Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
} else if (['username', 'address', 'publicKey'].indexOf(d.sortField) > -1) {
delegates.sort((a, b) => {
if (d.sortMethod === 'ASC') {
return a[d.sortField].localeCompare(b[d.sortField]);
} else {
return b[d.sortField].localeCompare(a[d.sortField]);
return { delegates: delegates.slice(d.offset, d.limit), totalCount: d.count };
public async getFee(@SchemaValid(schema.getFee, { castNumbers: true })
@QueryParams() params: { height?: number }) {
const f = this.system.getFees(params.height);
const { delegate } = f.fees;
delete f.fees;
return { ...f, ... { fee: delegate } };
public async getForgedByAccount(@SchemaValid(schema.getForgedByAccount, { castNumbers: true })
// tslint:disable-next-line max-line-length
@QueryParams() params: { generatorPublicKey: publicKey, start?: number, end?: number }) {
if (typeof(params.start) !== 'undefined' || typeof(params.end) !== 'undefined') {
const msg = this.userSrv.createMsg();
user.firstName = MockJs.Random.first();
user.lastName = MockJs.Random.last();
user.cName = MockJs.Random.cname() + MockJs.Random.cfirst();
user.age = getRandom(60); = getRandom(100) > 50 ? 0 : 1
// save
let _msg = this.userSrv.createMsg()
user.message = [msg, _msg]
return "Success";
async getOne(@Param("id") id: number) {
return await User.find({ relations: ["message"], where: { id: id } });
post(@Body() user: any) {
return "Saving user...";
put(@Param("id") id: number, @Body() user: any) {
return "Updating a user...";
remove(@Param("id") id: number) {
* "id": "5a037e6a60f72236d8e7c815"
* },
* "active": true,
* "__v": 1,
* "whitelist": [],
* "enrollType": "free",
* "lectures": [],
* "students": [],
* "teachers": [],
* "id": "5a037e6b60f72236d8e7c83d",
* "hasAccessKey": false
* }
* @apiError NotFoundError
async getCourse(@Param('id') id: string, @CurrentUser() currentUser: IUser) {
const course = await Course.findOne({
_id: id
// TODO: Do not send lectures when student has no access
path: 'lectures',
populate: {
path: 'units',
virtuals: true,
populate: {
path: 'progressData',
match: {user: {$eq: currentUser._id}}
import passportJwtMiddleware from '../security/passportJwtMiddleware';
import {Progress} from '../models/Progress';
import {IProgress} from '../../../shared/models/IProgress';
import {IUser} from '../../../shared/models/IUser';
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
import {Course} from '../models/Course';
import {ILecture} from '../../../shared/models/ILecture';
import {IUnit} from '../../../shared/models/units/IUnit';
@Authorized(['teacher', 'admin'])
export class ReportController {
getUnitProgress(@Param('id') id: string) {
return Progress.find({'unit': id})
.then((progresses) => => progress.toObject({virtuals: true})));
getCourseOverview(@Param('id') id: string) {
const coursePromise = Course.findOne({_id: id})
name: 1,
lectures: 1,
students: 1
path: 'lectures',
populate: {
async getTodos(@Param('date') date: string,
@State('user') user: Payload
): Promise {
return await this.todoService.todoModel.find({
createdAt: {
$gte: new Date(date).getTime(),
$lt: new Date(date).getTime() + ms('1d')
async getTodosDateSet(@Param('year_month') year_month: string, @State('user') user: Payload) {
let res = []
await this.todoService.todoModel.find({user:, createdAt: {$gte: new Date(year_month).getTime(), $lte: new Date(year_month).getTime() + ms('31d')}})
.then(data => {
data.forEach(t => {
res.push(`${t.createdAt.getFullYear()}/${t.createdAt.getMonth() + 1}/${t.createdAt.getDate()}`)
return Array.from(new Set(res))
async UpdateTodo(@Param('id') id: string,
@Body() todo: ITodo,
import { IFetchPageQuery } from "../../services/CrudServices";
import { ReceivingServices } from "../../services/ReceivingServices";
import { CurrentUser } from "../../decorators/CurrentUser";
export class ReceivingsController {
constructor(private receivingServices: ReceivingServices) {}
public async getReceivingById(@Param("id") id: string): Promise {
const res = await this.receivingServices.fetchById(id);
return res || {};
public async getReceivings(
@PaginationInfo() paginationInfo: IPaginationQueryParam,
@QueryParam("q") search?: string
): Promise {
const query: IFetchPageQuery = {
perPage: paginationInfo.perPage,
page: paginationInfo.pageNo
return await this.receivingServices.fetchPages(query);
public async createNewReceiving(
@Body() Receiving: Receiving,
@CurrentUser() userid: string
import { Controller, Get } from 'routing-controllers';
export default class TabHomeController {
public portalGet() {
return {
success: true,
code: '0000',
message: 'success',
data: {
name: 'Tom'
* 403:
* $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden'
* 404:
* $ref: '#/responses/NotFound'
* 405:
* $ref: '#/responses/MethodNotAllowed'
* 406:
* $ref: '#/responses/NotAcceptable'
* 500:
* $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError'
* 504:
* $ref: '#/responses/GatewayTimeout'
* default:
* $ref: '#/responses/DefaultError'
public async userHealth(
@CurrentUser({ required: true })
user: User
): Promise {
if (user) {
return user.sanitize();
throw new UnauthorizedError('Invalid Token');
* @swagger
* /users/forgotPassword:
* post:
* summary: Allow a user to reset their password
* "5ab2b8dd6fab4a3ae0cd6736": false,
* "5ab2b8dd6fab4a3ae0cd6735": true
* },
* "5ab2b8dd6fab4a3ae0cd6731": {
* "5ab2b8dd6fab4a3ae0cd6733": false,
* "5ab2b8dd6fab4a3ae0cd6732": true
* }
* },
* "type": "task-unit-progress",
* "user": "5a037e6a60f72236d8e7c813",
* "__v": 0,
* "__t": "task-unit-progress",
* "id": "5ab2b9516fab4a3ae0cd6737"
* }]
getUnitProgress(@Param('id') id: string) {
return Progress.find({'unit': id})
.then((progresses) => => progress.toObject({virtuals: true})));
* @api {get} /api/progress/courses/:id Get course progress
* @apiName GetCourseProgress
* @apiGroup Progress
* @apiParam {String} id Course ID.
* @apiSuccess {Progress[]} progresses List of progress.
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* [{
import ThreadConnection from '../../../entity/ThreadConnection'
import { Repository } from 'typeorm'
import Thread from '../../../entity/Thread'
import Service from '../../../entity/Service'
import Message from '../../../entity/Message'
export default class ConnectionsController {
connectionsRepository: Repository
context: ChatPlugContext
constructor(context: ChatPlugContext) {
this.context = context
this.connectionsRepository = context.connection.getRepository(ThreadConnection)
async getConnections() {
return this.connectionsRepository.find({ deleted: false })
async getConnectionById(@Param('id') id : number) {
return this.connectionsRepository.findOne({ id })
async deleteConnectionById(@Param('id') id : number) {
await this.context.connection.createQueryBuilder()
.set({ deleted: true })
.where(' = :threadConnection', { threadConnection: id })