How to use the tf2onnx.utils.make_name function in tf2onnx

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tf2onnx examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def select_op9(ctx, node, name, args):
    # T output = Select(bool condition, T x, T y)
    # T1 output = Where(bool condition, T1 x, T1 y)
    # NOTE: condition can be 1-dimension in tensorflow, while in onnx,
    # it should be broadcastable with other two inputs
    cond_shape = ctx.get_shape(node.input[0])
    make_sure(cond_shape is not None, "shape of {} is None".format(node.input[0]))
    input_shape = ctx.get_shape(node.input[1])
    if input_shape is None:
        input_shape = ctx.get_shape(node.input[2])
    make_sure(input_shape is not None, "input shape of {} is None".format(
    input_rank = len(input_shape)
    # if cond shape is 1-dimensional while input has higher rank, need to be reshaped to broadcast
    if len(cond_shape) == 1 and input_rank > 1:
        broadcast_shape = [cond_shape[0]] + [1] * (input_rank - 1)
        shape_const = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name(name), np.array(broadcast_shape, dtype=np.int64))
        reshape = ctx.make_node("Reshape", [node.input[0], shape_const.output[0]])
        ctx.replace_input(node, node.input[0], reshape.output[0])
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def create_onnx_random_uniform_op(g, tmax, tmin, ru_op, output, to_delete):
    dtype = g.get_dtype(output.output[0])
    op_name = utils.make_name("RandomUniform")
    shape_node = ru_op.inputs[0]
    shape = g.get_shape(output.output[0])
    if shape_node.is_const():
        # if the tensorflow input (aka the shape) is const we can use the RandomUniform op
        new_node = g.make_node("RandomUniform", [], name=op_name,
                               attr={"low": tmin, "high": tmax, "dtype": dtype, "shape": shape},
                               shapes=[shape], dtypes=[dtype])
        if shape_node.type == "Shape":
            # if shape is dynamic - in tensorflow shape comes as tensor VALUE,
            # in onnx RandomUniformLike finds takes the shape from the tensor itself.
            # In many cases there is a shape op in tensorflow before RandomUniform and
            # to make that work for onnx we just need to remove the shape op.
            new_node = g.make_node("RandomUniformLike", inputs=[shape_node.input[0]], name=op_name,
                                   attr={"low": tmin, "high": tmax, "dtype": dtype},
                                   shapes=[shape], dtypes=[dtype])
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attr={"to": TensorProto.INT64})

    # cond
    # Use initializer here since Constant OP before opset 9 does not support bool type
    cond_name = "{}_cond".format(base_name)
    ctx.make_const(cond_name, np.ones((), dtype=bool))

    # body
    g = ctx.create_new_graph_with_same_config()
    g.parent_graph = ctx
    g.add_graph_input("i", TensorProto.INT64, [])
    g.add_graph_input("cond", TensorProto.BOOL, [])
    g.add_graph_input("prev", dtype, [])

    g.make_node("Identity", ["cond"], outputs=["cond_out"])
    g.make_node("Add", ["prev", delta], outputs=["current"], name=utils.make_name("add"))
    g.make_node("Identity", ["prev"], outputs=["range"])

    g.add_graph_output("cond_out", TensorProto.BOOL, [])
    g.add_graph_output("current", dtype, [])
    g.add_graph_output("range", dtype, [])

    # loop
    loop_inputs = [trip_count_node.output[0], cond_name, start]
    loop_node = ctx.make_node("Loop", loop_inputs, output_count=2, op_name_scope=base_name, name="loop")
    loop_node.set_body_graph_as_attr("body", g)

    ctx.make_node("Identity", [loop_node.output[1]], name=base_name, shapes=[shape], dtypes=[dtype], outputs=[output])
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def make_range_non_const(ctx, start, limit, delta, output, scope_name, shape, dtype):
    """make Range subgraph."""
    # T range = Range(T start, T limit, T delta)
    # V v_final_and_scan_outputs = Loop(int64 M, B cond, V v_initial)
    base_name = utils.make_name(scope_name)

