How to use the quantlib.time.api.ActualActual function in QuantLib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few QuantLib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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from quantlib.termstructures.yields.zero_curve import ZeroCurve

def flat_rate(forward, daycounter):
    return FlatForward(
        quote           = SimpleQuote(forward),
        settlement_days = 0,
        calendar        = NullCalendar(),
        daycounter      = daycounter

DtSettlement = today()

settings = Settings()
settings.evaluation_date = DtSettlement

daycounter = ActualActual()
calendar = NullCalendar()

iRate = .1
iDiv = .04

risk_free_ts = flat_rate(iRate, daycounter)
dividend_ts = flat_rate(iDiv, daycounter)

s0 = SimpleQuote(32.0)

# Bates model

v0 = 0.05
kappa = 5.0;
theta = 0.05;
sigma = 1.0e-4;
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endOfMonth, Actual360())

    spread = SimpleQuote(0)
    fwdStart = Period(0, Days)

    for m, period, label in swapData:
        rate = df_libor.get_value(dtObs, label)
        helper = SwapRateHelper(SimpleQuote(rate/100),
                 Period(m, Years), 
            calendar, Annual,
            Unadjusted, Thirty360(),
            liborIndex, spread, fwdStart)


    ts_day_counter = ActualActual(ISDA)
    tolerance = 1.0e-15

    ts = term_structure_factory(
        'discount', 'loglinear', settlement_date, rate_helpers,
        ts_day_counter, tolerance)

    return ts
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from quantlib.time.api import today, NullCalendar, ActualActual

def flat_rate(forward, daycounter):
    return FlatForward(
        forward         = SimpleQuote(forward),
        settlement_days = 0,
        calendar        = NullCalendar(),
        daycounter      = daycounter

settings = Settings.instance()
settlement_date = today()
settings.evaluation_date = settlement_date

daycounter = ActualActual()
calendar = NullCalendar()

interest_rate = .1
dividend_yield = .04

risk_free_ts = flat_rate(interest_rate, daycounter)
dividend_ts = flat_rate(dividend_yield, daycounter)

s0 = SimpleQuote(32.0)

# Heston model

v0 = 0.05
kappa = 5.0
theta = 0.05
sigma = 1.0e-4
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process = HestonProcess(
        risk_free_ts, dividend_ts, spot, params['v0'], params['kappa'],
         params['theta'], params['sigma'], params['rho'])

    model = HestonModel(process)
    engine = AnalyticHestonEngine(model, 64)

    DtSettlement = dateToQLDate(dtTrade)
    settings = Settings()
    settings.evaluation_date = DtSettlement

    calendar = TARGET()

    model_value = np.zeros(len(df_option))
    daycounter = ActualActual()
    for index, row in df_option.T.iteritems():

        dtExpiry = row['dtExpiry']

        strike = row['Strike']

        cp = Call if row['Type'] == 'C' else Put

        payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(cp, strike)

        dtExpiry = dateToQLDate(row['dtExpiry'])
        exercise = EuropeanExercise(dtExpiry)

        option = VanillaOption(payoff, exercise)
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spread = SimpleQuote(0)
    fwdStart = Period(0, Days)

    for m, period, label in swapData:
        rate = df_libor.get_value(dtObs, label)
        helper = SwapRateHelper.from_tenor(
            SimpleQuote(rate / 100.0),
            Period(m, Years),
            calendar, Semiannual,
            ModifiedFollowing, Thirty360(),
            liborIndex, spread, fwdStart)


    ts_day_counter = ActualActual(ISDA)
    tolerance = 1.0e-15

    ts = PiecewiseYieldCurve.from_reference_date(BootstrapTrait.Discount,
    ts.extrapolation = True
    return ts
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    spread = SimpleQuote(0)
    fwdStart = Period(0, Days)

    for m, period, label in swapData:
        rate = df_libor.get_value(dtObs, label)
        helper = SwapRateHelper.from_tenor(rate/100.,
                 Period(m, Years), 
            calendar, Annual,
            Unadjusted, Thirty360(),
            liborIndex, spread, fwdStart)


    ts_day_counter = ActualActual(ISDA)
    tolerance = 1.0e-15

    ts = term_structure_factory('discount', 'loglinear',
         settlement_date, rate_helpers,
         ts_day_counter, tolerance)

    return ts
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def _blsprice(spot, strike, risk_free_rate, time, volatility,
             option_type='Call', dividend=0.0, calc='price'):
    Black-Scholes option pricing model + greeks.
    _spot = SimpleQuote(spot)

    daycounter = ActualActual(ISMA)
    risk_free_ts = FlatForward(today(), risk_free_rate, daycounter)
    dividend_ts = FlatForward(today(), dividend, daycounter)
    volatility_ts = BlackConstantVol(today(), NullCalendar(),
                                     volatility, daycounter)

    process = BlackScholesMertonProcess(_spot, dividend_ts,
                                        risk_free_ts, volatility_ts)

    exercise_date = today() + Period(time * 365, Days)
    exercise = EuropeanExercise(exercise_date)

    payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(option_type, strike)

    option = EuropeanOption(payoff, exercise)
    engine = AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process)
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def _blsimpv(price, spot, strike, risk_free_rate, time,
             option_type='Call', dividend=0.0):

    spot = SimpleQuote(spot)
    daycounter = ActualActual()
    risk_free_ts = FlatForward(today(), risk_free_rate, daycounter)
    dividend_ts = FlatForward(today(), dividend, daycounter)
    volatility_ts = BlackConstantVol(today(), NullCalendar(),
                                     .3, daycounter)

    process = BlackScholesMertonProcess(spot, dividend_ts,
                                        risk_free_ts, volatility_ts)

    exercise_date = today() + Period(time * 365, Days)
    exercise = EuropeanExercise(exercise_date)

    payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(option_type, strike)

    option = EuropeanOption(payoff, exercise)
    engine = AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process)
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from quantlib.models.equity.heston_model import HestonModel
from quantlib.quotes import SimpleQuote
from quantlib.settings import Settings
from quantlib.time.api import today, NullCalendar, ActualActual
from quantlib.util.rates import flat_rate
import pylab as pl
from quantlib.sim.simulate import simulate_model

# The Heston Process
# ------------------

settings = Settings.instance()
settlement_date = today()
settings.evaluation_date = settlement_date

daycounter = ActualActual()
calendar = NullCalendar()

interest_rate = .1
dividend_yield = .04

risk_free_ts = flat_rate(interest_rate, daycounter)
dividend_ts = flat_rate(dividend_yield, daycounter)

s0 = SimpleQuote(100.0)

# Heston model

v0 = 0.05
kappa = 5.0
theta = 0.05
sigma = 1.0e-4