How to use the routing-controllers.OnUndefined function in routing-controllers

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few routing-controllers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bradymholt / koa-vuejs-template / api / controllers / AuthController.ts View on Github external
if (await, user.hashedPassword)) {
      if (!user.emailConfirmed) {
        throw new BadRequestError("You must have a confirmed email to log in.");

      let token = jwt.sign({ userId: "1" }, config.get("jwt.key"), {
        expiresIn: config.get("jwt.expiry")
      return { token };
    } else {
      throw new BadRequestError(invalidCredentialsMessage);

  async register(@Body() credentials: AuthCredentialsNew) {
    // Create a new user
    let newUser = new User(); =;
    let hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(credentials.password, 3);
    newUser.hashedPassword = hashedPassword;
    await this.getRepo().persist(newUser);

    // Send confirmation email
    let confirmEmailToken = jwt.sign(
      { userId: },
      { expiresIn: config.get("jwt.expiry") }
    let emailConfirmUrl = `${config.get(
github geli-lms / geli / api / src / controllers / AuthController.ts View on Github external
   * @api {post} /api/auth/register Register user
   * @apiName PostAuthRegister
   * @apiGroup Auth
   * @apiParam {IUser} user New user to be registered.
   * @apiError BadRequestError That matriculation number is already in use
   * @apiError BadRequestError That email address is already in use
   * @apiError BadRequestError You can only sign up as student or teacher
   * @apiError BadRequestError You are not allowed to register as teacher
   * @apiError InternalServerError Could not send E-Mail
  async postRegister(@Body() user: IUser) {
    const existingUser = await User.findOne({$or: [{email:}, {uid: user.uid}]});
    // If user is not unique, return error
    if (existingUser) {
      if (user.role === 'student' && existingUser.uid === user.uid) {
        throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.errorCodes.duplicateUid.code);
      if ( === {
        throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.errorCodes.mail.duplicate.code);
    if (user.role !== 'teacher' && user.role !== 'student') {
      throw new BadRequestError('You can only sign up as student or teacher');
    if (user.role === 'teacher' && (typeof !== 'string' || ! {
      throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.errorCodes.mail.noTeacher.code);
github SammyLiang97 / Mikey / src / controllers / user.controller.ts View on Github external
const openid =
            const oldUser = await this.userService.userModel.findOne({openid: openid})
            if (oldUser) {
                return this.userService.signUser(oldUser)
            } else {
                const newUser = await this.userService.createNewCustomer(openid)
                return this.userService.signUser(newUser)
        } catch (e) {
            throw new UnauthorizedError()

    async saveUserInfoFromWechat(@BodyParam('avatarUrl', {required: true}) avatarUrl: string,
                                 @BodyParam('nickName', {required: true}) nickName: string,
                                 @State('user') user: Payload): Promise {
        await this.userService.userModel.update({_id:}, {
            avatarUrl: avatarUrl,
            nickName: nickName

    shareEvaluate(@State('user') user: Payload, @BodyParam('shareKey', {required: true}) shareKey: string): void {
            key: shareKey,
            expiresAt: + ms(Environment.shareKeyExpires)
github geli-lms / geli / api / src / controllers / AuthController.ts View on Github external
* @apiName ActivationResend
   * @apiGroup Auth
   * @apiParam {string} lastname lastname of user which activation should be resend.
   * @apiParam {string} uid matriculation number of user which activation should be resend.
   * @apiParam {string} email email the new activation should be sent to.
   * @apiError (BadRequestError) 400 User was not found.
   * @apiError (BadRequestError) 400 That email address is already in use
   * @apiError (BadRequestError) 400 User is already activated.
   * @apiError (HttpError) 503 You can only resend the activation every X minutes. Your next chance is in
   * time left till next try in 'try-after' header in seconds
   * @apiError (InternalServerError) Could not send E-Mail
  async activationResend (@BodyParam('lastname') lastname: string,
                                      @BodyParam('uid') uid: string,
                                      @BodyParam('email') email: string,
                                      @Res() response: Response) {
        const user = await User.findOne({'profile.lastName': lastname, uid: uid, role: 'student'});

