How to use the yt.utilities.performance_counters.yt_counters function in yt

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uniq_subchain = np.unique(sort_subchain)
            diff_subchain = np.ediff1d(sort_subchain)
            marks = (diff_subchain > 0)
            marks = np.arange(calc)[marks] + 1
            marks = np.concatenate(([0], marks, [calc]))
            for i, u in enumerate(uniq_subchain):
                self.bulk_vel[u] = np.sum(vel[marks[i]:marks[i + 1]], axis=0)
            del vel, subchain, sort_subchain
            del diff_subchain
        # Bring it together, and divide by the previously computed total mass
        # of each halo.
        self.bulk_vel = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(self.bulk_vel, op='sum')
        for groupID in xrange(self.group_count):
            self.bulk_vel[groupID] = \
                self.bulk_vel[groupID] / self.Tot_M[groupID]
        yt_counters("bulk vel. computing")
        # Now calculate the RMS velocity of the groups in parallel, very
        # similarly to the bulk velocity and re-using some of the arrays.
        yt_counters("rms vel computing")
        rms_vel_temp = np.zeros((self.group_count, 2), dtype='float64')
        if calc:
            vel = np.empty((calc, 3), dtype='float64')
            vel[:, 0] = xv[select] * ms
            vel[:, 1] = yv[select] * ms
            vel[:, 2] = zv[select] * ms
            vel = vel[sort]
            for i, u in enumerate(uniq_subchain):
                # This finds the sum locally.
                rms_vel_temp[u][0] = np.sum(((vel[marks[i]:marks[i + 1]] - \
                    self.bulk_vel[u]) / self.Tot_M[u]) ** 2.)
                # I could use self.group_sizes...
                rms_vel_temp[u][1] = marks[i + 1] - marks[i]
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left = ((points[:,i] < temp_LE[i]) * (points[:,i] < temp_RE[i])) * self.period[i]
                right = ((points[:,i] > temp_LE[i]) * (points[:,i] > temp_RE[i])) * self.period[i]
                shift_points[:,i] = points[:,i] + left - right
            is_inside = ( (shift_points >= temp_LE).all(axis=1) * \
                (shift_points < temp_RE).all(axis=1) )
            send_real_indices[neighbor] = real_indices[is_inside].copy()
            send_points[neighbor] = shift_points[is_inside].copy()
            send_mass[neighbor] = mass[is_inside].copy()
            send_size[neighbor] = len(na.where(is_inside == True)[0])
        del points, shift_points, mass, real_indices
        yt_counters("Picking padding data to send.")
        # Communicate the sizes to send.
        self.mine, global_send_count = self._mpi_info_dict(send_size)
        del send_size
        # Initialize the arrays to receive data.
        yt_counters("Initalizing recv arrays.")
        recv_real_indices = {}
        recv_points = {}
        recv_mass = {}
        recv_size = 0
        for opp_neighbor in self.neighbors:
            opp_size = global_send_count[opp_neighbor][self.mine]
            recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor] = na.empty(opp_size, dtype='int64')
            recv_points[opp_neighbor] = na.empty((opp_size, 3), dtype='float64')
            recv_mass[opp_neighbor] = na.empty(opp_size, dtype='float64')
            recv_size += opp_size
        yt_counters("Initalizing recv arrays.")
        # Setup the receiving slots.
        yt_counters("MPI stuff.")
        hooks = []
        for opp_neighbor in self.neighbors:
            hooks.append(self._mpi_Irecv_long(recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor], opp_neighbor))
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select = (self.chainID != -1)
        calc = len(np.where(select == True)[0])
        loc = np.empty((calc, 3), dtype='float64')
        if self.tree == 'F':
            loc[:, 0] = np.concatenate((self.xpos, self.xpos_pad))[select]
            loc[:, 1] = np.concatenate((self.ypos, self.ypos_pad))[select]
            loc[:, 2] = np.concatenate((self.zpos, self.zpos_pad))[select]
            del self.xpos_pad, self.ypos_pad, self.zpos_pad
        elif self.tree == 'C':
            loc = self.pos[select]
        subchain = self.chainID[select]
