How to use the tifffile.imsave function in tifffile

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tifffile examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github PingjunChen / LiverCancerSeg / seg / View on Github external
for ind, coor in enumerate(patch_coors):
                    ph, pw = coor[0], coor[1]
                    pred_map[ph:ph+args.patch_len, pw:pw+args.patch_len] += preds[ind]
                ttl_samples += inputs.size(0)

        prob_pred = np.divide(pred_map, wmap)
        slide_pred = (prob_pred > 0.5).astype(np.uint8)
        pred_save_path = os.path.join(result_dir, cur_slide + "_" + args.tumor_type + ".tif")
        io.imsave(pred_save_path, slide_pred*255)

        if args.save_org and args.tumor_type == "viable":
            org_w, org_h = wsi_head.level_dimensions[0]
            org_pred = transform.resize(prob_pred, (org_h, org_w))
            org_pred = (org_pred > 0.5).astype(np.uint8)
            org_save_path = os.path.join(org_result_dir, cur_slide[-3:] + ".tif")
            imsave(org_save_path, org_pred, compress=9)

    time_elapsed = time.time() - since
    print('Testing takes {:.0f}m {:.2f}s'.format(time_elapsed // 60, time_elapsed % 60))
github scivision / pyimagevideo / View on Github external
def write_multipage_tiff(x,ofn,descr=None,tags=(),verbose=0):
    """ uses ZIP compression
    writes all frames at once
    note: using TiffWriter class, you can
    APPEND write TIFF
    see source code for more detail, search for
    class TiffWriter
    if verbose>0: print('write_mulitpage_tiff: description to write: {}'.format(descr))

                        #photometric='minisblack', #not for color

    except Exception as e:
        print('tifffile had a writing problem with {}   {} '.format(ofn,e))
github Rhoana / dojo / _dojo / scripts / View on Github external
z = 50
dim_x = 400
dim_y = 400
dim_z = 10

out_images = np.zeros((dim_z,1024,1024), dtype=images.dtype)
out_labels = np.zeros((dim_z,1024,1024), dtype=labels.dtype)
out_segs = np.zeros((dim_z,1024,1024), dtype=segs.dtype)

out_images[0:dim_z, y:y+dim_y, x:x+dim_x] = images[z:z+dim_z, y:y+dim_y, x:x+dim_x]
out_labels[0:dim_z, y:y+dim_y, x:x+dim_x] = labels[z:z+dim_z, y:y+dim_y, x:x+dim_x]
out_segs[0:dim_z, y:y+dim_y, x:x+dim_x] = segs[z:z+dim_z, y:y+dim_y, x:x+dim_x]

tif.imsave('cut-train-input.tif', out_images)
tif.imsave('cut-train-labels.tif', out_labels)
tif.imsave('cut-train-segs.tif', out_segs)

# store separate slices
for z in range(dim_z):

for z in range(dim_z):

for z in range(dim_z):
github sentinel-hub / sentinelhub-py / sentinelhub / View on Github external
def write_tiff_image(filename, image, compress=False):
    """ Write image data to TIFF file

    :param filename: name of file to write data to
    :type filename: str
    :param image: image data to write to file
    :type image: numpy array
    :param compress: whether to compress data. If `True`, lzma compression is used. Default is `False`
    :type compress: bool
    if compress:
        return tiff.imsave(filename, image, compress='lzma')  # loseless compression, works very well on masks
    return tiff.imsave(filename, image)
github ver228 / tierpsy-tracker / _old / View on Github external
sendQueueOrPrint(status_queue, 'Writing tiff file...', base_name)