        if (!user) {
          throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.errorCodes.user.userNotFound.code);

        if (user.isActive) {
          throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.errorCodes.user.userAlreadyActive.code);

        const timeSinceUpdate: number = ( - user.updatedAt.getTime() ) / 60000;
        if (timeSinceUpdate < Number(config.timeTilNextActivationResendMin)) {
github bradymholt / koa-vuejs-template / api / controllers / ContactController.ts View on Github external
async post(@Body() contact: Contact) {
    return await this.getRepo().persist(contact);

  async put(@Param("id") id: number, @Body() contact: Contact) {
    let existingContact = await this.getRepo().findOneById(id);
    if (existingContact) {
      Object.assign(existingContact, contact);
      return await this.getRepo().persist(existingContact);

  async remove(@Param("id") id: number) {
    let existingContact = await this.getRepo().findOneById(id);
    if (!existingContact) {
      throw new NotFoundError("Not found");
    } else {
      let result = await this.getRepo().remove(existingContact);

  private getRepo() {
    return getConnection().getRepository(Contact);
github w3tecch / express-typescript-boilerplate / src / api / controllers / UserController.ts View on Github external
        private userService: UserService
    ) { }

    public find(): Promise {
        return this.userService.find();

    public findMe(@Req() req: any): Promise {
        return req.user;

    public one(@Param('id') id: string): Promise {
        return this.userService.findOne(id);

    public create(@Body() user: User): Promise {
        return this.userService.create(user);

    public update(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() user: User): Promise {
        return this.userService.update(id, user);

    public delete(@Param('id') id: string): Promise {
github bradymholt / koa-vuejs-template / api / controllers / ContactController.ts View on Github external

  async getOne(@Param("id") id: number) {
    if (id) {
      return await this.getRepo().findOneById(id);

  async post(@Body() contact: Contact) {
    return await this.getRepo().persist(contact);

  async put(@Param("id") id: number, @Body() contact: Contact) {
    let existingContact = await this.getRepo().findOneById(id);
    if (existingContact) {
      Object.assign(existingContact, contact);
      return await this.getRepo().persist(existingContact);

  async remove(@Param("id") id: number) {
    let existingContact = await this.getRepo().findOneById(id);
    if (!existingContact) {
      throw new NotFoundError("Not found");
    } else {
      let result = await this.getRepo().remove(existingContact);
github SammyLiang97 / Mikey / src / controllers / user.controller.ts View on Github external

    async saveUserInfoFromWechat(@BodyParam('avatarUrl', {required: true}) avatarUrl: string,
                                 @BodyParam('nickName', {required: true}) nickName: string,
                                 @State('user') user: Payload): Promise {
        await this.userService.userModel.update({_id:}, {
            avatarUrl: avatarUrl,
            nickName: nickName

    shareEvaluate(@State('user') user: Payload, @BodyParam('shareKey', {required: true}) shareKey: string): void {
            key: shareKey,
            expiresAt: + ms(Environment.shareKeyExpires)

    async getShareEvaluateData(@Param('shareKey') shareKey: string) {
        const s = await this.userService.shareModel.findOne({key: shareKey})

        if (new Date() > s.expiresAt) {
            throw new BadRequestError()
        } else {
github w3tecch / express-typescript-boilerplate / src / api / controllers / PetController.ts View on Github external
export class PetController {

        private petService: PetService
    ) { }

    public find(): Promise {
        return this.petService.find();

    public one(@Param('id') id: string): Promise {
        return this.petService.findOne(id);

    public create(@Body() pet: Pet): Promise {
        return this.petService.create(pet);

    public update(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() pet: Pet): Promise {
        return this.petService.update(id, pet);

    public delete(@Param('id') id: string): Promise {