How to use yt - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github yt-project / yt / yt / frontends / ramses / View on Github external
self.add_field(name=name, sampling_type="cell", function=_func,

        #Load cooling files
        avals = {}
        tvals = {}
        with FortranFile(filename) as fd:
            n1, n2 = fd.read_vector('i')
            for ax in _cool_axes:
                avals[ax] = fd.read_vector('d')
            for i,(tname, unit) in enumerate(_cool_arrs):
                var = fd.read_vector('d')
                if var.size==n1 and i==0:
                    #If this case occurs, the cooling files were produced pre-2010 in a format
                    #that is no longer supported
                    mylog.warning('This cooling file format is no longer supported. Cooling field loading skipped.')
                if var.size == n1*n2:
                    tvals[tname] = dict(data=var.reshape((n1, n2), order='F'), unit=unit)
                    var = var.reshape((n1, n2, var.size // (n1*n2)), order='F')
                    for i in range(var.shape[-1]):
                        tvals[_cool_species[i]] = dict(data=var[:,:,i], unit="1/cm**3")

        #Add the mu field first, as it is needed for the number density
        interp = BilinearFieldInterpolator(tvals['mu']['data'],
                                           (avals["lognH"], avals["logT"]),
                                           ["lognH", "logT"], truncate = True)
        _create_field(("gas", 'mu'), interp, tvals['mu']['unit'])

        #Add the number density field, based on mu
        def _number_density(field,data):
github gamer-project / gamer / example / test_problem / Hydro / Plummer / plot_script / View on Github external
print( '-------------------------------------------------------------------\n' )

idx_start   = args.idx_start
idx_end     = args.idx_end
didx        = args.didx
prefix      = args.prefix

field       = 'density'
#field       = [ 'density', 'Cloud0', 'Cloud1' ]
dpi         = 150


ts = yt.load( [ prefix+'/Data_%06d'%idx for idx in range(idx_start, idx_end+1, didx) ] )

for ds in ts.piter():

   pz_dens = yt.ProjectionPlot( ds, 'z', field )
   pz_dens.set_zlim( field, 1.0e-5, 5.0e-2 )
   pz_dens.set_font( {'size':16} )
   pz_dens.set_axes_unit( 'code_length' )
   pz_dens.set_unit( field, 'code_mass/code_length**2' )
   pz_dens.annotate_timestamp( time_unit='code_time', corner='upper_right' ) mpl_kwargs={"dpi":dpi} )
github yt-project / yt / tests / View on Github external
def generate_tasks_input():
    pyver = "py{}{}".format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)
    if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0):
        DROP_TAG = "py3"
        DROP_TAG = "py2"

    test_dir = ytcfg.get("yt", "test_data_dir")
    answers_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "answers")
    with open('tests/tests.yaml', 'r') as obj:
        lines =
    data = '\n'.join([line for line in lines.split('\n')
                      if DROP_TAG not in line])
    tests = yaml.load(data)

    base_argv = ['-s', '--nologcapture', '--with-xunit']

    base_answer_argv = ['--local-dir=%s' % answers_dir, '--with-answer-testing',
                        '--answer-big-data', '--local']

    args = []

    for test in list(tests["other_tests"].keys()):
        args.append(([test] + base_argv + tests["other_tests"][test], True))
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_unit_systems():
    goofy_unit_system = UnitSystem("goofy", "ly", "lbm", "hr", temperature_unit="R",
                                   angle_unit="arcsec", current_mks_unit="mA")
    assert goofy_unit_system["temperature"] == Unit("R")
    assert goofy_unit_system[dimensions.solid_angle] == Unit("arcsec**2")
    assert goofy_unit_system["energy"] == Unit("lbm*ly**2/hr**2")
    goofy_unit_system["energy"] = "eV"
    assert goofy_unit_system["energy"] == Unit("eV")
    assert goofy_unit_system["magnetic_field_mks"] == Unit("lbm/(hr**2*mA)")
    assert "goofy" in unit_system_registry
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_create_from_string():
    Create units with strings and check attributes.


    u1 = Unit("g * cm**2 * s**-2")
    assert_true(u1.dimensions == energy)
    assert_true(u1.base_value == 1.0)

    # make sure order doesn't matter
    u2 = Unit("cm**2 * s**-2 * g")
    assert_true(u2.dimensions == energy)
    assert_true(u2.base_value == 1.0)

    # Test rationals
    u3 = Unit("g**0.5 * cm**-0.5 * s**-1")
    assert_true(u3.dimensions == magnetic_field)
    assert_true(u3.base_value == 1.0)

    # sqrt functions
    u4 = Unit("sqrt(g)/sqrt(cm)/s")
    assert_true(u4.dimensions == magnetic_field)
    assert_true(u4.base_value == 1.0)

    # commutative sqrt function
    u5 = Unit("sqrt(g/cm)/s")
    assert_true(u5.dimensions == magnetic_field)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_is_code_unit():
    ds = fake_random_ds(64, nprocs=1)
    u1 = Unit('code_mass', registry=ds.unit_registry)
    u2 = Unit('code_mass/code_length', registry=ds.unit_registry)
    u3 = Unit('code_velocity*code_mass**2', registry=ds.unit_registry)
    u4 = Unit('code_time*code_mass**0.5', registry=ds.unit_registry)
    u5 = Unit('code_mass*g', registry=ds.unit_registry)
    u6 = Unit('g/cm**3')

    assert_true(not u5.is_code_unit)
    assert_true(not u6.is_code_unit)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_division():
    Divide two units.

    pc_cgs = cm_per_pc
    km_cgs = cm_per_km

    # Create symbols
    pc_sym = Symbol("pc", positive=True)
    km_sym = Symbol("km", positive=True)
    s_sym = Symbol("s", positive=True)

    # Create units
    u1 = Unit("pc")
    u2 = Unit("km * s")

    u3 = u1 / u2

    assert_true(u3.expr == pc_sym / (km_sym * s_sym))
    assert_allclose_units(u3.base_value, pc_cgs / km_cgs, 1e-12)
    assert_true(u3.dimensions == 1 / time)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
a2 = array([4., 5., 6.])
    a3 = [4, 5, 6]
    answer1 = YTArray([0.25, 0.4, 0.5], 'cm')
    answer2 = YTArray([4, 2.5, 2], '1/cm')

    operate_and_compare(a1, a2, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a2, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a2, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a2, a1, np.divide, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, np.divide, answer2)

    # Both dimensionless quantities
    a1 = YTArray([1., 2., 3.])
    a2 = array([4., 5., 6.])
    a3 = [4, 5, 6]
    answer1 = YTArray([0.25, 0.4, 0.5])
    answer2 = YTArray([4, 2.5, 2])

    operate_and_compare(a1, a2, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a2, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, np.divide, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, np.divide, answer2)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_ones_and_zeros_like():
    data = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')
    zd = np.zeros_like(data)
    od = np.ones_like(data)

    assert_equal(zd, YTArray([0, 0, 0], 'cm'))
    assert_equal(zd.units, data.units)
    assert_equal(od, YTArray([1, 1, 1], 'cm'))
    assert_equal(od.units, data.units)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_copy():
    quan = YTQuantity(1, 'g')
    arr = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')

    assert_equal(copy.copy(quan), quan)
    assert_array_equal(copy.copy(arr), arr)

    assert_equal( copy.deepcopy(quan), quan)
    assert_array_equal(copy.deepcopy(arr), arr)

    assert_equal(quan.copy(), quan)
    assert_array_equal(arr.copy(), arr)

    assert_equal(np.copy(quan), quan)
    assert_array_equal(np.copy(arr), arr)