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def main():
histogram_small_literal = wandb.Histogram(np_histogram=([1, 2, 4], [3, 10, 20, 0]))
histogram_large_random = wandb.Histogram(numpy.random.randint(255, size=(1000)))
numpy_array = numpy.random.rand(1000)
torch_tensor = torch.rand(1000, 1000)
data_frame = pandas.DataFrame(data=numpy.random.rand(1000), columns=['col'])
tensorflow_variable_single = tensorflow.Variable(543.01, tensorflow.float32)
tensorflow_variable_multi = tensorflow.Variable([[2, 3], [7, 11]], tensorflow.int32)
plot_scatter = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[0, 1, 2])
image_data = numpy.zeros((28, 28))
image_cool = wandb.Image(image_data, caption="Cool zeros")
image_nice = wandb.Image(image_data, caption="Nice zeros")
image_random = wandb.Image(numpy.random.randint(255, size=(28, 28, 3)))
image_pil = wandb.Image("L", (28, 28)))
plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
plt.ylabel('some interesting numbers')
image_matplotlib_plot = wandb.Image(plt)
matplotlib_plot = plt
audio_data = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, 44100)
sample_rate = 44100
caption1 = "This is what a dog sounds like"
caption2 = "This is what a chicken sounds like"
# test with all captions
audio1 = wandb.Audio(audio_data, sample_rate=sample_rate, caption=caption1)
audio2 = wandb.Audio(audio_data, sample_rate=sample_rate, caption=caption2)
# test with no captions
audio3 = wandb.Audio(audio_data, sample_rate=sample_rate)
def test_captions():
wbone = wandb.Image(image, caption="Cool")
wbtwo = wandb.Image(image, caption="Nice")
assert wandb.Image.captions([wbone, wbtwo]) == ["Cool", "Nice"]
summary_pb = tf_summary_str_or_pb
for value in summary_pb.value:
kind = value.WhichOneof("value")
if kind in IGNORE_KINDS:
if kind == "simple_value":
values[namespaced_tag(value.tag, namespace)] = value.simple_value
elif kind == "image":
from PIL import Image
img_str = value.image.encoded_image_string
# Supports gifs from TboardX
if img_str.startswith(b"GIF"):
image = wandb.Video(six.BytesIO(img_str), format="gif")
image = wandb.Image(
tag_idx = value.tag.rsplit('/', 1)
if len(tag_idx) > 1 and tag_idx[1].isdigit():
tag, idx = tag_idx
tag, namespace), []).append(image)
values[history_image_key(value.tag, namespace)] = [image]
# Coming soon...
# elif kind == "audio":
# audio = wandb.Audio(six.BytesIO(,
elif kind == "histo":
tag = namespaced_tag(value.tag, namespace)
if len(value.histo.bucket_limit) >= 3:
first = value.histo.bucket_limit[0] + \
reference_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
test_output) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else test_output
input_images = [wandb.Image(data, grouping=3) for i, data in enumerate(input_image_data)]
output_images = [wandb.Image(data) for i, data in enumerate(output_image_data)]
reference_images = [wandb.Image(data) for i, data in enumerate(reference_image_data)]
return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(input_images, output_images, reference_images)))
# unknown output, just log the input images
return [wandb.Image(img) for img in test_data]
elif self.output_type in ('image', 'images', 'segmentation_mask'):
# unknown input, just log the predicted and reference outputs without captions
output_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
predictions) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else predictions
reference_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
test_output) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else test_output
output_images = [wandb.Image(data, grouping=2) for i, data in enumerate(output_image_data)]
reference_images = [wandb.Image(data) for i, data in enumerate(reference_image_data)]
return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(output_images, reference_images)))
wandb.Image(data, caption=captions[i])
for i, data in enumerate(reference_image_data)
return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(output_images, reference_images)))
elif self.input_type in ('image', 'images', 'segmentation_mask'):
input_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(test_data) if self.input_type == 'segmentation_mask' else test_data
if self.output_type == 'label':
# we just use the predicted label as the caption for now
captions = self._logits_to_captions(predictions)
return [wandb.Image(data, caption=captions[i]) for i, data in enumerate(test_data)]
elif self.output_type in ('image', 'images', 'segmentation_mask'):
output_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
predictions) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else predictions
reference_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
test_output) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else test_output
input_images = [wandb.Image(data, grouping=3) for i, data in enumerate(input_image_data)]
