How to use the devtools/sham/promise.resolve function in devtools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few devtools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / stylesheets.js View on Github external
_getText: function() {
    if (typeof this.text === "string") {
      return promise.resolve(this.text);

    let cssText = modifiedStyleSheets.get(this.rawSheet);
    if (cssText !== undefined) {
      this.text = cssText;
      return promise.resolve(cssText);

    if (!this.href) {
      // this is an inline <style> sheet
      let content = this.ownerNode.textContent;
      this.text = content;
      return promise.resolve(content);

    let options = {</style>
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / styleinspector / computed-view.js View on Github external
let inspector = this.tree.inspector;
    let rule = this.selectorInfo.rule;

    // The style editor can only display stylesheets coming from content because
    // chrome stylesheets are not listed in the editor's stylesheet selector.
    // If the stylesheet is a content stylesheet we send it to the style
    // editor else we display it in the view source window.
    let parentStyleSheet = rule.parentStyleSheet;
    if (!parentStyleSheet || parentStyleSheet.isSystem) {
      let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(;
      toolbox.viewSource(rule.href, rule.line);

    let location = promise.resolve(rule.location);
    if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ORIG_SOURCES)) {
      location = rule.getOriginalLocation();

    location.then(({source, href, line, column}) => {
      let target =;
      if (ToolDefinitions.styleEditor.isTargetSupported(target)) {
        gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "styleeditor").then(function(toolbox) {
          let sheet = source || href;
          toolbox.getCurrentPanel().selectStyleSheet(sheet, line, column);
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / webbrowser.js View on Github external
BrowserTabList.prototype._getActorForBrowser = function(browser) {
  // Do we have an existing actor for this browser? If not, create one.
  let actor = this._actorByBrowser.get(browser);
  if (actor) {
    return actor.update();
  } else if (this._isRemoteBrowser(browser)) {
    actor = new RemoteBrowserTabActor(this._connection, browser);
    this._actorByBrowser.set(browser, actor);
    return actor.connect();
  } else {
    actor = new BrowserTabActor(this._connection, browser);
    this._actorByBrowser.set(browser, actor);
    return promise.resolve(actor);
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / markupview / markup-view.js View on Github external
_updateChildren: function(aContainer, options) {
    let expand = options && options.expand;
    let flash = options && options.flash;

    aContainer.hasChildren = aContainer.node.hasChildren;

    if (!this._queuedChildUpdates) {
      this._queuedChildUpdates = new Map();

    if (this._queuedChildUpdates.has(aContainer)) {
      return this._queuedChildUpdates.get(aContainer);

    if (!aContainer.childrenDirty) {
      return promise.resolve(aContainer);

    if (aContainer.singleTextChild
        && aContainer.singleTextChild != aContainer.node.singleTextChild) {

      // This container was doing double duty as a container for a single
      // text child, back that out.

      if (aContainer.hasChildren && aContainer.selected) {

    if (aContainer.node.singleTextChild) {
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / shared / widgets / VariablesViewController.js View on Github external
let scope = this.view.addScope(aOptions.label);
    scope.expanded = true; // Expand the scope by default.
    scope.locked = true; // Prevent collapsing the scope.

    let variable = scope.addItem("", { enumerable: true });
    let populated;

    if (aOptions.objectActor) {
      // Save objectActor for properties filtering
      this.objectActor = aOptions.objectActor;
      populated = this.populate(variable, aOptions.objectActor);
    } else if (aOptions.rawObject) {
      variable.populate(aOptions.rawObject, { expanded: true });
      populated = promise.resolve();

    return { variable: variable, expanded: populated };
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / framework / gDevTools.js View on Github external
showToolbox: function(target, toolId, hostType, hostOptions) {
    let deferred = promise.defer();

    let toolbox = this._toolboxes.get(target);
    if (toolbox) {

      let hostPromise = (hostType != null && toolbox.hostType != hostType) ?
          toolbox.switchHost(hostType) :

      if (toolId != null && toolbox.currentToolId != toolId) {
        hostPromise = hostPromise.then(function() {
          return toolbox.selectTool(toolId);

      return hostPromise.then(function() {
        return toolbox;
    else {
      // No toolbox for target, create one
      toolbox = new Toolbox(target, toolId, hostType, hostOptions);
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / styleinspector / rule-view.js View on Github external
applyProperties: function(modifier) {
    // If there is already a pending modification, we have to wait
    // until it settles before applying the next modification.
    let resultPromise =
        promise.resolve(this._applyingModifications).then(() => {
          let modifications =;
          if ( {
            return this._applyPropertiesAuthored(modifications);
          return this._applyPropertiesNoAuthored(modifications);
        }).then(() => {

          if (resultPromise === this._applyingModifications) {
            this._applyingModifications = null;

    this._applyingModifications = resultPromise;
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / styleinspector / rule-view.js View on Github external
if (this.popup.isOpen) {

    this._viewedElement = element;


    if (!this._viewedElement) {
      return promise.resolve(undefined);

    let elementStyle = new ElementStyle(element,,
      this.pageStyle, this.showUserAgentStyles);
    this._elementStyle = elementStyle;


    return this._elementStyle.init().then(() => {
      if (this._elementStyle === elementStyle) {
        return this._populate();
    }).then(() => {
      if (this._elementStyle === elementStyle) {
        if (!refresh) {
          this.element.scrollTop = 0;
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / projecteditor / lib / plugins / app-manager / app-project-editor.js View on Github external
initialize: function(host) {
    ItchEditor.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
    this.appended = promise.resolve(); = host;
    this.label = "app-manager";
github joewalker / devtools.html / client / markupview / markup-view.js View on Github external
_waitForChildren: function() {
    if (!this._queuedChildUpdates) {
      return promise.resolve(undefined);

    return promise.all([...this._queuedChildUpdates.values()]);