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import {Body, Post, JsonController, UseBefore, UploadedFile, BadRequestError, Authorized} from 'routing-controllers';
import fs = require('fs');
import passportJwtMiddleware from '../security/passportJwtMiddleware';
import {VideoUnit} from '../models/units/VideoUnit';
import {UnitController} from './UnitController';
const uploadOptions = {destination: 'uploads/'};
export class UploadUnitController extends UnitController {
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
addVideoUnit(@UploadedFile('file', {options: uploadOptions}) file: any, @Body() data: any) {
// discard invalid requests
if (!data.lectureId) {
throw new BadRequestError('Misssing lectureId');
if (! {
throw new BadRequestError('Misssing name');
// path for file upload units (for now video only)
if (file) {
return new VideoUnit({
description: data.description,
_course: data.courseId,
const savedTask: ITaskModel = savedTasks[i];
return new TaskUnit(data.model).save();
.then((savedTaskUnit) => {
return this.pushToLecture(data.lectureId, savedTaskUnit);
private addTask(task: ITask) {
return new Task(task).save();
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
async updateUnit(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() unit: ITaskUnit) {
if (unit.tasks) {
unit.tasks = await Promise.all( => {
// update task if exists
if (task._id) {
return Task.findByIdAndUpdate(task._id, task, {'new': true});
return new Task(task).save();
return TaskUnit.findByIdAndUpdate(id, unit, {'new': true})
.then((u) => u.toObject());
* "id": "5a037e6a60f72236d8e7c815"
* },
* "active": true,
* "__v": 1,
* "whitelist": [],
* "enrollType": "free",
* "lectures": [],
* "students": [],
* "teachers": [],
* "id": "5a037e6b60f72236d8e7c83d",
* "hasAccessKey": false
* }
* @apiError BadRequestError Course name already in use.
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
addCourse(@Body() course: ICourse, @Req() request: Request, @CurrentUser() currentUser: IUser) {
course.courseAdmin = currentUser;
return Course.findOne({name:})
.then((existingCourse) => {
if (existingCourse) {
throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.errorCodes.course.duplicateName.code);
return new Course(course).save()
.then((c) => c.toObject());
* @api {post} /api/courses/mail Send mail to selected users
* @apiName PostCourseMail
} from "routing-controllers";
import {
} from "../../decorators/PaginationInfo";
import { CrudServices, IFetchPageQuery } from "../../services/CrudServices";
import { CurrentUser } from "../../decorators/CurrentUser";
export class ProductsController {
private crudServices: CrudServices;
constructor() {
this.crudServices = new CrudServices();
public async getProductById(@Param("id") id: string): Promise {
const res = await this.crudServices.fetchById(id);
return res || {};
public async getProducts(
async getPages() {
const pages = await Page.find();
return => page.toObject());
async getPage(@Param('path') path: string, @CurrentUser() currentUser: IUser) {
const accessedPage = await Page.findOne({'path': path});
return accessedPage.toObject();
async addPage(@Body() data: any) {
try {
const page = await Page.create(data);
return page.toObject();
} catch (error) {
const debug = error;
async updatePage() {
return new BadRequestError('Not implemented');
* $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden'
* 404:
* $ref: '#/responses/NotFound'
* 405:
* $ref: '#/responses/MethodNotAllowed'
* 406:
* $ref: '#/responses/NotAcceptable'
* 500:
* $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError'
* 504:
* $ref: '#/responses/GatewayTimeout'
* default:
* $ref: '#/responses/DefaultError'
public async deleteUser(@Param('id') id: number): Promise {
return await this.userService.delete(id);
* @swagger
* /users/login:
* post:
* summary: Authenticates a specific user
* description: Authenticates the provided user on the database using username / email address and password
* operationId: loginUser
* tags: [user]
* consumes:
* - application/json
* produces:
* - application/json
* {
* "__v": 0,
* "updatedAt": "2018-03-21T23:22:23.758Z",
* "createdAt": "2018-03-21T23:22:23.758Z",
* "_id": "5ab2e92fda32ac2ab0f04b78",
* "firstName": "max",
* "lastName": "mustermann",
* "uid": "876543",
* "courseId": {...},
* "id": "5ab2e92fda32ac2ab0f04b78"
* }
* @apiError BadRequestError That matriculation number is already in use for this course.
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
async addWhitelistUser(@Body() whitelistUser: IWhitelistUser) {
let savedWhitelistUser;
try {
savedWhitelistUser = await new WhitelistUser(this.toMongooseObjectId(whitelistUser)).save();
} catch (err) {
throw new BadRequestError(errorCodes.whitelist.duplicateWhitelistUser.text);
await this.addUserIfFound(whitelistUser);
return savedWhitelistUser.toObject();
* @api {put} /api/whitelist/:id Update whitelist user
* @apiName PutWhitelistUser
* @apiGroup Whitelist
* @apiPermission teacher
name: uploadedFile.originalname,
physicalPath: uploadedFile.path,
link: uploadedFile.filename,
size: uploadedFile.size,
mimeType: uploadedFile.mimetype,
const savedFile = await new File(file).save();
const parent = await Directory.findById(parentDirectoryId);
return savedFile.toObject();
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
async updateDirectory(@Param('id') directoryId: string, @Body() updatedDirectory: IDirectory) {
const directory = await Directory.findById(directoryId);
const savedDirectory = await;
return savedDirectory.toObject();
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
async updateFile(@Param('id') fileId: string, @Body() updatedFile: IFile) {
const file = await File.findById(fileId);
const savedFile = await;
return savedFile.toObject();
import {
Authorized, Body, Delete, Get, JsonController, OnUndefined, Param, Post, Put, Req
} from 'routing-controllers';
import { UserNotFoundError } from '../errors/UserNotFoundError';
import { User } from '../models/User';
import { UserService } from '../services/UserService';
export class UserController {
private userService: UserService
) { }
public find(): Promise {
return this.userService.find();
public findMe(@Req() req: any): Promise {
return req.user;
import {Authorized, CurrentUser, JsonController, Param, Post, UploadedFile, UseBefore} from 'routing-controllers';
import passportJwtMiddleware from '../security/passportJwtMiddleware';
import {Course} from '../models/Course';
import {Lecture} from '../models/Lecture';
import {Unit} from '../models/units/Unit';
import {IUser} from '../../../shared/models/IUser';
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
export class ImportController {
* @api {post} /api/import/course Import course
* @apiName PostImportCourse
* @apiGroup Import
* @apiPermission teacher
* @apiPermission admin
* @apiParam {Object} file Uploaded file.
* @apiParam {IUser} currentUser Currently logged in user.
* @apiSuccess {Course} course Imported course.
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* {