    # trip_count
    diff_node = ctx.make_node("Sub",
                              [limit, start],
    diff_output = diff_node.output[0]

    delta_cast = delta
    if dtype in [TensorProto.INT32, TensorProto.INT64]:
        cast_node = ctx.make_node("Cast", [diff_output], op_name_scope=base_name,
                                  name="cast_diff", attr={"to": TensorProto.FLOAT})
        diff_output = cast_node.output[0]

        cast_node = ctx.make_node("Cast", [delta], op_name_scope=base_name, name="cast_delta",
                                  attr={"to": TensorProto.FLOAT})
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indices_name = indices_cast.output[0]
    indices_size = ctx.make_node("Size", [indices_name])
    indices_unsqueeze = ctx.make_node("Unsqueeze", [indices_name], attr={"axes": [1]})
    zero_const = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("zero"), np.array(0, dtype=np.int64))
    one_const = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("one"), np.array(1, dtype=np.int64))
    id_name = utils.make_name("sparse_softmax_id")
    id_output = utils.port_name(id_name)
    controlflow.make_range(ctx, zero_const.output[0], indices_size.output[0], one_const.output[0],
                           id_output, id_name, shape=[-1], dtype=TensorProto.INT64)
    id_unsqueeze = ctx.make_node("Unsqueeze", [id_output], attr={"axes": [1]})
    indices_with_id = ctx.make_node("Concat",
                                    [id_unsqueeze.output[0], indices_unsqueeze.output[0]],
                                    attr={"axis": 1})
    log_softmax = ctx.make_node(op_type="LogSoftmax",
                                inputs=[logit_name], dtypes=[logit_dtype], shapes=[logit_shape])
    gathernd_name = utils.make_name("sparse_softmax_gathernd")
    gathernd_output = utils.port_name(gathernd_name)
    tensor.make_gathernd(ctx, log_softmax.output[0], indices_with_id.output[0], gathernd_output,
                         gathernd_name, logit_dtype, [logit_shape], [logit_dtype])
    const_name = utils.make_name("const_negative_one")
    const_negative_one = ctx.make_const(const_name, np.array(-1).astype(utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(logit_dtype)))
    mul2 = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[const_negative_one.output[0], gathernd_output])
    shapes = node.output_shapes
    dtypes = node.output_dtypes
                  inputs=[mul2.output[0]], outputs=[node.output[0]],
                  attr={"axes": [1]}, shapes=[shapes[0]], dtypes=[dtypes[0]])
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# mask end
        new_end_mask = np.array(new_end_mask, dtype=np_dtype)
        end_output = end.output[0]
        if not np.all(new_end_mask == min_size):
            if end.is_const():
                end = ctx.make_const(
                    np.maximum(end.get_tensor_value(as_list=False), new_end_mask)
                end_output = end.output[0]
                end_mask_const = ctx.make_const(
                    np.array(new_end_mask, dtype=np_dtype)
                end_output = utils.make_name("{}__end".format(
                math.make_min_or_max_op(ctx, "Max", [end.output[0], end_mask_const.output[0]], [end_output])
        # mask strides for shrink
        shrink_strided_mask = np.array(shrink_strided_mask, dtype=np_dtype)
        strides_output = strides.output[0]
        if not np.all(shrink_strided_mask == min_size):
            if strides.is_const():
                strides = ctx.make_const(
                    np.maximum(strides.get_tensor_value(as_list=False), shrink_strided_mask)
                strides_output = strides.output[0]
                shrink_strided_mask_const = ctx.make_const(
                    np.array(shrink_strided_mask, dtype=np_dtype)
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label = label.output[0]
    label_dtype = ctx.get_dtype(label)
    logit_dtype = ctx.get_dtype(logit)
    utils.make_sure(label_dtype == logit_dtype, "the following logic only works on same dtype of label and logit")

