How to use the devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible function in devtools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few devtools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github joewalker / devtools.html / shared / transport / transport.js View on Github external
startBulkSend: function({actor, type, length}) {
    this.emit("startBulkSend", {actor, type, length});

    let serial = this._serial.count++;

    dumpn("Sent bulk packet " + serial + " for actor " + actor);
    if (!this.other) {

    let pipe = new Pipe(true, true, 0, 0, null);

    DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
      dumpn("Received bulk packet " + serial);
      if (!this.other.hooks) {

      // Receiver
      let deferred = promise.defer();
      let packet = {
        actor: actor,
        type: type,
        length: length,
        copyTo: (output) => {
          let copying =
            StreamUtils.copyStream(pipe.inputStream, output, length);
          return copying;
github Ascrod / ambassador / ambassador / components / devtools / irc-root-actor.js View on Github external
onOpenWindow: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(aWindow) {
    let handleLoad = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
      if (this._checkedWindows.has(appShellDOMWindowType(aWindow))) {
        // This is one of our windows, we need to check for browser
        // elements. Notify is enough, iterate will do the actual actor
        // creation.

    // You can hardly do anything at all with a XUL window at this point; it
    // doesn't even have its document yet. Wait until its document has
    // loaded, and then see what we've got. This also avoids
    // nsIWindowMediator enumeration from within listeners (bug 873589).
    aWindow = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
    aWindow.addEventListener("load", handleLoad, {capture: false, once: true});
  }, "IRCTabList.prototype.onOpenWindow"),
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / webbrowser.js View on Github external
BrowserTabList.prototype._listenForEventsIf = function(aShouldListen, aGuard, aEventNames) {
  if (!aShouldListen !== !this[aGuard]) {
    let op = aShouldListen ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";
    for (let win of allAppShellDOMWindows(DebuggerServer.chromeWindowType)) {
      for (let name of aEventNames) {
        win[op](name, this, false);
    this[aGuard] = aShouldListen;

 * Implement nsIDOMEventListener.
BrowserTabList.prototype.handleEvent = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(aEvent) {
  switch (aEvent.type) {
  case "TabOpen":
  case "TabSelect":
    /* Don't create a new actor; iterate will take care of that. Just notify. */
  case "TabClose":
    let browser =;
    let actor = this._actorByBrowser.get(browser);
    if (actor) {
      this._handleActorClose(actor, browser);
}, "BrowserTabList.prototype.handleEvent");
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / webbrowser.js View on Github external
handler.removeEventListener("pageshow", this._onWindowCreated, true);
    handler.removeEventListener("pagehide", this._onWindowHidden, true);

    for (let win of this._getWindowsInDocShell(docShell)) {

  _getWindowsInDocShell: function(docShell) {
    return getChildDocShells(docShell).map(d => {
      return d.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)

  onWindowCreated: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(evt) {
    if (!this._tabActor.attached) {

    // pageshow events for non-persisted pages have already been handled by a
    // prior DOMWindowCreated event. For persisted pages, act as if the window
    // had just been created since it's been unfrozen from bfcache.
    if (evt.type == "pageshow" && !evt.persisted) {

    let window =;

    if (evt.type !== "pageshow") {
      this._knownWindowIDs.set(getWindowID(window), window);
github Ascrod / ambassador / ambassador / components / devtools / irc-root-actor.js View on Github external
actor.selected = foundSelected =
              win == topWindow &&
              !foundSelected &&
              bo.height > 0 &&
              bo.width > 0;

    this._mustNotify = true;

    return promise.resolve([...this._actorByBrowser.values()]);

  onOpenWindow: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(aWindow) {
    let handleLoad = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
      if (this._checkedWindows.has(appShellDOMWindowType(aWindow))) {
        // This is one of our windows, we need to check for browser
        // elements. Notify is enough, iterate will do the actual actor
        // creation.

