How to use the yellowbrick.base.Visualizer function in yellowbrick

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yellowbrick examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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return self

    def draw(self, **kwargs):

class MockTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):

    def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
        return self

    def transform(self, X, **kwargs):
        return X

class MockVisualTransformer(Visualizer, TransformerMixin):

    def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
        return self

    def transform(self, X, **kwargs):
        return X

    def draw(self, **kwargs):

## VisualPipeline Tests
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## Mock Objects

class Thing(object):

class MockEstimator(BaseEstimator):

    def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
        return self

class MockVisualEstimator(Visualizer):

    def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
        return self

    def draw(self, **kwargs):

class MockTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):

    def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
        return self

    def transform(self, X, **kwargs):
        return X
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from yellowbrick.base import Visualizer
from yellowbrick.utils.wrapper import *
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB

    from unittest import mock
except ImportError:
    import mock

## Fixture

class MockVisualizer(Visualizer):

    def __init__(self, ax=None, **kwargs): = ax = mock.MagicMock()
        self.finalize = mock.MagicMock()
        self.poof = mock.MagicMock()
        self.set_title = mock.MagicMock()

    def ax(self):
        return self._ax

    def ax(self, val):
        self._ax = val
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## Imports

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from yellowbrick.base import Visualizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

## Cook's Distance

class CooksDistance(Visualizer):
    Cook's Distance is a measure of how influential an instance is to the computation of
    a regression, e.g. if the instance is removed would the estimated coeficients of the
    underlying model be substantially changed? Because of this, Cook's Distance is
    generally used to detect outliers in standard, OLS regression. In fact, a general
    rule of thumb is that D(i) > 4/n is a good threshold for determining highly
    influential points as outliers and this visualizer can report the percentage of data
    that is above that threshold.

    This implementation of Cook's Distance assumes Ordinary Least Squares regression,
    and therefore embeds a ``sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression`` under the hood.
    Distance is computed via the non-whitened leverage of the projection matrix,
    computed inside of ``fit()``. The results of this visualizer are therefore similar
    to, but not as advanced, as a similar computation using statsmodels. Computing the
    influence for other regression models requires leave one out validation and can be
    expensive to compute.
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def __init__(self, model, ax=None, fig=None, is_fitted="auto", **kwargs):
        self.estimator = model
        self.is_fitted = is_fitted = get_model_name(self.estimator)

        # Initialize base classes independently
        Wrapper.__init__(self, self.estimator)
        Visualizer.__init__(self, ax=ax, fig=fig, **kwargs)
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Base classes for target visualizers

# Imports

from yellowbrick.base import Visualizer

# TargetVisualizer Base Class

class TargetVisualizer(Visualizer):
    The base class for target visualizers, generic enough to support any
    computation on a single vector, y. This Visualizer is based on the
    LabelEncoder in sklearn.preprocessing, which only accepts a target y.

    ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None
        The axis to plot the figure on. If None is passed in the current axes
        will be used (or generated if required).

    fig : matplotlib Figure, default: None
        The figure to plot the Visualizer on. If None is passed in the current
        plot will be used (or generated if required).

    kwargs : dict
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    legend: Legend artist
        The artist created by the ax.legend() call, returned for further
        manipulation if required by the caller.

    Right now this method simply draws the patches as rectangles and cannot
    take into account the line or scatter plot properties (e.g. line style or
    marker style). It is possible to add Line2D patches to the artist that do
    add manual styles like this, which we can explore in the future.

    .. seealso::
    # Get access to the matplotlib Axes
    if isinstance(g, Visualizer):
        g =
    elif g is None:
        g = plt.gca()

    # Ensure that labels and colors are the same length to prevent odd behavior.
    if len(colors) != len(labels):
        raise YellowbrickValueError(
            "please specify the same number of colors as labels!"

    # Create the legend handles with the associated colors and labels
    handles = [
        patches.Patch(color=color, label=label)
        for color, label in zip(colors, labels)
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        score : float or array-like
            Returns the score of the underlying model, which is model-specific,
            e.g. accuracy for classifiers, R2 for regressors, etc.
        raise NotImplementedError("ScoreVisualizer subclasses should implement score")

## Multiple Models

class VisualizerGrid(Visualizer):
    Used as a base class for visualizers that use subplots.

    visualizers : A list of instantiated visualizers

    nrows: integer, default: None
        The number of rows desired, if you would like a fixed number of rows.
        Specify only one of nrows and ncols, the other should be None. If you
        specify nrows, there will be enough columns created to fit all the
        visualizers specified in the visualizers list.

    ncols: integer, default: None
        The number of columns desired, if you would like a fixed number of columns.
        Specify only one of nrows and ncols, the other should be None. If you
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def visual_steps(self):
        return dict(step for step in self.steps if isinstance(step[1], Visualizer))
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from import resolve_colors
from yellowbrick.exceptions import NotFitted
from import target_color_type, TargetType
from yellowbrick.exceptions import YellowbrickKeyError, YellowbrickValueError
from import palettes

from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin

## Feature Visualizers

class FeatureVisualizer(Visualizer, TransformerMixin):
    """Base class for feature visualization.

    Feature engineering is primarily conceptualized as a transformation or
    extraction operation, e.g. some raw data is passed through a series of
    transformers and mappings to result in some final dataset which can be
    directly fitted to a model. Therefore feature visualizers are
    transformers and support the sklearn transformer interface by implementing
    a transform method.

    Subclasses of the FeatureVisualizer may call draw either from fit or from
    transform but must implement both so that they can be supported in pipeline
    objects. By default, the transform method of the visualizer is just a data
    pass through that ensures the visualizer can be placed into a feature
    extraction workflow.