    # when label is onehot, logic "tf.multiply(-1, tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(label, log_softmax), axis=1))" is equal to
    # "-log(q_i)" where i is the selected index specified by label, q_i = logic_i/sum, the detail process is as follows:
    # logit_exp=exp(logit) >> sum = tf.reduce_sum(logit_exp, axis = -1), masked_sum = reduce_sum(mul(logit_exp, mul))
    # >> -log(masked_sum/sum)
    logit_exp = ctx.make_node(op_type="Exp", inputs=[logit]).output[0]
    logit_exp_sum = ctx.make_node(op_type="ReduceSum", inputs=[logit_exp], attr={"axes": [-1], "keepdims": 0}).output[0]
    masked = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[label, logit_exp]).output[0]
    masked_sum = ctx.make_node(op_type="ReduceSum", inputs=[masked], attr={"axes": [-1], "keepdims": 0}).output[0]
    probability = ctx.make_node(op_type="Div", inputs=[masked_sum, logit_exp_sum]).output[0]
    log_prob = ctx.make_node(op_type="Log", inputs=[probability]).output[0]
    const_negative_one = ctx.make_const(name=utils.make_name("const_negative_one"),

    shapes = tf_ori_node.output_shapes
    dtypes = tf_ori_node.output_dtypes
    res = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[log_prob, const_negative_one],
                        outputs=[tf_ori_node.output[0]], shapes=[shapes[0]], dtypes=[dtypes[0]])
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def _make_gathernd_inner_loop(ctx, params, index, dtype):
    """create the inner loop for GatherNd."""
    # gather_cur = params
    # for (int i = 0; i < size(index); i++)
    #   gather_res = gather(gather_cur, index[i])
    scope_name = utils.make_name("gathernd_inner_loop")
    trip_node = ctx.make_node("Size", [index.output[0]])
    cond_const = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("cond"), np.ones((), dtype=np.bool))
    trip_name = utils.make_name("i")
    cond_name = utils.make_name("cond")
    cond_out_name = utils.make_name("cond_out")
    cur_name = utils.make_name("gather_cur")
    result_name = utils.make_name("res")

    # body graph creation
    g = ctx.create_new_graph_with_same_config()
    g.add_graph_input(trip_name, TensorProto.INT64, [1])
    g.add_graph_input(cond_name, TensorProto.BOOL, [])
    g.add_graph_input(cur_name, dtype, [])
    g.parent_graph = ctx

    index_i = g.make_node("Gather", [index.output[0], trip_name], attr={"axis": 0})
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false_input_id = gather_input_ids[2]
    false_input_id_for_current_iter = get_inputs_for_current_iteration(g, false_input_id, iter_name)

    input_ids_for_current_iter = [cond_input_id_for_current_iter, true_input_id_for_current_iter,
    output_id = None
    rank -= 1
    if rank >= 1:
        loop_1 = create_loop_op(g, input_ids_for_current_iter, output_data_type, output_shape[1:],
                                trip_count_input_ids, rank)
        output_id = loop_1.output[1]
    elif rank == 0:
        _, if_node_output_id = create_if_op(g, input_ids_for_current_iter, output_data_type, output_shape[1:])
        output_id = if_node_output_id

    output_identity_name = utils.make_name("loop_output")
    loop_output_id = utils.port_name(output_identity_name)

    cond_identity_name = utils.make_name("cond_output")
    cond_output_id = utils.port_name(cond_identity_name)
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output_dtype = dtype
                    logger.debug("insert cast for node %s on input %s",, input_name)
                    if input_node and input_node.type == "Cast" \
                            and len(g.find_output_consumers(input_node.output[0])) == 1:
                        input_node.set_attr("to", onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT)
                        g.set_dtype(input_name, onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT)
                        cast_node = g.insert_new_node_on_input(op, "Cast", input_name)
                        cast_node.set_attr("to", onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT)
                        g.set_dtype(cast_node.output[0], onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT)
                        g.copy_shape(input_name, cast_node.output[0])
            if output_dtype:
                # insert reverse cast if needed
                for output_name in op.output:
                    name = utils.make_name(
                    logger.debug("insert cast back for node %s on output %s [dtype=%s]",, output_name,
                    output_cast = g.insert_new_node_on_output("Cast", output_name, name=name)
                    output_cast.set_attr("to", output_dtype)
                    g.set_dtype(output_cast.output[0], output_dtype)
                    g.copy_shape(output_name, output_cast.output[0])

            if cast_inserted:
    return new_ops