    // You can hardly do anything at all with a XUL window at this point; it
    // doesn't even have its document yet. Wait until its document has
    // loaded, and then see what we've got. This also avoids
    // nsIWindowMediator enumeration from within listeners (bug 873589).
    aWindow = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
    aWindow.addEventListener("load", handleLoad, {capture: false, once: true});
github joewalker / devtools.html / shared / transport / transport.js View on Github external
   * Resume this transport's attempts to read from the input stream.
  resumeIncoming: function() {
    this._incomingEnabled = true;

  // nsIInputStreamCallback
   * Called when the stream is either readable or closed.
  DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(event) {
    let data =;
    // TODO: ws-tcp-proxy decodes utf-8, but the transport expects to see the
    // encoded bytes.  Simplest step is to re-encode for now.
    data = utf8.encode(data);
    let stream = {
      available() {
        return data.length;
      readBytes(count) {
        let result = data.slice(0, count);
        data = data.slice(count);
        return result;

    try {
github Ascrod / ambassador / ambassador / components / devtools / irc-root-actor.js View on Github external
// elements. Notify is enough, iterate will do the actual actor
        // creation.

    // You can hardly do anything at all with a XUL window at this point; it
    // doesn't even have its document yet. Wait until its document has
    // loaded, and then see what we've got. This also avoids
    // nsIWindowMediator enumeration from within listeners (bug 873589).
    aWindow = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
    aWindow.addEventListener("load", handleLoad, {capture: false, once: true});
  }, "IRCTabList.prototype.onOpenWindow"),

  onCloseWindow: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(aWindow) {
    aWindow = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)

    // Only handle our window types
    if (this._checkedWindows.has(appShellDOMWindowType(aWindow))) {

    // nsIWindowMediator deadlocks if you call its GetEnumerator method from
    // a nsIWindowMediatorListener's onCloseWindow hook (bug 873589), so
    // handle the close in a different tick. => {
      let shouldNotify = false;

      // Scan the whole map for browsers that were in this window.
      for (let [browser, actor] of this._actorByBrowser) {
github joewalker / devtools.html / shared / webconsole / network-monitor.js View on Github external

   * Handler for new network requests. This method is invoked by the current
   * NetworkMonitor instance.
   * @param object event
   *        Object describing the network request.
   * @return object
   *         A NetworkEventActorProxy instance which is notified when further
   *         data about the request is available.
  onNetworkEvent: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onNetworkEvent(event) {
    return new NetworkEventActorProxy(this.messageManager,;

  destroy: function()
    if (this.messageManager) {
      this.messageManager.removeMessageListener("debug:netmonitor:" +,
    this.messageManager = null;
    this.filters = null;

    if (this.netMonitor) {
      this.netMonitor = null;
github joewalker / devtools.html / shared / webconsole / network-monitor.js View on Github external
    mm.addMessageListener("debug:netmonitor:" + this.connID + ":updateEvent",
    mm.sendAsyncMessage("debug:netmonitor:" + this.connID, {
      appId: this.appId,
      action: "start",

  _onNewEvent: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onNewEvent(msg) {
    let {id, event} =;
    let actor = this.owner.onNetworkEvent(event);
    this._netEvents.set(id, Cu.getWeakReference(actor));

  _onUpdateEvent: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onUpdateEvent(msg) {
    let {id, method, args} =;
    let weakActor = this._netEvents.get(id);
    let actor = weakActor ? weakActor.get() : null;
    if (!actor) {
      console.error("Received debug:netmonitor:updateEvent for unknown event ID: " + id);
    if (!(method in actor)) {
      console.error("Received debug:netmonitor:updateEvent unsupported method: " + method);
    actor[method].apply(actor, args);

  destroy: function() {
    let mm = this._messageManager;
github joewalker / devtools.html / shared / webconsole / network-monitor.js View on Github external

   * Begin observing HTTP traffic that originates inside the current tab.
   * @see
   * @param nsIHttpChannel aChannel
   * @param number aActivityType
   * @param number aActivitySubtype
   * @param number aTimestamp
   * @param number aExtraSizeData
   * @param string aExtraStringData
  observeActivity: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function NM_observeActivity(aChannel, aActivityType, aActivitySubtype, aTimestamp, aExtraSizeData, aExtraStringData)
    if (!this.owner ||
        aActivityType != gActivityDistributor.ACTIVITY_TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION &&
        aActivityType != gActivityDistributor.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SOCKET_TRANSPORT) {

    if (!(aChannel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)) {

    aChannel = aChannel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);

    if (aActivitySubtype ==
        gActivityDistributor.ACTIVITY_SUBTYPE_REQUEST_HEADER) {
      this._onRequestHeader(aChannel, aTimestamp, aExtraStringData);