How to use the moment.duration function in moment

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few moment examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / azure-relay-node / hyco-ws / lib / HybridConnectionWebSocketServer.js View on Github external
function connectControlChannel(server) {
  /* create the control connection */

  var opt = null;
  var token = null;
  var tokenRenewDuration = null;
  if (typeof server.options.token === 'function') {
    // server.options.token is a function, call it periodically to renew the token
    tokenRenewDuration = new moment.duration(1, 'hours');
    token = server.options.token();
  } else {
    // server.options.token is a string, the token cannot be renewed automatically
    token = server.options.token;

  if (token) {
    opt = { headers: { 'ServiceBusAuthorization': token } };

  server.controlChannel = new WebSocket(server.listenUri, null, opt);

  // This represents the token renew timer/interval, keep a reference in order to cancel it.
  var tokenRenewTimer = null;

  server.controlChannel.onerror = function(event) {
github hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / utils / format-duration.js View on Github external
// Microseconds and nanoseconds need to be handled first,
  // then Moment can take over for all larger units.
  if (units === 'ns') {
    durationParts.nanoseconds = duration % 1000;
    durationParts.microseconds = Math.floor((duration % 1000000) / 1000);
    duration = Math.floor(duration / 1000000);
  } else if (units === 'mms') {
    durationParts.microseconds = duration % 1000;
    duration = Math.floor(duration / 1000);

  let momentUnits = units;
  if (units === 'ns' || units === 'mms') {
    momentUnits = 'ms';
  const momentDuration = moment.duration(duration, momentUnits);

  // Get the count of each time unit that Moment handles
    .forEach(unit => {
      durationParts[unit] = momentDuration[unit]();

  // Format each time time bucket as a string
  // e.g., { years: 5, seconds: 30 } -> [ '5 years', '30s' ]
  const displayParts = allUnits.reduce((parts, unitType) => {
    if (durationParts[]) {
      const count = durationParts[];
      parts.push(pluralizeUnits(count, unitType, longForm));
github luisfarzati / moment-interval / test / moment-interval / tests.js View on Github external
"moment.duration(String)" : function (test) {
        test.equal(+moment.duration('P1D'), +moment.duration(1, 'day'), "P1D");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('P1W'), +moment.duration(1, 'week'), "P1W");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('P1M'), +moment.duration(1, 'month'), "P1M");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('P1Y'), +moment.duration(1, 'year'), "P1Y");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('PT1S'), +moment.duration(1, 'second'), "PT1S");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('PT1M'), +moment.duration(1, 'minute'), "PT1M");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('PT1H'), +moment.duration(1, 'hour'), "PT1H");
        test.equal(+moment.duration('P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.001S'), +moment.duration({days:1,months:1,years:1,hours:1,minutes:1,seconds:1,milliseconds:1}), "PT1S");
github trek10inc / dynamodb-autoscaling / core / AutoScaleConfig.js View on Github external
function timeSpanToDuration(timeSpan) {
  const tokens = timeSpan.split(' ');
  return moment.duration(parseInt(tokens[0]), tokens[1]);
github Smithsonian / dpo-cook / source / server / app / Task.ts View on Github external
private endTask(state: TaskState, error?: Error)
        const time = new Date();

        const report =;
        report.state = state;
        report.end = time.toISOString();
        report.duration = (time.valueOf() - (new Date(report.start).valueOf())) * 0.001;

        const formattedDuration = moment.utc(
            moment.duration(report.duration, "seconds").asMilliseconds()).format("HH:mm:ss.SSS");

        if (state === "error") {
            report.error = error.message;

                time, module: "task", level: "error", sender:,
                message: `terminated with error after ${formattedDuration}`
        else if (state === "cancelled") {
                time, module: "task", level: "warning", sender:,
                message: `cancelled by user after ${formattedDuration}`
        else {
github elastic / kibana / x-pack / legacy / plugins / ml / public / util / time_buckets.js View on Github external
TimeBuckets.prototype.getScaledDateFormat = function () {
  const interval = this.getInterval();
  const rules = config.get('dateFormat:scaled');

  for (let i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const rule = rules[i];
    if (!rule[0] || interval >= moment.duration(rule[0])) {
      return rule[1];

  return config.get('dateFormat');
github MyCryptoHQ / MyCrypto / common / sagas / swap / orders.ts View on Github external
export function* shapeshiftOrderTimeRemaining(): SagaIterator {
  while (true) {
    let hasShownNotification = false;
    while (true) {
      yield call(delay, ONE_SECOND);
      const swap = yield select(getSwap);
      const createdTimeStampMoment = moment(swap.orderTimestampCreatedISOString);
      const validUntil = moment(createdTimeStampMoment).add(swap.validFor, 's');
      const now = moment();
      if (validUntil.isAfter(now)) {
        const duration = moment.duration(validUntil.diff(now));
        const seconds = duration.asSeconds();
        yield put(orderTimeSwap(parseInt(seconds.toString(), 10)));
        switch (swap.shapeshiftOrderStatus) {
          case 'failed':
            yield put(stopPollShapeshiftOrderStatus());
            yield put(stopLoadShapeshiftRatesSwap());
            yield put(stopOrderTimerSwap());
            if (!hasShownNotification) {
              hasShownNotification = true;
              yield put(showNotification('danger', ORDER_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, Infinity));
          case 'received':
            yield put(stopOrderTimerSwap());
          case 'complete':
github cockroachdb / cockroach-gen / pkg / ui / src / redux / timewindow.ts View on Github external
windowValid: moment.duration(10, "seconds"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(10, "seconds"),
    "Past 30 Minutes": {
      windowSize: moment.duration(30, "minutes"),
      windowValid: moment.duration(30, "seconds"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(30, "seconds"),
    "Past 1 Hour": {
      windowSize: moment.duration(1, "hour"),
      windowValid: moment.duration(1, "minute"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(30, "seconds"),
    "Past 6 Hours": {
      windowSize: moment.duration(6, "hours"),
      windowValid: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(1, "minutes"),
    "Past 1 Day": {
      windowSize: moment.duration(1, "day"),
      windowValid: moment.duration(10, "minutes"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
    "Past 2 Days": {
      windowSize: moment.duration(2, "day"),
      windowValid: moment.duration(10, "minutes"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
    "Past 3 Days": {
      windowSize: moment.duration(3, "day"),
      windowValid: moment.duration(10, "minutes"),
      sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
github destinygg / chat-bot / lib / services / twitch-api.js View on Github external
.then(data => {
        const length = _.get(data, 'data.videos.0.length', null);
        return `${context.timestamp} Time Streamed: ${formatDuration(
          moment.duration(length, 'seconds'),
github thousight / react-native-draggable-switch / src / utils.ts View on Github external
export const init = (props: ITimeUtilsInitProps) => {
  backgroundDuration = moment
    .duration(props.backgroundTime, 'minutes')
  modalDuration = moment.duration(props.modalTime, 'minutes').asMilliseconds()
  defaultCallback = props.defaultCallback
  hideModal = props.hideModal
  onTimerEnd = props.onTimerEnd