How to use the moment.isDuration function in moment

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few moment examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / autorest.typescript / test / vanilla / dist / Expected / AcceptanceTests / BodyComplex / operations / primitive.js View on Github external
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            let client = this.client;
            let field = (options && options.field !== undefined) ? options.field : undefined;
            // Validate
            try {
                if (field && !moment.isDuration(field)) {
                    throw new Error('field must be of type moment.duration.');
            catch (error) {
                return Promise.reject(error);
            let complexBody;
            if (field !== null && field !== undefined) {
                complexBody = {};
                complexBody.field = field;
            // Construct URL
            let baseUrl = this.client.baseUri;
            let requestUrl = baseUrl + (baseUrl.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'complex/primitive/duration';
            // Create HTTP transport objects
            let httpRequest = new WebResource();
github emilast / vscode-logfile-highlighter / src / TimePeriodCalculator.ts View on Github external
timePeriod = undefined;

        if (firstLineMatch && lastLineMatch) {
            const firstMoment = moment(firstLineMatch);
            const lastMoment = moment(lastLineMatch);

            if (firstMoment.isValid() && lastMoment.isValid()) {

                // used for ISO Dates like '2018-09-29' and '2018-09-29 13:12:11.001'
                timePeriod = moment.duration(lastMoment.diff(firstMoment));
            } else {

                const firstDuration = moment.duration(firstLineMatch);
                const lastDuration = moment.duration(lastLineMatch);

                if (moment.isDuration(firstDuration) && moment.isDuration(lastDuration)) {

                    // Used for non ISO dates like '13:12:11.001'
                    timePeriod = moment.duration(lastDuration.asMilliseconds() - firstDuration.asMilliseconds());

        return timePeriod;
github Googer / Professor-Pine / types / time.js View on Github external
.map(part => Number.parseInt(part))
          .find(number => number !== 0) !== undefined;

        if (anyDuration) {
          duration = moment.duration(valueToParse);

          if (duration.isValid() && duration.asMilliseconds() === 0) {
            // set to invalid duration
            duration = moment.duration.invalid();
        } else {
          duration = moment.duration(0);

      if (moment.isDuration(duration) && duration.isValid() && duration.asMinutes() < maxDuration) {

    if (timeMode !== TimeMode.RELATIVE) {
      const enteredDate = moment(valueToParse, ['hmm a', 'Hmm', 'h:m a', 'H:m', 'M-D hmm a', 'M-D Hmm', 'M-D h:m a', 'M-D H:m', 'M-D h a', 'M-D H']);

      if (enteredDate.isValid()) {
        possibleTimes.push(...TimeType.generateTimes(enteredDate, arg.key, raidHatchTime));

    if (possibleTimes.length === 0) {
      return `"${value}" is not a valid duration or time!\n\n${arg.prompt}`;
github fullcalendar / fullcalendar / src / moment-ext.ts View on Github external
minutes: this.minutes(),
      seconds: this.seconds(),
      milliseconds: this.milliseconds()
  } else { // setter

    this._ambigTime = false // mark that the moment now has a time

    if (!moment.isDuration(time) && !moment.isMoment(time)) {
      time = moment.duration(time)

    // The day value should cause overflow (so 24 hours becomes 00:00:00 of next day).
    // Only for Duration times, not Moment times.
    let dayHours = 0
    if (moment.isDuration(time)) {
      dayHours = Math.floor(time.asDays()) * 24

    // We need to set the individual fields.
    // Can't use startOf('day') then add duration. In case of DST at start of day.
    return this.hours(dayHours + time.hours())
github elastic / kibana / x-pack / legacy / plugins / ml / public / application / util / time_buckets.js View on Github external
if (!interval || interval === 'auto') {
    this._i = 'auto';

  if (_.isString(interval)) {
    input = interval;
    interval = parseInterval(interval);
    if (+interval === 0) {
      interval = null;

  // If the value wasn't converted to a duration, and isn't already a duration, we have a problem
  if (!moment.isDuration(interval)) {
    throw new TypeError('"' + input + '" is not a valid interval.');

  this._i = interval;
github Azure / autorest / src / generator / AutoRest.NodeJS.Tests / Expected / AcceptanceTests / Header / operations / header.js View on Github external
Header.prototype.paramDuration = function (scenario, value, options, callback) {
  var client = this.client;
  if(!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
    callback = options;
    options = null;
  if (!callback) {
    throw new Error('callback cannot be null.');
  // Validate
  try {
    if (scenario === null || scenario === undefined || typeof scenario.valueOf() !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('scenario cannot be null or undefined and it must be of type string.');
    if(!value || !moment.isDuration(value)) {
      throw new Error('value cannot be null or undefined and it must be of type moment.duration.');
  } catch (error) {
    return callback(error);

  // Construct URL
  var baseUrl = this.client.baseUri;
  var requestUrl = baseUrl + (baseUrl.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'header/param/prim/duration';

  // Create HTTP transport objects
  var httpRequest = new WebResource();
  httpRequest.method = 'POST';
  httpRequest.headers = {};
  httpRequest.url = requestUrl;
  // Set Headers
github CalebMorris / react-moment-proptypes / src / index.js View on Github external
function isValid(value) {
      return moment.isDuration(value);
github fullcalendar / fullcalendar / src / models / event / EventDefParser.ts View on Github external
parse: function(eventInput, source) {
    if (
      isTimeString(eventInput.start) || moment.isDuration(eventInput.start) ||
      isTimeString(eventInput.end) || moment.isDuration(eventInput.end)
    ) {
      return RecurringEventDef.parse(eventInput, source)
    } else {
      return SingleEventDef.parse(eventInput, source)
github elastic / kibana / src / legacy / ui / public / vislib / components / zero_injection / ordered_x_keys.js View on Github external
export function orderXValues(obj, orderBucketsBySum = false) {
  if (!_.isObject(obj)) {
    throw new Error('orderXValues expects an object');

  const uniqKeys = getUniqKeys(obj);
  const uniqKeysPairs = [...uniqKeys.entries()];

  const interval = _.get(obj, 'ordered.interval');
  const dateInterval = moment.isDuration(interval) ? interval : false;

  return _(uniqKeysPairs)
    .sortBy(function (d) {
      if (d[1].isDate || d[1].isOrdered) {
        return +d[0];
      return orderBucketsBySum ? -d[1].sum : d[1].index;
    .map(function (d, i, list) {
      if (!d[1].isNumber) return d[0];

      const val = +d[0];
      if (interval == null) return val;

      const gapEdge = parseFloat(_.get(list, [i + 1, 0]));
      if (isNaN(gapEdge)) return val;
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-js / dist / lib / serializer.js View on Github external
if (!(value instanceof Date ||
                    (typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value))))) {
                    throw new Error(objectName + " must be an instanceof Date or a string in RFC-1123 format.");
                value = (value instanceof Date) ? value.toUTCString() : new Date(value).toUTCString();
            else if (typeName.match(/^UnixTime$/ig) !== null) {
                if (!(value instanceof Date ||
                    (typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value))))) {
                    throw new Error(objectName + " must be an instanceof Date or a string in RFC-1123/ISO8601 format " +
                        "for it to be serialized in UnixTime/Epoch format.");
                value = this.dateToUnixTime(value);
            else if (typeName.match(/^TimeSpan$/ig) !== null) {
                if (!(moment_1.isDuration(value) || (value.constructor && === "Duration" && typeof value.isValid === "function" && value.isValid()))) {
                    throw new Error(objectName + " must be a TimeSpan/Duration.");
                value = value.toISOString();
        return value;
    Serializer.prototype.serializeSequenceType = function (mapper, object, objectName) {