Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
(VERB, 'ate'),
(DET , 'a'),
(ADJ , 'big'),
(NOUN, 'sandwich')],
[(DET , 'the'),
(NOUN, 'sandwich'),
(VERB, 'was'),
(ADJ , 'tasty')],
[(NOUN, 'it'),
(VERB, 'ate'),
(NOUN, 'it'),
(ADJ , 'all')] ]
# initialize VW as usual, but use 'hook' as the search_task
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 4 --quiet --search_task hook --ring_size 1024")
# tell VW to construct your search task object
sequenceLabeler = vw.init_search_task(SequenceLabeler)
# train it on the above dataset ten times; the my_dataset.__iter__ feeds into _run above
print('training!', file=sys.stderr)
for i in range(10):
# now see the predictions on a test sentence
print('predicting!', file=sys.stderr)
print(sequenceLabeler.predict( [(1,w) for w in "the sandwich ate a monster".split()] ))
print('should have printed: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2]')
ex.set_label_string(str(p) + ':0')
return ex
def _run(self, sentence): # it's called _run to remind you that you shouldn't call it directly!
output = []
for n in range(len(sentence)):
pos,word = sentence[n]
# use "" to guarantee that the example is finished properly
ex = [ self.makeExample(word,p) for p in [DET,NOUN,VERB,ADJ] ]
pred = self.sch.predict(examples=ex, my_tag=n+1, oracle=pos, condition=(n,'p'))
return output
# initialize VW as usual, but use 'hook' as the search_task
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 0 --csoaa_ldf m --quiet --search_task hook --ring_size 1024")
# tell VW to construct your search task object
sequenceLabeler = vw.init_search_task(SequenceLabeler)
# train it on the above dataset ten times; the my_dataset.__iter__ feeds into _run above
i = 0
while i < 10:
i += 1
# now see the predictions on a test sentence
print('predicting!', file=sys.stderr)
print(sequenceLabeler.predict( [(1,w) for w in "the sandwich ate a monster".split()] ))
print('should have printed: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2]')
for ds in client.list_datasets(): pass
assert fake_bq_called, "Fake server did not recieve a request from the BQ client."
assert fake_bq_header_found, "X-KAGGLE-PROXY-DATA header was missing from the BQ request."
print("bigquery proxy ok")
import shap
print("shap ok")
import kmapper
print("kmapper ok")
from vowpalwabbit import pyvw
vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True)
ex = vw.example('1 | a b c')
print('vowpalwabbit ok')
import essentia
print("Essentia ok")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--method', type=str, choices=['reslope', 'prep', 'mc', 'bootstrap'],
parser.add_argument('--env', type=str, choices=[
'gridworld', 'gridworld_stoch', 'gridworld_ep', 'cartpole', 'hex', 'blackjack', 'sl', 'dep'],
help='Environment to run on', default='gridworld')
parser.add_argument('--alr', type=float, help='Actor learning rate', default=0.0005)
parser.add_argument('--vdlr', type=float, help='Value difference learning rate', default=0.005)
parser.add_argument('--clr', type=float, help='Critic learning rate', default=0.005)
parser.add_argument('--clip', type=float, help='Gradient clipping argument', default=10)
parser.add_argument('--exp', type=str, help='Exploration method', default='eps',
choices=['eps', 'softmax', 'bagging'])
parser.add_argument('--exp_param', type=float, help='Parameter for exp. method', default=0.4)
args = parser.parse_args()
# policy = VWPolicy(actor, n_labels, lr=args.alr, exp_type=args.exp, exp_param=args.exp_param)
vd_regressor = pyvw.vw('-l ' + str(args.vdlr), quiet=True)
ref_critic = pyvw.vw('-l ' + str(args.clr), quiet=True)
learner_type = 'prep'
# learner = VwPrep(policy, actor, vd_regressor, ref_critic, learner_type)
loss_fn = sl.HammingLoss
# TODO what is the best value for n_epochs?
n_epochs = 1
warm = True
if warm:
macarico.util.TrainLoop(mk_env, policy, learner, optimizer, losses=[loss_fn, loss_fn, loss_fn], progress_bar=False,
minibatch_size=np.random.choice([1]),).train(training_data=tr, dev_data=de,
# Load wsj again
data_dir = 'bandit_data/pos/pos_wsj.mac'
n_tr = 42000
n_de = 0
def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
# you must must must initialize the parent class
# this will automatically store self.sch <- sch, self.vw <- vw
pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
# set whatever options you want
sch.set_options( sch.AUTO_HAMMING_LOSS | sch.AUTO_CONDITION_FEATURES | sch.IS_LDF )
from vowpalwabbit import pyvw
vw = pyvw.vw('--audit')
full = vw.example( { 'a': ['b'], 'x': ['y'] } )
part = vw.example( {'a': ['b'] } )
part.push_features('x', ['y'])
part.push_features('x', ['z'])
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from vowpalwabbit import pyvw
class SequenceLabeler(pyvw.SearchTask):
def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
# you must must must initialize the parent class
# this will automatically store self.sch <- sch, self.vw <- vw
pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
# you can test program options with sch.po_exists
# and get their values with sch.po_get -> string and
# sch.po_get_int -> int
if sch.po_exists('search'):
print('found --search')
print('--search value =', sch.po_get('search'), ', type =', type(sch.po_get('search')))
# set whatever options you want
def _run(self, sentence): # it's called _run to remind you that you shouldn't call it directly!
def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
# you must must must initialize the parent class
# this will automatically store self.sch <- sch, self.vw <- vw
pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
# you can test program options with sch.po_exists
# and get their values with sch.po_get -> string and
# sch.po_get_int -> int
if sch.po_exists('search'):
print('found --search')
print('--search value =', sch.po_get('search'), ', type =', type(sch.po_get('search')))
# set whatever options you want
(NOUN, 'monster'),
(VERB, 'ate'),
(DET , 'a'),
(ADJ , 'big'),
(NOUN, 'sandwich')],
[(DET , 'the'),
(NOUN, 'sandwich'),
(VERB, 'was'),
(ADJ , 'tasty')],
[(NOUN, 'it'),
(VERB, 'ate'),
(NOUN, 'it'),
(ADJ , 'all')] ]
class SequenceLabeler(pyvw.SearchTask):
def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
# you must must must initialize the parent class
# this will automatically store self.sch <- sch, self.vw <- vw
pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
# set whatever options you want
sch.set_options( sch.AUTO_HAMMING_LOSS | sch.AUTO_CONDITION_FEATURES | sch.IS_LDF )
def makeExample(self, word, p):
ex = self.example({'w': [word + '_' + str(p)]}, labelType=self.vw.lCostSensitive)
ex.set_label_string(str(p) + ':0')
return ex
def _run(self, sentence): # it's called _run to remind you that you shouldn't call it directly!
output = []
for n in range(len(sentence)):
pred = self.sch.predict(examples = examples,
my_tag = i+1,
oracle = oracle,
condition = [ (i, 'p'), (i-1, 'q') ] )
for ex in examples: ex.finish()
output.append( spans[pred][2] )
for j in spans[pred][2]:
covered[j] = True
return output
print('training LDF')
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 0 --csoaa_ldf m --search_task hook --ring_size 1024 --quiet -q ef -q ep")
task = vw.init_search_task(WordAligner)
for p in range(10):
print('====== test ======')
print(task.predict( ("the blue flower".split(), ([],[],[]), "la fleur bleue".split()) ))
print('should have printed [[0], [2], [1]]')