How to use the @hapi/boom.internal function in @hapi/boom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hapi/boom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hapijs / bell / lib / oauth.js View on Github external
// Authorization callback

        if (!request.query.oauth_verifier) {
            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Missing verifier parameter in ' + name + ' authorization response'), { credentials });

        const state = request.state[cookie];
        if (!state) {
            return internals.refreshRedirect(request, name, protocol, settings, credentials, h);

        credentials.query = state.query;

        if (request.query.oauth_token !== state.token) {
            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal(name + ' authorized request token mismatch'), { credentials });

        // Obtain token OAuth credentials

        try {
            var { payload: token } = await client.token(state.token, request.query.oauth_verifier, state.secret);
        catch (err) {
            return h.unauthenticated(err, { credentials });

        credentials.token = token.oauth_token;
        credentials.secret = token.oauth_token_secret;

        if (!settings.provider.profile ||
            settings.skipProfile) {
github hapijs / bell / lib / oauth.js View on Github external
catch (err) {
            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Failed obtaining ' + name + ' access token', err), { credentials });

        if (tokenRes.statusCode < 200 ||
            tokenRes.statusCode > 299) {

            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Failed obtaining ' + name + ' access token', payload), { credentials });

        try {
            payload = internals.parse(payload);
        catch (err) {
            Bounce.rethrow(err, 'system');
            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Received invalid payload from ' + name + ' access token endpoint', payload), { credentials });

        credentials.token = payload.access_token;
        credentials.refreshToken = payload.refresh_token;
        credentials.expiresIn = payload.expires_in;

        if (!settings.provider.profile || settings.skipProfile) {
            return h.authenticated({ credentials, artifacts: payload });

        // Obtain user profile

        const get = async (uri, params = {}) => {

            const getOptions = {
                headers: {
github hapijs / bell / lib / oauth.js View on Github external
const cookie = settings.cookie;
        const name =;
        const protocol = internals.getProtocol(request, settings);

        // Prepare credentials

        const credentials = {
            provider: name

        // Bail if the upstream service returns an error

        if (request.query.error === 'access_denied' ||
            request.query.denied) {

            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Application rejected'), { credentials });

        // Error if not https but cookie is secure

        if (protocol !== 'https' &&
            settings.isSecure) {

            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Invalid setting  - isSecure must be set to false for non-https server'), { credentials });

        // Sign-in Initialization

        if (!request.query.oauth_token) {
            credentials.query = request.query;

            // Obtain temporary OAuth credentials
github hapijs / bell / lib / oauth.js View on Github external
const cookie = settings.cookie;
        const name =;
        const protocol = internals.getProtocol(request, settings);

        // Prepare credentials

        const credentials = {
            provider: name

        // Bail if the upstream service returns an error

        if (request.query.error === 'access_denied' ||
            request.query.denied) {

            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal(`App rejected: ${request.query.error_description || request.query.denied || 'No information provided'}`), { credentials });

        // Error if not https but cookie is secure

        if (protocol !== 'https' &&
            settings.isSecure) {

            return h.unauthenticated(Boom.internal('Invalid setting  - isSecure must be set to false for non-https server'), { credentials });

        // Sign-in Initialization

        if (!request.query.code) {
            credentials.query = request.query;

            const nonce = Cryptiles.randomString(internals.nonceLength);
github hapijs / bell / test / mock.js View on Github external
if (res) {
                        return { res: { statusCode: 200 }, payload: JSON.stringify(res) };

                    return { res: { statusCode: 200 }, payload: '{"x":1}' };

                if (payload instanceof Error) {
                    const statusCode = (payload && payload.output ? payload.output.statusCode : 400);
                    return { res: { statusCode }, payload: JSON.stringify({ message: payload.message }) };

                if (payload === null) {
                    throw Boom.internal('unknown');

                return { res: { statusCode: 200 }, payload: typeof payload === 'string' ? payload : JSON.stringify(payload) };

            return internals.wreck[method](dest, ...args);
github fknop / hapi-pagination / lib / decorate.js View on Github external
paginate: function (response, totalCount, options) {

            options = options || {};
            const key = options.key;

            if (Array.isArray(response) && key) {
                throw Boom.internal('Object required with results key')

            if (!Array.isArray(response) && !key) {
                throw Boom.internal('Missing results key');

            if (key && !response[key]) {
                throw Boom.internal('key: ' + key + 'does not exists on response');

            const results = key ? response[key] : response;
            if (key) {
                delete response[key];

            if (config.meta.location === 'header') {
                return this.response(results).header('total-count', totalCount);

            return this.response({
github Fcmam5 / algeria-api / server / controllers / UserController.js View on Github external
register: async (req, res, next) => {
    const { name, email, password } = req.body;

    try {
      const user = await service.create(name, email, password);
      return res.status(201).json({ success: true, user });
    } catch (error) {
      switch ( {
        case 'EmailIsTakenError':
          return next(boom.conflict(error.message));

          return next(boom.internal(error));
  login: async (req, res, next) => {
github hapijs / bell / lib / oauth.js View on Github external

            if (settings.profileParams) {
                Hoek.merge(params, settings.profileParams);

            if (settings.provider.headers) {
                Hoek.merge(getOptions.headers, settings.provider.headers);

            const getQuery = (Object.keys(params).length ? '?' + internals.queryString(params) : '');
            try {
                var { res, payload: response } = await Wreck[settings.provider.profileMethod](uri + getQuery, getOptions);
            catch (err) {
                throw Boom.internal('Failed obtaining ' + name + ' user profile', err);

            if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
                throw Boom.internal('Failed obtaining ' + name + ' user profile', response);

            try {
                response = internals.parse(response);
            catch (err) {
                Bounce.rethrow(err, 'system');
                throw Boom.internal('Received invalid payload from ' + name + ' user profile', response);

            return response;
github fknop / hapi-pagination / lib / decorate.js View on Github external
paginate: function (response, totalCount, options) {

            options = options || {};
            const key = options.key;

            if (Array.isArray(response) && key) {
                throw Boom.internal('Object required with results key')

            if (!Array.isArray(response) && !key) {
                throw Boom.internal('Missing results key');

            if (key && !response[key]) {
                throw Boom.internal('key: ' + key + 'does not exists on response');

            const results = key ? response[key] : response;
            if (key) {
                delete response[key];

            if (config.meta.location === 'header') {
github Fcmam5 / algeria-api / server / controllers / wilayaController.js View on Github external
adjacentWilayasNames: async (req, res, next) => {
    const resFormat = req.query.format;
    const mattricule = Number(req.params.matricule);
    const { lang } = req.params;

    try {
      const {
      } = await service.getAdjacentWilayasNames(mattricule, lang);

      return presenter
        .presentArrayResponse(res, adjacentWilayasWithNames, resFormat, 'wilayas', 200);
    } catch (error) {
      return next(boom.internal('Error'));
  wilayaByPhoneCode: async (req, res, next) => {