How to use the @microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk.Vector3 function in @microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk

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github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk-samples / samples / solar-system / src / app.ts View on Github external
const facts = database[bodyName];
        const celestialBody = this.celestialBodies[bodyName];

        if (facts.year > 0) {
            // years = seconds (not in agreement with axial animation)
            const orbitTimeInSeconds = facts.year / this.timeFactor;
            const timeStep = orbitTimeInSeconds / this.orbitalKeyframeCount;
            const angleStep = 360 / this.orbitalKeyframeCount;
            const keyframes: MRESDK.AnimationKeyframe[] = [];
            const initial = celestialBody.position.transform.local.position.clone();
            let value: Partial;

            for (let i = 0; i < this.orbitalKeyframeCount; ++i) {
                const rotDelta = MRESDK.Quaternion.RotationAxis(
                    MRESDK.Vector3.Up(), (-angleStep * i) * MRESDK.DegreesToRadians);
                const position = initial.rotateByQuaternionToRef(rotDelta, new MRESDK.Vector3());
                value = {
                    transform: {
                        local: { position }
                    time: timeStep * i,

            // Final frame
            value = {
                transform: {
                    local: { position: celestialBody.position.transform.local.position }
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk / packages / gltf-gen / src / geometry / sphere.ts View on Github external
const i = this.vertices.push(vert) - 1,
					longNbr = i - 1 + (i == ringStart ? longLines + 1 : 0),
					latNbr = i <= longLines + 1 ? 0 : i - longLines - 1,
					latLongNbr = longNbr - longLines - 1;

				// fill in the tri/quad connecting this vert to the sphereA
				this.triangles.push(i, longNbr, latNbr);
				if (latLongNbr > 0)
					this.triangles.push(longNbr, latLongNbr, latNbr);

		// generate south pole
		const south = new Vertex({
			position: new Vector3(0, -radius, 0),
			normal: new Vector3(0, -1, 0),
			texCoord0: new Vector2(0.5, 0)
		const southIdx = this.vertices.push(south) - 1;

		// connect last long ring to the south pole
		const ringStart = southIdx - longLines - 1;
		for (let i = southIdx - longLines - 1; i < southIdx; i++) {
			const longNbr = i - 1 + (i == ringStart ? longLines + 1 : 0);
			this.triangles.push(longNbr, i, southIdx);
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk / packages / gltf-gen / src / geometry / sphere.ts View on Github external
public constructor(radius: number, longLines = 12, latLines = 8, material: Material = null) {

		// generate north pole
		const north = new Vertex({
			position: new Vector3(0, radius, 0),
			normal: new Vector3(0, 1, 0),
			texCoord0: new Vector2(0.5, 1)

		const longAngle = 2 * Math.PI / longLines,
			latAngle = Math.PI / latLines;

		// generate verts in rings starting from the north pole
		for (let lat = latAngle; lat < Math.PI - 0.001; lat += latAngle) {
			const ringStart = this.vertices.length;
			for (let long = 0; long < 2 * Math.PI + 0.001; long += longAngle) {

				// generate a vertex
				const normal = new Vector3(Math.sin(lat) * Math.cos(long), Math.cos(lat), Math.sin(lat) * Math.sin(long))
				const vert = new Vertex({
					position: normal.scale(radius),
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk-samples / samples / chess-game / src / app.ts View on Github external
private coordinate(coord: Coordinate): Vector3 {
		// Given a file and rank, return the coordinates of the center of the corresponding square.
		const fileIndices: { [id: string]: number } = { 'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, 'g': 6, 'h': 7 };
		const file = fileIndices[coord.file];
		const rank = coord.rank - 1;
		const x = file * -boardStep;
		const z = rank * -boardStep;
		return new Vector3(x, baseHeight, z);
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk-samples / samples / solar-system / src / app.ts View on Github external
const facts = database[bodyName];
        const celestialBody = this.celestialBodies[bodyName];

        if (facts.year > 0) {
            // years = seconds (not in agreement with axial animation)
            const orbitTimeInSeconds = facts.year / this.timeFactor;
            const timeStep = orbitTimeInSeconds / this.orbitalKeyframeCount;
            const angleStep = 360 / this.orbitalKeyframeCount;
            const keyframes: MRESDK.AnimationKeyframe[] = [];
            const initial = celestialBody.position.transform.position.clone();
            let value: Partial;

            for (let i = 0; i < this.orbitalKeyframeCount; ++i) {
                const rotDelta = MRESDK.Quaternion.RotationAxis(
                    MRESDK.Vector3.Up(), (-angleStep * i) * MRESDK.DegreesToRadians);
                const position = initial.rotateByQuaternionToRef(rotDelta, new MRESDK.Vector3());
                value = {
                    transform: {
                    time: timeStep * i,

            // Final frame
            value = {
                transform: {
                    position: celestialBody.position.transform.position
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk-samples / samples / chess-game / src / app.ts View on Github external
private async animateMovement(actor: Actor, dst: Square) {
		const moveSpeed = 3;
		const position = new Vector3();
		position.y = actor.transform.local.position.y;
		const diff = position.subtract(actor.transform.local.position);
		const length = diff.length();
		const [side, type] ='-');
		const sideConfig = modelConfigs[side];
		const modelConfig = sideConfig[type];
			transform: {
				local: {
					rotation: modelConfig.rotation
		}, moveSpeed * length, AnimationEaseCurves.EaseInOutSine);
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk-samples / samples / chess-game / src / app.ts View on Github external
private createChessPieces() {
		const loads: Array> = [];
		const status = as Status;
		for (const square of status.board.squares) {
			if (square.piece) {
				const side = modelConfigs[];
				const info = side[square.piece.type];
				const name = `${}-${square.piece.type}`;
				const position = new Vector3();
				const prefab = this.preloads[`${}-${square.piece.type}`][0].prefab;
				const actor = Actor.CreateFromPrefab(this.context, {
					actor: {
						transform: { local: { position, rotation: info.rotation } },
						subscriptions: ['transform']
				}); = actor;
		return loads;
github microsoft / mixed-reality-extension-sdk-samples / samples / chess-game / src / app.ts View on Github external
const distance = (square: Square) => Vector3.Distance(
			new Vector3(position.x, 0, position.z),
			new Vector3(, 0,;


The Mixed Reality Extension SDK enables developers to build 3D world extensions for AltspaceVR, using Node.JS.

Latest version published 5 years ago

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