        # First we need to find the maximum density point for all groups.
        # I think this will be faster than several vector operations that need
        # to pull the entire chainID array out of memory several times.
        yt_counters("max dens point")
        max_dens_point = np.zeros((self.group_count,4),dtype='float64')
        for i,part in enumerate(np.arange(self.size)[select]):
            groupID = self.chainID[part]
            if part < self.real_size:
                real_index = self.index[part]
                real_index = self.index_pad[part - self.real_size]
            if real_index == self.densest_in_group_real_index[groupID]:
                max_dens_point[groupID] = np.array([self.density[part], \
                loc[i, 0], loc[i, 1], loc[i, 2]])
        del self.index, self.index_pad, self.densest_in_group_real_index
        # Now we broadcast this, effectively, with an allsum. Even though
        # some groups are on multiple tasks, there is only one densest_in_chain
        # and only that task contributed above.
        self.max_dens_point = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(max_dens_point, op='sum')
        del max_dens_point
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def _translate_groupIDs(self, group_count):
        Using the maps, convert the particle chainIDs into their locally-final
        self.I_own = set([])
        for i in xrange(int(self.size)):
            # Don't translate non-affiliated particles.
            if self.chainID[i] == -1: continue
            # We want to remove the group tag from padded particles,
            # so when we return it to HaloFinding, there is no duplication.
            if self.is_inside[i]:
                self.chainID[i] = self.reverse_map[self.chainID[i]]
                self.chainID[i] = -1
        del self.is_inside
        # Create a densest_in_group, analogous to densest_in_chain.
        keys = np.arange(group_count)
        vals = np.zeros(group_count)
        self.densest_in_group = dict(itertools.izip(keys,vals))
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left = ((points[:,i] < temp_LE[i]) * (points[:,i] < temp_RE[i])) * self.period[i]
                right = ((points[:,i] > temp_LE[i]) * (points[:,i] > temp_RE[i])) * self.period[i]
                shift_points[:,i] = points[:,i] + left - right
            is_inside = ( (shift_points >= temp_LE).all(axis=1) * \
                (shift_points < temp_RE).all(axis=1) )
            send_real_indices[neighbor] = real_indices[is_inside].copy()
            send_points[neighbor] = shift_points[is_inside].copy()
            send_mass[neighbor] = mass[is_inside].copy()
            send_size[neighbor] = is_inside.sum()
        del points, shift_points, mass, real_indices
        yt_counters("Picking padding data to send.")
        # Communicate the sizes to send.
        self.mine, global_send_count = self.comm.mpi_info_dict(send_size)
        del send_size
        # Initialize the arrays to receive data.
        yt_counters("Initalizing recv arrays.")
        recv_real_indices = {}
        recv_points = {}
        recv_mass = {}
        recv_size = 0
        for opp_neighbor in self.neighbors:
            opp_size = global_send_count[opp_neighbor][self.mine]
            recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor] = np.empty(opp_size, dtype='int64')
            recv_points[opp_neighbor] = np.empty((opp_size, 3), dtype='float64')
            recv_mass[opp_neighbor] = np.empty(opp_size, dtype='float64')
            recv_size += opp_size
        yt_counters("Initalizing recv arrays.")
        # Setup the receiving slots.
        yt_counters("MPI stuff.")
        hooks = []
        for opp_neighbor in self.neighbors:
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_recv(recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor], opp_neighbor))
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Tot_M[groupID] += ms[i]
            del cc, ms
            for groupID in xrange(int(self.group_count)):
                # Don't divide by zero.
                if groupID in self.I_own:
                    CoM_M[groupID] /= Tot_M[groupID]
                    CoM_M[groupID] += self.max_dens_point[groupID,1:4] - np.array([0.5,0.5,0.5])
                    CoM_M[groupID] *= Tot_M[groupID]
        # Now we find their global values
        self.group_sizes = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(size, op='sum')
        CoM_M = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(CoM_M, op='sum')
        self.Tot_M = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(Tot_M, op='sum')
        self.CoM = np.empty((self.group_count,3), dtype='float64')
        for groupID in xrange(int(self.group_count)):
            self.CoM[groupID] = CoM_M[groupID] / self.Tot_M[groupID]
