How to use the @hapi/boom.badRequest function in @hapi/boom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hapi/boom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github elitan / hasura-backend-plus / src / auth / auth.js View on Github external'/refresh-token', async (req, res, next) => {

  // validate username and password
  const schema = Joi.object().keys({
    refresh_token: Joi.string().required(),

  const { error, value } = schema.validate(req.body);

  if (error) {
    return next(Boom.badRequest(error.details[0].message));

  const { refresh_token } = value;

  let query = `
  query get_refresh_token(
    $refresh_token: uuid!,
    $current_timestampz: timestamptz!,
  ) {
    refresh_tokens: ${schema_name}refresh_tokens (
      where: {
        _and: [{
          refresh_token: { _eq: $refresh_token }
        }, {
          user: { active: { _eq: true }}
        }, {
github ipfs / js-ipfs / src / http / api / resources / files-regular.js View on Github external
handler (request, h) {
    const { ipfs } =
    const { key } = request.pre.args

    const options = {
      recursive: request.query.recursive,
      format: request.query.format,
      edges: request.query.edges,
      unique: request.query.unique,
      maxDepth: request.query['max-depth']

    // have to do this here otherwise the validation error appears in the stream tail and
    // this doesn't work in browsers:
    if (options.edges && options.format !== Format.default) {
      throw Boom.badRequest('Cannot set edges to true and also specify format')

    return streamResponse(request, h, async (output) => {
      for await (const ref of ipfs._refsAsyncIterator(key, options)) {
            Ref: ref.ref,
            Err: ref.err
          }) + '\n'
github hapijs / nes / lib / socket.js View on Github external
internals.Socket.prototype._authenticate = async function (request) {

    await this._authByCookie();

    if (!request.auth &&
        !this.auth.isAuthenticated &&
        this._listener._authRequired()) {

        throw Boom.unauthorized('Connection requires authentication');

    if (request.auth &&
        request.type !== 'reauth' &&
        this.auth.isAuthenticated) {        // Authenticated using a cookie during upgrade

        throw Boom.badRequest('Connection already authenticated');

    this.auth._initialAuthTimeout = null;

    if (request.auth) {
        const config = this._listener._settings.auth;
        if (config.type === 'direct') {
            const route = this.server.lookup(;
            request.auth.headers = request.auth.headers || {};
            request.auth.headers['x-forwarded-for'] =['x-forwarded-for'];
            const res = await this.server.inject({ url: route.path, method: 'auth', headers: request.auth.headers, remoteAddress:, allowInternals: true, validate: false });
            if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
                throw Boom.unauthorized(res.result.message);
github dwyl / hapi-auth-jwt2 / test / dynamic_key_server.js View on Github external
const keyFunc = async function (decoded) {
  if (decoded.tenant) {
    const key = multiTenantSecretKeys[decoded.tenant];

    if (key) {
      return {key, additional: 'something extra here if needed' };
    else {
      throw Boom.unauthorized('Key not found');
  else {
    throw Boom.badRequest('Tenant was not specified in token payload');
github dwyl / hapi-auth-jwt2 / test / multiple_key_server.js View on Github external
const keyFunc = function (decoded) {
  if (decoded.tenant) {
    const keys = multiTenantSecretKeys[decoded.tenant];

    if (keys) {
      return {key: keys, additional: 'something extra here if needed' };
    else {
      throw Boom.unauthorized('Key not found');
  else {
    throw Boom.badRequest('Tenant was not specified in token payload');
github ipfs / js-ipfs / src / http / api / resources / object.js View on Github external
parseArgs: (request, reply) => {
    if (!(request.query.arg instanceof Array) ||
        request.query.arg.length !== 3) {
      throw Boom.badRequest("Arguments 'root', 'name' & 'ref' are required")

    if (!request.query.arg[0]) {
      throw Boom.badRequest('cannot create link with no root')

    if (!request.query.arg[1]) {
      throw Boom.badRequest('cannot create link with no name!')

    if (!request.query.arg[2]) {
      throw Boom.badRequest('cannot create link with no ref')

    try {
      return {
github Fcmam5 / algeria-api / server / middlewares / wilayasMiddlware.js View on Github external
isInWilayasRange: (req, res, next) => {
    const { matricule } = req.params;
    const { error } = WilayaValidator.isInWilayasRange(matricule);
    if (error) {
      return next(boom.badRequest('Bad request! "matricule" parameter must be a number between 1 and 48'));

    return next();
  isValidPhoneCode: (req, res, next) => {
github rse / hapi-plugin-websocket / sample-server.js View on Github external
            if (typeof request.payload !== "object" || request.payload === null)
                return Boom.badRequest("invalid request")
            if (typeof request.payload.cmd !== "string")
                return Boom.badRequest("invalid request")
            if (request.payload.cmd === "PING")
                return { result: "PONG" }
            else if (request.payload.cmd === "AWAKE-ALL") {
                var peers = request.websocket().peers
                peers.forEach((peer) => {
                    peer.send(JSON.stringify({ cmd: "AWAKE" }))
                return ""
                return Boom.badRequest("unknown command")
github Fcmam5 / algeria-api / server / middlewares / authMiddleware.js View on Github external
validateSignupBody: (req, res, next) => {
    const { error } = UserValidators.validateSignupBody(req.body);

    if (error) {
      return next(boom.badRequest(error));
    return next();
github mattboutet / user-pal / lib / services / user.js View on Github external
const { Users } = this.server.models();
        const { emailService } =;

        const rawResetToken = Buffer.from(Uuid({ rng: Uuid.nodeRNG }));

        const hash = await this.pwd.hash(rawResetToken);

        const patchedUser = await Users.query()
            .patch({ 'password': null, resetToken: hash.toString('utf8') })
            .where({ email })

        if (!patchedUser) {
            throw Boom.badRequest('Unable to intiate password reset');

        const resetUrl = this.options.siteUrl + '/password-reset/' + rawResetToken;

        await emailService.send('password-reset', patchedUser, { resetUrl });
        return null;