How to use the ol/proj.get function in ol

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ol examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nasa / common-mapping-client / src / _core / utils / MapWrapper_openlayers.js View on Github external
static prepProjection() {
        // define the projection for this application and reproject defaults
        proj4js.defs(appConfig.DEFAULT_PROJECTION.code, appConfig.DEFAULT_PROJECTION.proj4Def);

        // Ol3 doesn't properly handle the "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
        // string in getCapabilities and parses it into "OGC:CRS84". This
        // hopefully adds that as an equivalent projection
        let epsg4326Proj = Ol_Proj.get("EPSG:4326");
        let ogcCrs84Proj = new Ol_Proj_Projection({
            code: "OGC:CRS84",
            units: epsg4326Proj.getUnits(),
            extent: epsg4326Proj.getExtent(),
            global: epsg4326Proj.isGlobal(),
            metersPerUnit: epsg4326Proj.getMetersPerUnit(),
            worldExtent: epsg4326Proj.getWorldExtent(),
            getPointResolution: function(res, point) {
                return Ol_Proj.getPointResolution("EPSG:4326", res, point);
        Ol_Proj.addEquivalentProjections([ogcCrs84Proj, epsg4326Proj]);

        let mapProjection = Ol_Proj.get(appConfig.DEFAULT_PROJECTION.code);
github 3liz / lizmap-web-client / assets / src / modules / Lizmap.js View on Github external
uicreated: () => {
                this._lizmap3 = lizMap;

                // Register projection if unknown
                if (!getProjection(this.projection)) {
                    const proj = this.config.options.projection;
                    proj4.defs(proj.ref, proj.proj4);

                // Create Lizmap modules
       = new Map();
                this.edition = new Edition();
                this.geolocation = new Geolocation();
                this.geolocationSurvey = new GeolocationSurvey();
                this.selectionTool = new SelectionTool();
                this.digitizing = new Digitizing();
                this.snapping = new Snapping();
github geomoose / gm3 / src / gm3 / components / measure.js View on Github external
getSegmentInfo(geom) {
        // convert the first point of the line to 4326
        //  so a UTM zone can be determined.
        let point0 = new olPoint(geom.coordinates[0]);
        point0 = point0.transform(this.props.mapProjection, 'EPSG:4326');

        // determine an appropriate utm zone for measurement.
        const utm_zone = proj.get(util.getUtmZone(point0.getCoordinates()));

        const coords = [].concat(geom.coordinates);

        // ensure the last point is the current cursor.
        //  only when there is an active sketch!
        if(this.props.cursor.sketchGeometry !== null) {
            coords[coords.length - 1] = this.props.cursor.coords;

        const segments = [];

        for(let i = 1, ii = coords.length; i < ii; i++) {
            const seg_len = this.calculateLength(coords[i - 1], coords[i], utm_zone);
            const bearing = this.getBearing(coords[i - 1], coords[i]);

github nasa / common-mapping-client / src / _core / utils / MapUtil.js View on Github external
if (typeof proj4Def === "undefined") {
                proj4js.defs(projection.code, projection.proj4Def);
                Ol_Proj4_register(proj4js); // catch registry updates

            // load aliases
            if (typeof projection.aliases !== "undefined") {
                for (let i = 0; i < projection.aliases.length; ++i) {
                    proj4js.defs(projection.aliases[i], proj4js.defs(projection.code));
                    Ol_Proj4_register(proj4js); // catch registry updates

        return Ol_Proj.get(appConfig.DEFAULT_PROJECTION.code);
github Viglino / ol-ext / src / control / Graticule.js View on Github external
var margin = this.get('margin');

  // Limit max line draw
  var ds = (xmax-xmin)/step*spacing;
  if (ds>w) 
  {	var dt = Math.round((xmax-xmin)/w*spacing /step);
    step *= dt;
    if (step>this.fac) step = Math.round(step/this.fac)*this.fac;

  xmin = (Math.floor(xmin/step))*step -step;
  ymin = (Math.floor(ymin/step))*step -step;
  xmax = (Math.floor(xmax/step))*step +2*step;
  ymax = (Math.floor(ymax/step))*step +2*step;

  var extent = ol_proj_get(proj).getExtent();
  if (extent)
  {	if (xmin < extent[0]) xmin = extent[0];
    if (ymin < extent[1]) ymin = extent[1];
    if (xmax > extent[2]) xmax = extent[2]+step;
    if (ymax > extent[3]) ymax = extent[3]+step;

  var hasLines = this.getStyle().getStroke() && this.get("stroke");
  var hasText = this.getStyle().getText();
  var hasBorder = this.getStyle().getFill();;

    ctx.rect(margin, margin, w-2*margin, h-2*margin);
github ghettovoice / vuelayers / src / ol-ext / extent.js View on Github external
export function createExtentFromProjection (projection) {
  projection = getProj(projection)
  let extent = projection.getExtent()

  if (!extent) {
    let half = 180 * METERS_PER_UNIT[PROJ_UNIT.DEGREES] /
    extent = createOrUpdateExtent(-half, -half, half, half)
  return extent
github hslayers / hslayers-ng / components / layermanager / layer-editor.component.js View on Github external
$scope.getExtentFromBoundingBoxAttribute = function (layer) {
                    var extent = null;
                    var bbox = layer.get("BoundingBox");
                    if (angular.isArray(bbox) && bbox.length == 4) {
                        extent = transformExtent(bbox, 'EPSG:4326',;
                    } else {
                        for (var ix = 0; ix < bbox.length; ix++) {
                            if (angular.isDefined(getProj(bbox[ix].crs)) || angular.isDefined(layer.getSource().getParams().FROMCRS)) {
                                var crs = bbox[ix].crs || layer.getSource().getParams().FROMCRS;
                                var b = bbox[ix].extent;
                                var first_pair = [b[0], b[1]]
                                var second_pair = [b[2], b[3]];
                                first_pair = transform(first_pair, crs,;
                                second_pair = transform(second_pair, crs,;
                                extent = [first_pair[0], first_pair[1], second_pair[0], second_pair[1]];
                    return extent;
github infra-geo-ouverte / igo2-lib / packages / geo / src / lib / map / shared / projection.service.ts View on Github external
registerProjection(projection: Projection) {
    proj4.defs(projection.code, projection.def);
    if (projection.extent) {
github geosolutions-it / MapStore2 / web / client / components / map / openlayers / plugins / OGCLayer.js View on Github external
update: (layer, newOptions, oldOptions, map) => {
        if (oldOptions.securityToken !== newOptions.securityToken
        || oldOptions.srs !== newOptions.srs
        || oldOptions.format !== newOptions.format
        || oldOptions._v_ !== newOptions._v_
        || !== {
            return createLayer(newOptions, map);
        if (get(oldOptions, 'vectorStyle.body') !== get(newOptions, 'vectorStyle.body')
        || get(oldOptions, 'vectorStyle.url') !== get(newOptions, 'vectorStyle.url')) {
            applyStyle(newOptions.vectorStyle, layer);
        return null;
    render: () => {