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it('splits the given convex polygon geometry with a more complex line', () => {
const line = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomLineString(lineStringLFormedCoords)
const got = GeometryUtil.splitByLine(poly, line, 'EPSG:4326');
const exp = [
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(splitBoxLFormedCoords1)
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(splitBoxLFormedCoords2)
it('splits the given convex polygon geometry with a more complex line', () => {
const line = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomLineString(lineStringLFormedCoords)
const got = GeometryUtil.splitByLine(poly, line, 'EPSG:4326');
const exp = [
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(splitBoxLFormedCoords1)
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(splitBoxLFormedCoords2)
it('splits the given convex polygon geometry with a more complex line', () => {
poly = new OlGeomPolygon(boxCoords);
const line = new OlGeomLineString(lineStringLFormedCoords);
const got = GeometryUtil.splitByLine(poly, line, 'EPSG:4326');
const exp = [
new OlGeomPolygon(splitBoxLFormedCoords1),
new OlGeomPolygon(splitBoxLFormedCoords2)
got.forEach((polygon, i) => {
it('returns the intersection of two instances of ol.geom.Polygon', () => {
const poly1 = new OlGeomPolygon(boxCoords);
const poly2 = new OlGeomPolygon(boxCoords3);
const intersectionGeometry = GeometryUtil.intersection(poly1, poly2, 'EPSG:4326');
expect(intersectionGeometry instanceof OlGeomGeometry).toBe(true);
it('returns null if no intersection is found', () => {
it('returns the intersection of two instances of ol.geom.Polygon', () => {
const poly1 = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(boxCoords)
const poly2 = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(boxCoords3)
const intersectionFeature = GeometryUtil.intersection(poly1, poly2, 'EPSG:4326');
expect(intersectionFeature instanceof OlFeature).toBe(true);
it('returns null if no intersection is found', () => {
it('splits a complex polygon geometry (including hole) with a straight line',() => {
poly = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2)
const line = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomLineString(holeCoords2CutLine)
const got = GeometryUtil.splitByLine(poly, line, 'EPSG:4326');
const exp = [
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2ExpPoly1)
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2ExpPoly2)
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2ExpPoly3)
ol_geom_Polygon.prototype.calcCSpline_ = function(options)
{ var g=[], g0=this.getCoordinates();
for (var i=0; i
poly = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2)
const line = new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomLineString(holeCoords2CutLine)
const got = GeometryUtil.splitByLine(poly, line, 'EPSG:4326');
const exp = [
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2ExpPoly1)
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2ExpPoly2)
new OlFeature({
geometry: new OlGeomPolygon(holeCoords2ExpPoly3)
got.forEach((polygon, i) => {
ol_source_GeoImage.prototype.calculateExtent = function(usemask) {
var polygon;
if (usemask!==false && this.getMask()) {
polygon = new ol_geom_Polygon([this.getMask()])
} else {
var center = this.getCenter();
var scale = this.getScale();
var width = this.getGeoImage().width * scale[0];
var height = this.getGeoImage().height * scale[1];
var extent = ol_extent_boundingExtent([
[ center[0]-width/2, center[1]-height/2 ],
[ center[0]+width/2, center[1]+height/2 ]
polygon = ol_geom_Polygon_fromExtent(extent);
polygon.rotate(-this.getRotation(), center);
var ext = polygon.getExtent();
return ext;
const dx = center[0] - last[0];
const dy = center[1] - last[1];
const radius = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
const rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
const newCoordinates = [];
const numPoints = 12;
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
const angle = rotation + i * 2 * Math.PI / numPoints;
const fraction = i % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0.5;
const offsetX = radius * fraction * Math.cos(angle);
const offsetY = radius * fraction * Math.sin(angle);
newCoordinates.push([center[0] + offsetX, center[1] + offsetY]);
if (!geometry) {
geometry = new Polygon([newCoordinates]);
else {
return geometry;