Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if (isDCDataExist) {
const map = new Map({
target: this.refs.mapContainer,
view: new View({
projection: 'EPSG:4326',
center: [114.2029, 22.3844],
zoom: 13,
this.featureOverlay = new VectorLayer({
source: new VectorSource(),
map: map,
style: function(feature) {
return highlightStyle
if (isDCDataExist) {
// Fit to feature
const features = this.featureSource.getFeatures()
for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
if (features[i].getProperties().CACODE === code) {
const extent = features[i].getGeometry().getExtent()
map.getView().fit(extent, {
size: map.getSize(),
padding: [10, 10, 10, 10],
let drawInteraction = new Ol_Interaction_Draw({
source: mapLayer.getSource(),
type: olGeometryType,
geometryFunction: geometryFunction,
style: drawStyle,
wrapX: true,
if (appConfig.DEFAULT_MAP_EXTENT) {
// Override creation of overlay_ so we can pass in an extent
// since OL doesn't let you do this via options
drawInteraction.overlay_ = new Ol_Layer_Vector({
extent: appConfig.DEFAULT_MAP_EXTENT,
source: new Ol_Source_Vector({
useSpatialIndex: false,
wrapX: true
style: drawStyle
// Set callback
drawInteraction.on("drawend", event => {
if (typeof onDrawEnd === "function") {
// store type of feature and id for later reference
let geometry = this.retrieveGeometryFromEvent(event, geometryType);
event.feature.set("interactionType", interactionType);
onDrawEnd(geometry, event);
} else {
feature = new Feature({
geometry: this.createOLGeometry(geometry.geometry ? geometry.geometry : {...geometry,, center })
// TODO CHECK THIS WITH FeatureCollection
if (features.length === 0 && (options.editEnabled || options.drawEnabled)) {
if (options.transformToFeatureCollection) {
this.drawSource = new VectorSource({
features: (new GeoJSON()).readFeatures(
type: "FeatureCollection", features: []
} else {
feature = new Feature({
geometry: this.createOLGeometry({type: drawMethod, coordinates: null})
} else {
if (features[0] && features[0].type === "GeometryCollection" ) {
this.drawSource = new VectorSource({
// Features added / remove
this.added_ = [];
this.removed_ = [];
// Source to split
if (options.features)
{ this.source_ = new ol_source_Vector({ features: options.features });
{ this.source_ = options.source ? options.source : new ol_source_Vector({ features: new ol_Collection() });
var trigger = this.triggerSource;
if (options.triggerFeatures)
{ trigger = new ol_source_Vector({ features: options.triggerFeatures });
if (trigger)
{ trigger.on("addfeature", this.onAddFeature.bind(this));
trigger.on("changefeature", this.onChangeFeature.bind(this));
trigger.on("removefeature", this.onRemoveFeature.bind(this));
{ this.source_.on("addfeature", this.onAddFeature.bind(this));
this.source_.on("changefeature", this.onChangeFeature.bind(this));
this.source_.on("removefeature", this.onRemoveFeature.bind(this));
// Split tolerance between the calculated intersection and the geometry
this.tolerance_ = options.tolerance || 1e-10;
createVectorKMLSource(layer, options) {
// customize the layer url if needed
if (
typeof options.url !== "undefined" &&
typeof layer.getIn(["urlFunctions", appStrings.MAP_LIB_2D]) !== "undefined"
) {
let urlFunction = this.tileHandler.getUrlFunction(
layer.getIn(["urlFunctions", appStrings.MAP_LIB_2D])
options.url = urlFunction({
layer: layer,
url: options.url
return new Ol_Source_Vector({
url: options.url,
format: new Ol_Format_KML()
// todo initialize without interactions and provide vl-interaction-default component
if (this.defaultInteractions instanceof Collection) {
this._interactionsCollection = this.defaultInteractions
} else if (this.defaultInteractions !== false) {
this._interactionsCollection = createDefaultInteractions(
? this.defaultInteractions
: undefined,
this._interactionsCollection.forEach(interaction => initializeInteraction(interaction))
// prepare default overlay
this._featuresOverlay = new VectorLayer({
source: new VectorSource({
features: this.$featuresCollection,
wrapX: this.wrapX,
var vectorLayer1 = new VectorLayer({
source: new VectorSource({
features: [feature1],
wrapX: false
var feature2 = new Feature(new Polygon([
[0, 0],
[-15, 30],
[-20, 0],
[0, 0]
var polygonSource2 = new VectorSource({
features: [feature2],
wrapX: false
var vectorLayer2 = new VectorLayer({
source: polygonSource2
const layers = new LayerGroup({
layers: [vectorLayer1, new LayerGroup({
layers: [vectorLayer, vectorLayer2]
setTimeout(() => {
let pixel = map.getPixelFromCoordinate([-11, 7]);
let count=0;
var ol_graph_Vector = function (options){
options = options || {}; (this, options);
this.edges = options.source || new ol_source_Vector({ useSpatialIndex: true });
this.edges.on('changefeature', this.changeEdge.bind(this));
this.edges.on('addfeature', this.addEdge.bind(this));
this.edges.on('removefeature', this.removeEdge.bind(this));
ol_ext_inherits (ol_graph_Vector, ol_Object);
let onMapChangeMobile = () => {
if (map.get('mobile')) {
this.centerOnPopup_ = false
} else {
this.centerOnPopup_ = this.centerOnPopupInitial_
if (this.getMap()) {
this.getMap().un('change:mobile', onMapChangeMobile)
this.map_ = map
if (map) {
this.utilitySource_ = new VectorSource()
this.utilityLayer_ = new VectorLayer({
visible: false,
source: this.utilitySource_
this.layers_ = []
let interaction = new MapEventInteraction({ type: 'singleclick' })
interaction.on('mapevent', e => this.handleClickEvent(e))
map.addDefaultInteraction('singleclick', interaction)
let hoverInteraction = new MapEventInteraction({ type: 'pointermove' })
hoverInteraction.on('mapevent', e => this.handlePointerMoveEvent(e))
const format = formats[i];
try {
features = format.readFeatures(result, {
featureProjection: projection
} catch (e) {
if (features && features.length > 0) {
loadedType = format.type;
bLoaded = true;
if (bLoaded) {
const source = new olSourceVector();
const layer = new olVectorLayer({
source: source
layer.set(LayerProperty.LAYER_NAME, layerName);
layer.set(LayerProperty.LAYER_TYPE, loadedType);
layer.set(LayerProperty.IS_EXTERNAL, true)
layer.set(LayerProperty.IS_GROUP, false);
that.addLayer(layerName, layer);
callback(getLayerInfo(layer, true));
} else {
callback(new Error(tr("ADD_LOCAL_FILE_LAYER_FAILURE", locale)));
} else {
callback(new Error(tr("ADD_LOCAL_FILE_LAYER_FAILURE_NOT_TEXT", locale)));