []
end_of_month = True
for m, period, label in depositData:
settings = Settings()
# libor as fixed in London, but cash-flows are determined according to
# US calendar, hence the need to combine both holidays lists
calendar = JointCalendar(UnitedStates(), UnitedKingdom())
# must be a business day
eval_date = calendar.adjust(dateToDate(dtObs))
settings.evaluation_date = eval_date
settlement_days = 2
settlement_date = calendar.advance(eval_date, settlement_days, Days)
# must be a business day
settlement_date = calendar.adjust(settlement_date);
depositData =[[1, Months, 'Libor1M'],
[3, Months, 'Libor3M'],
[6, Months, 'Libor6M']]
swapData = [[ 1, Years, 'Swap1Y'],
[ 2, Years, 'Swap2Y'],
[ 3, Years, 'Swap3Y'],
[ 4, Years, 'Swap4Y'],
[ 5, Years, 'Swap5Y'],
[ 7, Years, 'Swap7Y'],
[ 10, Years,'Swap10Y'],
[ 30, Years,'Swap30Y']]
rate_helpers = []
end_of_month = True
day_counter = Actual360()
months = 3
futuresHelpers = [ FuturesRateHelper(futures[d],
d, months,
calendar, ModifiedFollowing,
True, day_counter)
for d in futures.keys() ]
settlementDays = 2
fixedLegFrequency = Annual
fixedLegTenor = Period(1,Years)
fixedLegAdjustment = Unadjusted
fixedLegDayCounter = Thirty360()
floatingLegFrequency = Semiannual
floatingLegTenor = Period(6,Months)
floatingLegAdjustment = ModifiedFollowing
swapHelpers = [ SwapRateHelper.from_tenor(swaps[(n,unit)],
Period(n,unit), calendar,
fixedLegFrequency, fixedLegAdjustment,
fixedLegDayCounter, Euribor6M())
for n, unit in swaps.keys() ]
### Curve building
ts_daycounter = ActualActual(ISDA)
# term-structure construction
helpers = depositHelpers + swapHelpers
depoSwapCurve = PiecewiseYieldCurve.from_reference_date(
BootstrapTrait.Discount, Interpolator.LogLinear, settlementDate, helpers, ts_daycounter
# ++++++++++++++++++++ Description of Yield Term Structure
# Libor data record
print("Description of the Libor used for the Yield Curve construction")
Libor_dayCounter = Actual360();
liborRates = []
liborRatesTenor = []
# INPUT : all the following data are input : the rate and the corresponding tenor
# You could make the choice of more or less data
# --> However you have tho choice the instruments with different maturities
liborRates = [ 0.002763, 0.004082, 0.005601, 0.006390, 0.007125, 0.007928, 0.009446,
liborRatesTenor = [Period(tenor, Months) for tenor in [1,2,3,4,5,6,9,12]]
for tenor, rate in zip(liborRatesTenor, liborRates):
print(tenor, "\t\t\t", rate)
# Swap data record
# description of the fixed leg of the swap
Swap_fixedLegTenor = Period(12, Months) # INPUT
Swap_fixedLegConvention = ModifiedFollowing # INPUT
Swap_fixedLegDayCounter = Actual360() # INPUT
# description of the float leg of the swap
Swap_iborIndex = Libor(
"USDLibor", Period(3,Months), settlement_days, USDCurrency(),
UnitedStates(), Actual360()
settings = Settings()
# Market information
calendar = TARGET()
# must be a business day
eval_date = calendar.adjust(today())
settings.evaluation_date = eval_date
settlement_days = 2
settlement_date = calendar.advance(eval_date, settlement_days, Days)
# must be a business day
settlement_date = calendar.adjust(settlement_date);
depositData =[[1, Months, 'Libor1M'],
[3, Months, 'Libor3M'],
[6, Months, 'Libor6M']]
swapData = [[ 1, Years, 'Swap1Y'],
[ 2, Years, 'Swap2Y'],
[ 3, Years, 'Swap3Y'],
[ 4, Years, 'Swap4Y'],
[ 5, Years, 'Swap5Y'],
[ 7, Years, 'Swap7Y'],
[ 10, Years,'Swap10Y'],
[ 30, Years,'Swap30Y']]
rate_helpers = []
end_of_month = True
print("Description of the option: ", Option_name)
print("Date of maturity: ", maturity)
print("Type of the option: ", option_type)
print("Strike of the option: ", strike)
# ++++++++++++++++++ Description of the discrete dividends
# INPUT You have to determine the frequece and rates of the discrete dividend. Here is a sollution, but she's not the only one.
# Last know dividend:
dividend = 0.75 #//0.75
next_dividend_date = Date(10,Feb,2012)
# HERE we have make the assumption that the dividend will grow with the quarterly croissance:
dividendCroissance = 1.03
dividendfrequence = Period(3, Months)
dividendDates = []
dividends = []
d = next_dividend_date
while d <= maturity:
d = d + dividendfrequence
dividend *= dividendCroissance
print("Discrete dividends ")
print("Dates Dividends ")
for date, div in zip(dividendDates, dividends):
print(date, " ", div)
settings = Settings()
# Market information
calendar = TARGET()
# must be a business day
eval_date = calendar.adjust(Date.from_datetime(dtObs))
settings.evaluation_date = eval_date
settlement_days = 2
settlement_date = calendar.advance(eval_date, settlement_days, Days)
# must be a business day
settlement_date = calendar.adjust(settlement_date)
depositData = [[1, Months, 'Libor1M'],
[3, Months, 'Libor3M'],
[6, Months, 'Libor6M']]
swapData = [[1, Years, 'Swap1Y'],
[2, Years, 'Swap2Y'],
[3, Years, 'Swap3Y'],
[4, Years, 'Swap4Y'],
[5, Years, 'Swap5Y'],
[7, Years, 'Swap7Y'],
[10, Years, 'Swap10Y'],
[30, Years, 'Swap30Y']]
rate_helpers = []
end_of_month = True
for m, period, label in depositData: