How to use the moment.ISO_8601 function in moment

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few moment examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / moment_v2.x.x / test_moment-v2.js View on Github external
moment.utc('2015-01-01', true);

  moment.utc({ hour: 15, minute: 10 });

  // $ExpectError only string values can have formatting parameters
  moment.utc([2015, 0], "MM-DD-YYYY");
  // $ExpectError
  moment.utc([2015, 0], "MM-DD-YYYY", true);
  // $ExpectError
  moment.utc([2015, 0], moment.ISO_8601);
  // $ExpectError
  moment.utc({ hour: 15, minute: 10 }, "MM-DD-YYYY");

  // Special formatting
  moment.utc("2010-01-01T05:06:07", moment.ISO_8601);
  moment.utc("2010-01-01T05:06:07", ["YYYY", moment.ISO_8601]);
  moment.utc(new Date());

  // null and undefined allowed as per moment TypeScript definitions
github dutu / cryptox / test / shared / getBalance.js View on Github external
publicCryptox[method](options, function (err, result) {
            expect(moment(result.timestamp, moment.ISO_8601).isValid()); // to be a valid ISO 8601 date
github esri-es / arcgis_websocket_server / streamserver / utils / esri_types.js View on Github external
// Got & adapted from from

const moment = require('moment')
const DATE_FORMATS = [moment.ISO_8601]

function convertToEsriFields (obj) {
  return Object.entries(obj).map(([key,value]) => getField(key,value));

function getField (k,v) {
  return {
    name: k,
    type: esriTypeMap(detectType(v)),
    alias: k,
    nullable: true

function detectType (value) {
  var type = typeof value
github FoundersFounders / door-services / door-open-service / node-backend / app.js View on Github external
return backend.getStats().then(stats => {
          if (!stats) {
            throw new Error('There are no available stats for the remote door opening service');

          const count = _.reduce(_.values(_.omit(stats, 'since')), (m, val) => m + val, 0);
          const savedTime = Math.round(count * 40.0);
          const savedTimeStr = moment.duration(savedTime, 'seconds').humanize();
          const timeStr = moment(stats.since, moment.ISO_8601).fromNow();
          const msg = `The remote door opening service was used ${count} time${count > 1 ? 's' : ''} since ${timeStr}.` +
            `\nBreakdown by day:\n\`\`\`${histogram(_.omit(stats, 'since'), { sort: false })}\`\`\`` +
            `\nAssuming that it takes ~40 seconds to open the door and get back, around ${savedTimeStr} have been saved!`;
          bot[postMessageMethod](, msg, { as_user: 'true' });
        }).catch(err => {
github linode / manager / src / components / TimeDisplay.spec.js View on Github external
it('renders properly', () => {
    const timeIso = '2017-03-30T16:48:10';
    const tDisplay = shallow();
    const timeLong = moment.utc(timeIso, moment.ISO_8601).format('MMM D YYYY h:mm A z');
    const timeRelative = moment.utc(timeIso, moment.ISO_8601).fromNow();

    expect(tDisplay.html()).toBe(`<span title="${timeLong}">${timeRelative}</span>`);
github smontanari / code-forensics / lib / tasks / system_analysis / data_collector.js View on Github external
          .pipe(filter.obj(function(obj) { return && moment(, moment.ISO_8601).isValid(); }))
          .pipe(sortStream(function(a, b) { return moment(; }))
github lemberg / connfa-webapp / src / app / services / scheduler.service.ts View on Github external
private transform(item:Event) {

        if (item.experienceLevel) {
            this._levelService.getLevel(item.experienceLevel).then((level:Level)=> {
                item.levelObject = level;

        if (item.track) {
            this._trackService.getTrack(item.track).then((track:Track)=> {
                item.trackObject = track;

        item.timeLabel = moment(item.from, moment.ISO_8601).format('ddd, LT') + ' - ' + moment(, moment.ISO_8601).format('ddd, LT');
        item.fromLabel = moment(item.from, moment.ISO_8601).format('LT');
        item.toLabel = moment(, moment.ISO_8601).format('LT');

        item.href = false;
        if (!this.isNonClickable(item.type)) {
            item.href = true;

        if (item.speakers) {
            item.speakersCollection = [];
            item.speakersNames = [];
            item.speakers.forEach((speakerId) => {
                this._speakerService.getSpeaker(speakerId).then((speaker:Speaker) => {
                    item.speakersNames.push(speaker.firstName + ' ' + speaker.lastName)
github interledgerjs / ilp / src / lib / receiver.js View on Github external
throw new Error('amount is required')

    const amount = roundAmount(
      new BigNumber(params.amount),
      params.roundingMode || roundingMode
    if (amount.decimalPlaces() > scale) {
      throw new Error('request amount has more decimal places than the ledger supports (' + scale + ')')
    if (amount.precision() > precision) {
      throw new Error('request amount has more significant digits than the ledger supports (' + precision + ')')

    if (params.expiresAt && !moment(params.expiresAt, moment.ISO_8601).isValid()) {
      throw new Error('expiresAt must be an ISO 8601 timestamp')

    const requestAddress = (params.account || account) + '.' + iprReceiverId + ( || uuid.v4())

    const paymentRequest = {
      address: requestAddress,
      amount: amount.toString(),
      expires_at: params.expiresAt || moment().add(defaultRequestTimeout, 'seconds').toISOString()

    if ( { =

    const conditionPreimage = hmacHelper.hmacJsonForIprCondition(paymentRequest)
github frictionlessdata / tableschema-js / types.js View on Github external
module.exports.DateTimeType = function(field, options) {, field, options);
  this.js = Object; = 'datetime';
  this.formats = ['default', 'any', 'fmt'];
  this.ISO8601 = moment.ISO_8601;
  return this;
github meltyshev / planka / server / api / controllers / cards / create.js View on Github external
custom: (value) => _.isPlainObject(value)
        && _.size(value) === 2
        && (_.isNull(value.startedAt) || moment(value.startedAt, moment.ISO_8601, true).isValid())
        && _.isFinite(,