How to use the rosbag.TimeUtil.isLessThan function in rosbag

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github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / dataProviders / ReadAheadDataProvider.js View on Github external
async _getMessages(start: Time, end: Time, topics: string[]): Promise {
    // if our topics change we need to clear out the cached ranges, or if we're
    // reading from before the first range.
    if (
      intersection(this._topics, topics).length !== topics.length ||
      !this._current ||
      TimeUtil.isLessThan(start, this._current.start)
    ) {
      this._topics = topics;
      this._current = undefined;
      this._next = undefined;
    let messages = [];
    const currentMatches = this._current && this._current.overlaps(start, end);
    const nextMatches = this._next && this._next.overlaps(start, end);
    if (/*:: this._current && */ currentMatches) {
      messages = messages.concat(await this._current.getMessages(start, end));
    if (/*:: this._next && */ nextMatches) {
      messages = messages.concat(await this._next.getMessages(start, end));
    if ((!currentMatches && !nextMatches) || (this._next && TimeUtil.isGreaterThan(end, this._next.end))) {
      let startTime = start;
github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / players / automatedRun / AutomatedRunPlayer.js View on Github external
if (this._isPlaying) {
      return; // Only run once
    this._isPlaying = true;"AutomatedRunPlayer._run()");
    await this._emitState([], this._providerResult.start);

    let currentTime = this._providerResult.start;
      bagLengthMs: toMillis(subtractTimes(this._providerResult.end, this._providerResult.start), "round-up"),

    const nsBagTimePerFrame = Math.round(this._msPerFrame * this._speed * 1000000);

    let frameCount = 0;
    while (TimeUtil.isLessThan(currentTime, this._providerResult.end)) {
      if (this._error) {
      const end = TimeUtil.add(currentTime, { sec: 0, nsec: nsBagTimePerFrame });
      const messages = await this._getMessages(currentTime, end);

      await this._emitState(messages, end);

      await this._client.onFrameFinished(frameCount);

      currentTime = TimeUtil.add(end, { sec: 0, nsec: 1 });
github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / components / MessagePipeline / index.js View on Github external
datatypes?: RosDatatypes,
  messages?: Message[],
  setSubscriptions?: (string, SubscribePayload[]) => void,
  noActiveData?: boolean,
  activeData?: $Shape,
  capabilities?: string[],
  store?: any,
  seekPlayback?: (Time) => void,
  startTime?: Time,
  endTime?: Time,
|}) {
  const storeRef = useRef( || configureStore(createRootReducer(createMemoryHistory())));
  const startTime = useRef();
  let currentTime;
  for (const message of props.messages || []) {
    if (!startTime.current || TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, startTime.current)) {
      startTime.current = message.receiveTime;
    if (!currentTime || TimeUtil.isLessThan(currentTime, message.receiveTime)) {
      currentTime = message.receiveTime;

  const [allSubscriptions, setAllSubscriptions] = useState<{ [string]: SubscribePayload[] }>({});
  const flattenedSubscriptions: SubscribePayload[] = useMemo(
    () => flatten(Object.keys(allSubscriptions).map((k) => allSubscriptions[k])),
  const setSubscriptions = useCallback((id, subs) => setAllSubscriptions((s) => ({ ...s, [id]: subs })), [
github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / dataProviders / ReadAheadDataProvider.js View on Github external
overlaps(start: Time, end: Time) {
    return !TimeUtil.isLessThan(end, this.start) && !TimeUtil.isLessThan(this.end, start);
github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / dataProviders / ApiCheckerDataProvider.js View on Github external
if (!this._topicNames.includes(topic)) {
          `Requested topic (${topic}) is not in the list of topics published by "initialize" (${JSON.stringify(

    const messages = await this._provider.getMessages(start, end, topics);
    let lastTime: ?Time;
    for (const message: DataProviderMessage of messages) {
      if (!topics.includes(message.topic)) {
        this._error(`message.topic (${message.topic}) was never requested (${JSON.stringify(topics)})`);
      if (TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, start)) {
          `message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(message.receiveTime)}) is before start (${formatTimeRaw(start)})`
      if (TimeUtil.isLessThan(end, message.receiveTime)) {
        this._error(`message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(message.receiveTime)}) is after end (${formatTimeRaw(end)})`);
      if (lastTime && TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, lastTime)) {
          `message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(
          )}) is before previous message receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(lastTime)}) -- messages are not sorted by time`
      lastTime = message.receiveTime;
github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / dataProviders / ApiCheckerDataProvider.js View on Github external
const messages = await this._provider.getMessages(start, end, topics);
    let lastTime: ?Time;
    for (const message: DataProviderMessage of messages) {
      if (!topics.includes(message.topic)) {
        this._error(`message.topic (${message.topic}) was never requested (${JSON.stringify(topics)})`);
      if (TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, start)) {
          `message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(message.receiveTime)}) is before start (${formatTimeRaw(start)})`
      if (TimeUtil.isLessThan(end, message.receiveTime)) {
        this._error(`message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(message.receiveTime)}) is after end (${formatTimeRaw(end)})`);
      if (lastTime && TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, lastTime)) {
          `message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(
          )}) is before previous message receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(lastTime)}) -- messages are not sorted by time`
      lastTime = message.receiveTime;
    return messages;
github cruise-automation / webviz / packages / webviz-core / src / dataProviders / ApiCheckerDataProvider.js View on Github external

    const messages = await this._provider.getMessages(start, end, topics);
    let lastTime: ?Time;
    for (const message: DataProviderMessage of messages) {
      if (!topics.includes(message.topic)) {
        this._error(`message.topic (${message.topic}) was never requested (${JSON.stringify(topics)})`);
      if (TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, start)) {
          `message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(message.receiveTime)}) is before start (${formatTimeRaw(start)})`
      if (TimeUtil.isLessThan(end, message.receiveTime)) {
        this._error(`message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(message.receiveTime)}) is after end (${formatTimeRaw(end)})`);
      if (lastTime && TimeUtil.isLessThan(message.receiveTime, lastTime)) {
          `message.receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(
          )}) is before previous message receiveTime (${formatTimeRaw(lastTime)}) -- messages are not sorted by time`
      lastTime = message.receiveTime;
    return messages;


`rosbag` is a node.js & browser compatible module for reading [rosbag]( binary data files.

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