How to use the @hapi/boom.boomify function in @hapi/boom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hapi/boom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hapijs / hapi / lib / validation.js View on Github external
    finally {
        request.orig[source] = request[source];
        if (value !== undefined) {
            request[source] = value;

    if (request.route.settings.validate.failAction === 'ignore') {

    // Prepare error

    const defaultError = validationError.isBoom ? validationError : Boom.badRequest(`Invalid request ${source} input`);
    const detailedError = Boom.boomify(validationError, { statusCode: 400, override: false });
    detailedError.output.payload.validation = { source, keys: [] };
    if (validationError.details) {
        for (const details of validationError.details) {
            const path = details.path;

    if (request.route.settings.validate.errorFields) {
        for (const field in request.route.settings.validate.errorFields) {
            detailedError.output.payload[field] = request.route.settings.validate.errorFields[field];

    return request._core.toolkit.failAction(request, request.route.settings.validate.failAction, defaultError, { details: detailedError, tags: ['validation', 'error', source] });
github hapijs / hapi / lib / toolkit.js View on Github external
else {
                    operation = method(request, h);

            var response = await exports.timed(operation, options);
        catch (err) {
            if (Bounce.isSystem(err)) {
                response = Boom.badImplementation(err);
            else if (!Bounce.isError(err)) {
                response = Boom.badImplementation('Cannot throw non-error object', err);
            else {
                response = Boom.boomify(err);

        // Process response

        if (response === undefined) {
            response = Boom.badImplementation(`${} method did not return a value, a promise, or throw an error`);

        if (options.continue &&
            response === exports.symbols.continue) {

            if (options.continue === 'undefined') {
github hapijs / hapi / lib / transmit.js View on Github external
if (request.raw.res.finished) {
        if (event !== 'aborted') {


    if (err) {

    err = err || new Boom.Boom(`Request ${event}`, { statusCode: request.route.settings.response.disconnectStatusCode });
    const error = internals.error(request, Boom.boomify(err));

    if (request.raw.res[Config.symbol]) {
        request.raw.res.statusCode = error.statusCode;
        request.raw.res[Config.symbol].result = error.source;       // Force injected response to error

    if (event) {
        request._log(['response', 'error', event]);
    else {
        request._log(['response', 'error'], err);

    request.raw.res.end();                                          // Triggers injection promise resolve
github hapijs / iron / lib / index.js View on Github external
const macOptions = Hoek.clone(options.integrity);
    macOptions.salt = hmacSalt;
    const mac = await exports.hmacWithPassword(password.integrity, macOptions, macBaseString);

    if (!Cryptiles.fixedTimeComparison(mac.digest, hmac)) {
        throw new Boom.Boom('Bad hmac value');

    // Decrypt

    try {
        var encrypted = B64.base64urlDecode(encryptedB64, 'buffer');
    catch (err) {
        throw Boom.boomify(err);

    const decryptOptions = Hoek.clone(options.encryption);
    decryptOptions.salt = encryptionSalt;

    try {
        decryptOptions.iv = B64.base64urlDecode(encryptionIv, 'buffer');
    catch (err) {
        throw Boom.boomify(err);

    const decrypted = await exports.decrypt(password.encryption, decryptOptions, encrypted);

    // Parse JSON
github hapijs / hapi / lib / headers.js View on Github external

        if (!states.length) {

        let header = await request._core.states.format(states);
        const existing = response.headers['set-cookie'];
        if (existing) {
            header = (Array.isArray(existing) ? existing : [existing]).concat(header);

        response._header('set-cookie', header);
    catch (err) {
        const error = Boom.boomify(err);
        request._log(['state', 'response', 'error'], error);
        request._states = {};                                           // Clear broken state
        throw error;
github ipfs / js-ipfs / src / http / api / resources / swarm.js View on Github external
exports.parseAddrs = (request, h) => {
  if (!request.query.arg) {
    throw Boom.badRequest('Argument `addr` is required')

  try {
  } catch (err) {
    throw Boom.boomify(err, { statusCode: 400 })

  return {
    addr: request.query.arg
github hapijs / hapi / lib / response.js View on Github external
_prepare() {


        if (!this._processors.prepare) {
            return this;

        try {
            return this._processors.prepare(this);
        catch (err) {
            throw Boom.boomify(err);
github hapijs / inert / lib / etag.js View on Github external
internals.hashFile = async function (response) {

    const hash = Crypto.createHash('sha1');

    const fileStream = response.source.file.createReadStream({ autoClose: false });

    try {
        await internals.streamEnd(fileStream);
    catch (err) {
        Bounce.rethrow(err, 'system');
        throw Boom.boomify(err, { message: 'Failed to hash file', data: { path: response.source.path } });
github hapijs / hapi / lib / response.js View on Github external
static wrap(result, request) {

        if (result instanceof internals.Response ||
            typeof result === 'symbol') {

            return result;

        if (result instanceof Error) {
            return Boom.boomify(result);

        return new internals.Response(result, request);
github ipfs / js-ipfs / src / http / api / resources / config.js View on Github external
for await (const part of multipart(request)) {
      if (part.type !== 'file') {

      file = Buffer.concat(await all(part.content))

    if (!file) {
      throw Boom.badRequest("Argument 'file' is required")

    try {
      return { config: JSON.parse(file.toString('utf8')) }
    } catch (err) {
      throw Boom.boomify(err, { message: 'Failed to decode file as config' })