        # Now we find the maximum radius for all groups.
        yt_counters("max radius")
        max_radius = np.zeros(self.group_count, dtype='float64')
        if calc:
            com = self.CoM[subchain]
            rad = np.fabs(com - loc)
            dist = (np.minimum(rad, self.period - rad)**2.).sum(axis=1)
            dist = dist[sort]
            for i, u in enumerate(uniq_subchain):
                max_radius[u] = np.max(dist[marks[i]:marks[i+1]])
        # Find the maximum across all tasks.'Fraction of particles in this region in groups: %f' % (float(calc)/self.size))
        self.max_radius = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(max_radius, op='max')
        self.max_radius = np.sqrt(self.max_radius)
        yt_counters("max radius")
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map[i] = new
                dic_new[new] = dic
                dicri_new[new] = self.densest_in_chain_real_index[i]
                new += 1
                map[i] = -1
        for i in range(self.size):
            if self.chainID[i] != -1:
                self.chainID[i] = map[self.chainID[i]]
        del map
        self.densest_in_chain = dic_new.copy()
        del dic_new
        self.densest_in_chain_real_index = dicri_new.copy()
        del dicri_new
        yt_counters("preconnect pregrouping.")"Preconnected %d chains." % removed)

        return chain_count - removed
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opp_size = global_send_count[opp_neighbor][self.mine]
            self.index_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor]
            # Clean up immediately to reduce peak memory usage.
            del recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor]
            self.xpos_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_points[opp_neighbor][:,0]
            self.ypos_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_points[opp_neighbor][:,1]
            self.zpos_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_points[opp_neighbor][:,2]
            del recv_points[opp_neighbor]
            self.mass_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_mass[opp_neighbor]
            del recv_mass[opp_neighbor]
            so_far += opp_size
        yt_counters("Processing padded data.")
        # The KDtree node search wants the particles to be in the full box,
        # not the expanded dimensions of shifted (<0 or >1 generally) volume,
        # so we fix the positions of particles here.
        yt_counters("Flipping coordinates around the periodic boundary.")
        self.xpos_pad = self.xpos_pad % self.period[0]
        self.ypos_pad = self.ypos_pad % self.period[1]
        self.zpos_pad = self.zpos_pad % self.period[2]
        yt_counters("Flipping coordinates around the periodic boundary.")
        self.size = self.index.size + self.index_pad.size
        # Now that we have the full size, initialize the chainID array
        self.chainID = na.ones(self.size,dtype='int64') * -1
        # Clean up explicitly, but these should be empty dicts by now.
        del recv_real_indices, hooks, recv_points, recv_mass
        yt_counters("Communicate discriminated padding")
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hooks = []
        for opp_neighbor in self.neighbors:
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_recv(recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor], opp_neighbor))
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_recv(recv_points[opp_neighbor], opp_neighbor))
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_recv(recv_mass[opp_neighbor], opp_neighbor))
        # Let's wait here to be absolutely sure that all the receive buffers
        # have been created before any sending happens!
        # Now we send the data.
        for neighbor in self.neighbors:
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_send(send_real_indices[neighbor], neighbor))
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_send(send_points[neighbor], neighbor))
            hooks.append(self.comm.mpi_nonblocking_send(send_mass[neighbor], neighbor))
        # Now we use the data, after all the comms are done.
        yt_counters("MPI stuff.")
        yt_counters("Processing padded data.")
        del send_real_indices, send_points, send_mass
        # Now we add the data to ourselves.
        self.index_pad = np.empty(recv_size, dtype='int64')
        self.xpos_pad = np.empty(recv_size, dtype='float64')
        self.ypos_pad = np.empty(recv_size, dtype='float64')
        self.zpos_pad = np.empty(recv_size, dtype='float64')
        self.mass_pad = np.empty(recv_size, dtype='float64')
        so_far = 0
        for opp_neighbor in self.neighbors:
            opp_size = global_send_count[opp_neighbor][self.mine]
            self.index_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor]
            # Clean up immediately to reduce peak memory usage.
            del recv_real_indices[opp_neighbor]
            self.xpos_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_points[opp_neighbor][:,0]
            self.ypos_pad[so_far:so_far+opp_size] = recv_points[opp_neighbor][:,1]