output_images = [wandb.Image(data) for i, data in enumerate(output_image_data)]
reference_images = [wandb.Image(data) for i, data in enumerate(reference_image_data)]
return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(input_images, output_images, reference_images)))
# unknown output, just log the input images
return [wandb.Image(img) for img in test_data]
elif self.output_type in ('image', 'images', 'segmentation_mask'):
# unknown input, just log the predicted and reference outputs without captions
output_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
predictions) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else predictions
reference_image_data = self._masks_to_pixels(
test_output) if self.output_type == 'segmentation_mask' else test_output
output_images = [wandb.Image(data, grouping=2) for i, data in enumerate(output_image_data)]
reference_images = [wandb.Image(data) for i, data in enumerate(reference_image_data)]
return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(output_images, reference_images)))
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs):
indices = np.random.randint(self.validation_data[0].shape[0], size=8)
test_data = self.validation_data[0][indices]
pred_data = np.clip(self.model.predict(test_data), 0, 1)
"examples": [
wandb.Image(np.hstack([data, pred_data[i]]), caption=str(i))
for i, data in enumerate(test_data)]
}, commit=False)
viz = []
# Swap the weights
weights = self.visualizer.pred_model.get_layer(
for i, o in zip(data_in, data_out):
text = decode(input_vocab.int_to_string(i)).replace('', '')
truth = decode(output_vocab.int_to_string(np.argmax(o, -1)), True)
pred = run_example(self.model, input_vocab, output_vocab, text)
out = decode(pred, True)
print(f"{decode(text, True)} -> {out} ({truth})")
examples.append([decode(text, True), out, truth])
amap = self.visualizer.attention_map(text)
if amap:
if len(viz) > 0:
logs["attention_map"] = viz[:5]
logs["examples"] = wandb.Table(data=examples)
pred = [''.join(self.dataset.mapping.get(label, '')
for label in pred).strip(' |_') for pred in result]
truth = [''.join(self.dataset.mapping.get(label, '')
for label in true).strip(' |_') for true in truth]
pred_train = [''.join(self.dataset.mapping.get(label, '')
for label in pred).strip(' |_') for pred in result_train]
truth_train = [''.join(self.dataset.mapping.get(label, '')
for label in true).strip(' |_') for true in truth_train]
dists = [lev(list(a), list(b)) for a, b in zip(pred, truth)]
print("Val Levenstein: ", np.mean(dists))
print("Val Examples:\n" +
"\n".join([f"{t}\n{p}\n---" for p, t in zip(pred, truth)]))
print("Train :\n" +
"\n".join([f"{t}\n{p}\n---" for p, t in zip(pred_train, truth_train)]))
wandb.log({"examples": [
wandb.Image(img, caption=f"Pred: \"{pred[i]}\" -- Truth: \"{truth[i]}\"") for i, img in enumerate(images)],
"train_examples": [
wandb.Image(img, caption=f"Pred: \"{pred_train[i]}\" -- Truth: \"{truth_train[i]}\"") for i, img in enumerate(train_images)
class_colors = None
class_count = y_true.shape[-1]
if class_colors is None:
class_colors = util.class_colors(class_count)
class_colors = np.array(class_colors)
y_true_class = np.argmax(y_true, axis=-1)
y_pred_class = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)
y_pred_discrete = np.round(y_pred)
images = [Image(img) for img in x]
label_imgs = [Image(mask) for mask in class_colors[y_true_class]]
predictions = [Image(mask) for mask in class_colors[y_pred_class]]
flat_shape = (x.shape[0], -1)
intersection = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_true, y_pred_discrete).reshape(flat_shape), axis=1)
union = np.sum(np.logical_or(y_true, y_pred_discrete).reshape(flat_shape), axis=1)
iou = intersection / (union + 1e-9)
accuracy = np.mean(np.equal(y_true_class, y_pred_class).reshape(flat_shape), axis=1)
difference = np.zeros(y_true_class.shape)
difference[y_true_class != y_pred_class] = 1.
incorrect_predictions = [Image(mask) for mask in difference]
iou_class = [
np.sum(np.logical_and(y_true_class == i, y_pred_class == i).reshape(flat_shape), axis=1) / # intersection
# latent_vis = manifold.TSNE(n_components=2, init='pca', random_state=0)
latent_vis = PCA(n_components=2)
X = latent_vis.fit_transform(latent)
X = latent
trace = go.Scatter(x=list(X[:, 0]), y=list(X[:, 1]),
mode='markers', showlegend=False,
marker=dict(color=list(np.argmax(y_test[latent_idx], axis=1)),
fig = go.Figure(data=[trace])
wandb.log({"latent_vis": fig}, commit=False)
# Always log training images
"train_images": [wandb.Image(
np.hstack([t_inputs[i], res])) for i, res in enumerate(t_results)
}, commit=False)
# Log image conversion when conditional
if wandb.config.conditional:
"images": [wandb.Image(
np.hstack([inputs[i], res]), caption=" to ".join([
], wandb.config.labels[np.argmax((labels)[i])]
])) for i, res in enumerate(results)]}, commit=False)