        # Requires the installation of freeimage library.
        # On mac is trivial using brew (brew install freeimage),
        # but i am not sure how to do it on windows
        from import freeimage_plugin as fi
        # the best way I found to write lzw compression on python
        fi.write_multipage(I_worms, tiff_file, fi.IO_FLAGS.TIFF_LZW)

        import tifffile  # pip intall tifffile
        # For some reason gzip compression appears as an inverted image in
        # preview (both windows and mac), but it is read correctly in ImageJ
        tifffile.imsave(tiff_file, I_worms, compress=4)

    sendQueueOrPrint(status_queue, 'Tiff file done.', base_name)
github NoahApthorpe / ConvnetCellDetection / src / View on Github external
def save_roi_tifs(rois, file_names, directory):
    '''Save ROIs as tif files'''
    directory = add_pathsep(directory)
    for i, roi in enumerate(rois):
        roi = roi.max(axis=0)
        roi_name = directory + file_names[i] + "_ROI.tif"
        tifffile.imsave(roi_name, roi)
github ZhuangLab / storm-analysis / storm_analysis / diagnostics / drift_correction / View on Github external
def collate():
    # We assume that there are two directories, the first with xy correction
    # only and the second with xyz correction.

    # Make 2D images of the drift corrected data.
    if False:
        for adir in ["test_01/", "test_02/"]:
            im = hdf5ToImage.render2DImage(adir + "test.hdf5", sigma = 0.5)
            tifffile.imsave(adir + "test_im_2d.tif", im.astype(numpy.float32))

    # Make 3D images of the drift corrected data.
    if False:
        z_edges = numpy.arange(-0.5, 0.55, 0.1)
        for adir in ["test_01/", "test_02/"]:
            images = hdf5ToImage.render3DImage(adir + "test.hdf5", z_edges, sigma = 0.5)
            with tifffile.TiffWriter(adir + "test_im_3d.tif") as tf:
                for elt in images:

    # Measure error in drift measurements.
    if True:
        print("Drift correction RMS error (nanometers):")
        for i, elt in enumerate(["drift_xy.txt", "drift_xyz.txt"]):

            print(" ", elt)
github ZhuangLab / storm-analysis / storm_analysis / simulator / View on Github external
zmn = [[1.3, 2, 2]]
        #zmn = [[1, 0, 4]]
        #zmn = []

    pf = geo.createFromZernike(1.0, zmn)
    z_values = numpy.arange(-z_range, z_range + 0.5 * z_pixel_size, z_pixel_size)
    psfs = geo.pfToPSF(pf, z_values)

    #xy_size = 2.0*psfs.shape[0]
    xy_size = 100
    xy_start = int(0.5 * (psfs.shape[1] - xy_size) + 1)
    xy_end = int(xy_start + xy_size)
    psfs = psfs[:,xy_start:xy_end,xy_start:xy_end]
    if True:
        tifffile.imsave("kz.tif", numpy.real(
    if False:
        tifffile.imsave("pf_abs.tif", numpy.abs(pf).astype(numpy.float32))
        tifffile.imsave("pf_angle.tif", (180.0 * numpy.angle(pf)/numpy.pi + 180).astype(numpy.float32))

    if False:
        with tifffile.TiffWriter(sys.argv[1]) as psf_tif:
            temp = (psfs/numpy.max(psfs)).astype(numpy.float32)

    if False:
        with open("z_offset.txt", "w") as fp:
            for i in range(z_values.size):
                fp.write("1 {0:.6f}\n".format(1000.0 * z_values[i]))
    if False:
github juglab / n2v / n2v / models / View on Github external
# Replace : with -
        name = name.replace(':', ' -')
        yml_dict = self.get_yml_dict(name, description, authors, test_img, axes, patch_shape=patch_shape)
        yml_file = self.logdir / 'model.yaml'
        '''default_flow_style must be set to TRUE in order for the output to display arrays as [x,y,z]'''
        yaml = YAML(typ='rt') 
        yaml.default_flow_style = False
        with open(yml_file, 'w') as outfile:
            yaml.dump(yml_dict, outfile)
        input_file = self.logdir / 'testinput.tif'
        output_file = self.logdir / 'testoutput.tif'
        imsave(input_file, test_img)
        imsave(output_file, test_output)
        with ZipFile(fname, 'a') as myzip:
            myzip.write(yml_file, arcname=os.path.basename(yml_file))
            myzip.write(input_file, arcname=os.path.basename(input_file))
            myzip.write(output_file, arcname=os.path.basename(output_file))
        print("\nModel exported in BioImage ModelZoo format:\n%s" % str(fname.resolve()))