How to use the devtools/client/styleinspector/utils.createChild function in devtools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few devtools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    this.source.addEventListener("click", function() {
      if (this.source.hasAttribute("unselectable")) {
      let rule = this.rule.domRule;
      this.ruleView.emit("ruleview-linked-clicked", rule);
    let sourceLabel = this.doc.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
    sourceLabel.setAttribute("crop", "center");


    let code = createChild(this.element, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-code"

    let header = createChild(code, "div", {});

    this.selectorText = createChild(header, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-selectorcontainer theme-fg-color3",
      tabindex: this.isSelectorEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    if (this.isSelectorEditable) {
      this.selectorText.addEventListener("click", aEvent => {
        // Clicks within the selector shouldn't propagate any further.
      }, false);
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      let rule = this.rule.domRule;
      this.ruleView.emit("ruleview-linked-clicked", rule);
    let sourceLabel = this.doc.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
    sourceLabel.setAttribute("crop", "center");


    let code = createChild(this.element, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-code"

    let header = createChild(code, "div", {});

    this.selectorText = createChild(header, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-selectorcontainer theme-fg-color3",
      tabindex: this.isSelectorEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    if (this.isSelectorEditable) {
      this.selectorText.addEventListener("click", aEvent => {
        // Clicks within the selector shouldn't propagate any further.
      }, false);

        element: this.selectorText,
        done: this._onSelectorDone,
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newProperty: function() {
    // If we're already creating a new property, ignore this.
    if (!this.closeBrace.hasAttribute("tabindex")) {

    // While we're editing a new property, it doesn't make sense to
    // start a second new property editor, so disable focusing the
    // close brace for now.

    this.newPropItem = createChild(this.propertyList, "li", {
      class: "ruleview-property ruleview-newproperty",

    this.newPropSpan = createChild(this.newPropItem, "span", {
      tabindex: "0"

    this.multipleAddedProperties = null;

    this.editor = new InplaceEditor({
      element: this.newPropSpan,
      done: this._onNewProperty,
      destroy: this._newPropertyDestroy,
      advanceChars: ":",
      contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_PROPERTY,
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// Filter button that filters for the current property name and is
    // displayed when the property is overridden by another rule.
    this.filterProperty = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-overridden-rule-filter",
      hidden: "",
      title: CssLogic.l10n("rule.filterProperty.title"),

    this.filterProperty.addEventListener("click", event => {
      this.ruleEditor.ruleView.setFilterStyles("`" + + "`");
    }, false);

    // Holds the viewers for the computed properties.
    // will be populated in |_updateComputed|.
    this.computed = createChild(this.element, "ul", {
      class: "ruleview-computedlist",

    // Only bind event handlers if the rule is editable.
    if (this.ruleEditor.isEditable) {
      this.enable.addEventListener("click", this._onEnableClicked, true);

      this.nameContainer.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        // Clicks within the name shouldn't propagate any further.
        if ( === propertyContainer) {
      }, false);

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_create: function() {
    this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li");
    this.element._textPropertyEditor = this;

    this.container = createChild(this.element, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-propertycontainer"

    // The enable checkbox will disable or enable the rule.
    this.enable = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-enableproperty theme-checkbox",
      tabindex: "-1"

    // Click to expand the computed properties of the text property.
    this.expander = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"
    this.expander.addEventListener("click", this._onExpandClicked, true);

    this.nameContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
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class: "ruleview-propertycontainer"

    // The enable checkbox will disable or enable the rule.
    this.enable = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-enableproperty theme-checkbox",
      tabindex: "-1"

    // Click to expand the computed properties of the text property.
    this.expander = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"
    this.expander.addEventListener("click", this._onExpandClicked, true);

    this.nameContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-namecontainer"

    // Property name, editable when focused.  Property name
    // is committed when the editor is unfocused.
    this.nameSpan = createChild(this.nameContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5",
      tabindex: this.ruleEditor.isEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    appendText(this.nameContainer, ": ");

    // Create a span that will hold the property and semicolon.
    // Use this span to create a slightly larger click target
    // for the value.
    let propertyContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
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_create: function() {
    this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li");
    this.element._textPropertyEditor = this;

    this.container = createChild(this.element, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-propertycontainer"

    // The enable checkbox will disable or enable the rule.
    this.enable = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-enableproperty theme-checkbox",
      tabindex: "-1"

    // Click to expand the computed properties of the text property.
    this.expander = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"
    this.expander.addEventListener("click", this._onExpandClicked, true);

    this.nameContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-namecontainer"

    // Property name, editable when focused.  Property name
    // is committed when the editor is unfocused.
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this.ruleView.toggleSelectorHighlighter(selectorHighlighter, selector);

    this.openBrace = createChild(header, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-ruleopen",
      textContent: " {"

    this.propertyList = createChild(code, "ul", {
      class: "ruleview-propertylist"


    this.closeBrace = createChild(code, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-ruleclose",
      tabindex: this.isEditable ? "0" : "-1",
      textContent: "}"

    if (this.isEditable) {
      code.addEventListener("click", () => {
        let selection = this.doc.defaultView.getSelection();
        if (selection.isCollapsed) {
      }, false);

      this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
      }, false);
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let p = createChild(frag, "p");
      let span = createChild(p, "span", {
        class: "rule-link"
      let link = createChild(span, "a", {
        target: "_blank",
        class: "link theme-link",
        title: selector.href,
        sourcelocation: selector.source,
        tabindex: "0",
        textContent: selector.source
      link.addEventListener("click", selector.openStyleEditor, false);
      link.addEventListener("keydown", selector.maybeOpenStyleEditor, false);

      let status = createChild(p, "span", {
        dir: "ltr",
        class: "rule-text theme-fg-color3 " + selector.statusClass,
        title: selector.statusText,
        textContent: selector.sourceText
      let valueSpan = createChild(status, "span", {
        class: "other-property-value theme-fg-color1"

    this.matchedSelectorsContainer.innerHTML = "";
    return promise.all(promises);
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_buildMatchedSelectors: function() {
    let promises = [];
    let frag = this.element.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();

    for (let selector of this.matchedSelectorViews) {
      let p = createChild(frag, "p");
      let span = createChild(p, "span", {
        class: "rule-link"
      let link = createChild(span, "a", {
        target: "_blank",
        class: "link theme-link",
        title: selector.href,
        sourcelocation: selector.source,
        tabindex: "0",
        textContent: selector.source
      link.addEventListener("click", selector.openStyleEditor, false);
      link.addEventListener("keydown", selector.maybeOpenStyleEditor, false);

      let status = createChild(p, "span", {
        dir: "ltr",
        class: "rule-text theme-fg-color3 " + selector.statusClass,