Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
for slot_node in mem_node.find("node[@class='memory']"):
slot_sz = slot_node.find('size')
if slot_sz is not None:
assert slot_sz.attrib['units'] == 'bytes'
res.ram_size += int(slot_sz.text)
assert mem_sz.attrib['units'] == 'bytes'
res.ram_size += int(mem_sz.text)
except Exception:
for net in core.findall(".//node[@class='network']"):
link = net.find("configuration/setting[@id='link']")
if link.attrib['value'] == 'yes':
name = cast(str, net.find("logicalname").text)
speed_node = net.find("configuration/setting[@id='speed']")
if speed_node is None:
speed = None
speed = int(speed_node.attrib['value'])
dup_node = net.find("configuration/setting[@id='duplex']")
if dup_node is None:
dup = None
dup = cast(str, dup_node.attrib['value']).lower() == 'yes'
ips = [] # type: List[str]
res.net_info[name] = (speed, dup, ips)
except Exception:
def startDownload(self, url: str) -> None:
Logger.log("i", "Attempting to download & install package from %s.", url)
url = QUrl(url)
self._download_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
if hasattr(QNetworkRequest, "FollowRedirectsAttribute"):
# Patch for Qt 5.6-5.8
cast(QNetworkRequest, self._download_request).setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.FollowRedirectsAttribute, True)
if hasattr(QNetworkRequest, "RedirectPolicyAttribute"):
# Patch for Qt 5.9+
cast(QNetworkRequest, self._download_request).setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.RedirectPolicyAttribute, True)
for header_name, header_value in self._request_headers:
cast(QNetworkRequest, self._download_request).setRawHeader(header_name, header_value)
self._download_reply = cast(QNetworkAccessManager, self._network_manager).get(self._download_request)
cast(QNetworkReply, self._download_reply).downloadProgress.connect(self._onDownloadProgress)
for field in ("type", "items", "values", "fields"):
if field in items:
items[field] = make_valid_avro(
items[field], alltypes, found, union=True
if "symbols" in items:
items["symbols"] = [avro_name(sym) for sym in items["symbols"]]
return items
if isinstance(items, MutableSequence):
ret = []
for i in items:
ret.append(make_valid_avro(i, alltypes, found, union=union))
return ret
if union and isinstance(items, str):
if items in alltypes and avro_name(items) not in found:
return cast(
Dict[str, str],
make_valid_avro(alltypes[items], alltypes, found, union=union),
items = avro_name(items)
return items
def StackSourceSample(self) -> Type[AbstractStackSourceSample]:
return cast(Type[AbstractStackSourceSample], self._stacks.StackSourceSample)
def recoverValue(self, name: str) -> str:
Recovers a value from custom storage
name: Name of values to recover
Stored value, None if no value was stored
val = self.getProperty(name)
# To transition between old stor at storage table and new properties table
# If value is found on property, use it, else, try to recover it from storage
if val is None:
val = typing.cast(str, self.getEnvironment().storage.get(name))
return val
tag = node.tag_()
if tag == hnode_e.Leaf:
node = cast(hnode__Leaf, UP_node)
elif tag == hnode_e.External:
node = cast(hnode__External, UP_node)
elif tag == hnode_e.Array:
node = cast(hnode__Array, UP_node)
# Can we fit the WHOLE array on the line?
for i, item in enumerate(node.children):
if i != 0:
f.write(' ')
if not _TrySingleLine(item, f, max_chars):
return False
elif tag == hnode_e.Record:
node = cast(hnode__Record, UP_node)
return _TrySingleLineObj(node, f, max_chars)
from qutebrowser.utils import utils, log, jinja, urlmatch
from qutebrowser.misc import objects
from qutebrowser.keyinput import keyutils
MYPY = False
if MYPY:
# pylint: disable=unused-import,useless-suppression
from typing import Tuple, MutableMapping
from qutebrowser.config import configcache, configfiles
from qutebrowser.misc import savemanager
# An easy way to access the config from other code via
val = typing.cast('ConfigContainer', None)
instance = typing.cast('Config', None)
key_instance = typing.cast('KeyConfig', None)
cache = typing.cast('configcache.ConfigCache', None)
# Keeping track of all change filters to validate them later.
change_filters = []
# Sentinel
UNSET = object()
class change_filter: # noqa: N801,N806 pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Decorator to filter calls based on a config section/option matching.
This could also be a function, but as a class (with a "wrong" name) it's
much cleaner to implement.
def create_row(_tags: Union[str, dict]):
if isinstance(_tags, dict):
tags_str = "\t".join(f"{key}:{val}" for key, val in _tags.items())
tags_str = cast(str, _tags)
return f"@{header_type}\t{tags_str}"
# End-inclusivity: a Interval is not end-inclusive, so an
# interval whose end position is the same as the start position of
# a second interval does *not* overlap that interval:
i1 = Interval('chr1', 50, 100)
i2 = Interval('chr1', 100, 200)
cmp = # => (0, -1, 0, 0)
diff = 0
overlap = 0
if isinstance(other.contig, int):
other_contig = cast(int, other.contig)
other_contig = cast(str, other.contig)
contig = self.contig
if contig < other_contig:
contig_cmp = -1
elif contig > other_contig:
contig_cmp = 1
contig_cmp = 0
if self.start >= other.end:
diff = (self.start + 1) - other.end
elif self.end <= other.start:
diff = self.end - (other.start + 1)
elif self.start >= other.start:
overlap = min(self.end, other.end) - self.start
overlap = other.start - self.end
def __new__(cls, high: typing.Sequence[float],
low: typing.Sequence[float]) -> 'Box':
return super().__new__(cls,
typing.cast(typing.Any, (Point(*high),