Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
# the detail math process of this op is: a = onehot(labels), b = logsoftmax(features), reduce_sum(mul(a, b))
logit_node = node.inputs[0]
logit_shape = ctx.get_shape(node.input[0])
logit_dtype = ctx.get_dtype(node.input[0])
label_name = node.input[1]
if logit_shape is not None and logit_shape[-1] != -1:
num_class = logit_shape[-1]
node_nme = utils.make_name("onehot_depth")
depth_node = ctx.make_const(node_nme, np.array([num_class]).astype(np.int64)).output[0]
logit_shape = ctx.make_node("Shape", [node.input[0]]).output[0]
slice_args = {"data": logit_shape,
"starts": [-1], "ends": [int(utils.get_max_value(np.int32))]}
num_class = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(kwargs=slice_args)
depth_node = num_class
values_node = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("onehot_values"), np.array([0, 1]).astype(np.int64)).output[0]
label_dtype = ctx.get_dtype(label_name)
if label_dtype != TensorProto.INT64:
onehot_indice = ctx.make_node("Cast", [label_name], attr={"to": TensorProto.INT64}).output[0]
onehot_indice = label_name
label_node = ctx.make_node(op_type="OneHot",
inputs=[onehot_indice, depth_node, values_node])
# the above logic makes output dtype of label_node now always int64
# make sure label has same dtype as logit
if logit_dtype != TensorProto.INT64:
label_node = ctx.make_node("Cast", label_node.output, attr={"to": logit_dtype}, dtypes=[logit_dtype])
_make_sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(ctx, label_node, logit_node, node)
def _process_non_tuple_ch_init_nodes(self, context):
input_id = context.state_variables["ct_ht"].enter_input_id
hidden_size = context.hidden_size
attr = {"axes": [1], "starts": [0], "ends": [hidden_size]}
inputs_map = {"data": input_id, **attr}
slice_node1 = GraphBuilder(self.g).make_slice(inputs_map)
unsqueeze_node_1 = self.g.make_node("Unsqueeze", [slice_node1], attr={"axes": [0]})
attr = {"axes": [1], "starts": [hidden_size], "ends": [hidden_size*2]}
inputs_map = {"data": input_id, **attr}
slice_node2 = GraphBuilder(self.g).make_slice(inputs_map)
unsqueeze_node_2 = self.g.make_node("Unsqueeze", [slice_node2], attr={"axes": [0]})
return unsqueeze_node_1.output[0], unsqueeze_node_2.output[0]
# create axes input
axes_const = ctx.make_const(
np.array(axes, dtype=np_dtype)
axes_output = axes_const.output[0]
inputs_map = {
"data": node.input[0],
"starts": begin.output[0],
"ends": end_output,
"steps": strides_output,
"axes": axes_output
kwargs = {**inputs_map, "outputs": node.output}
node = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(kwargs,, dtypes=out_dtypes, shapes=out_shapes)
node = ctx.get_node_by_output(node)
if needs_squeeze:
name = utils.make_name(
squeeze_node = ctx.insert_new_node_on_output("Squeeze", node.output[0], name)
squeeze_node.set_attr("axes", needs_squeeze)
input_dtype = ctx.get_dtype(node.output[0])
ctx.set_dtype(squeeze_node.output[0], input_dtype)
ctx.copy_shape(node.output[0], squeeze_node.output[0])
# remove reverse op for rnn_bw
reverse_nodes = get_reverse_nodes_after_y_output(g, rnn_bw)
for r_op in reverse_nodes:
logger.debug("remove reverse op %s",
g.replace_all_inputs(all_nodes, r_op.output[0], r_op.input[0])
elif rnn_output_index in [1, 2]:
axis = 0
raise ValueError("rnn only should has 3 outputs.")
if fw_consumers:
attr = {"axes": [axis], "starts": [0], "ends": [1]}
inputs_map = {"data": bi_rnn.output[rnn_output_index], **attr}
slice_node_fw = GraphBuilder(g).make_slice(inputs_map)
g.replace_all_inputs(fw_consumers, rnn_fw.output[rnn_output_index], slice_node_fw)
if bw_consumers:
attr = {"axes": [axis], "starts": [1], "ends": [2]}
inputs_map = {"data": bi_rnn.output[rnn_output_index], **attr}
slice_node_bw = GraphBuilder(g).make_slice(inputs_map)
g.replace_all_inputs(bw_consumers, rnn_bw.output[rnn_output_index], slice_node_bw)
def process_seq_length(self, context):
# output: [time step, batch size, input size]
seq_len_node = context.seq_len_node
shape_node = self.g.make_node("Shape", [context.onnx_input_ids["X"]])
# LSTMCell only allow inputs of [batch size, input_size], so we assume dynamic_rnn has 3 dims.
# Slice cannot support Int64 in OPSET 7, so we cast here.
cast_shape_node = self.g.make_node(
"Cast", [shape_node.output[0]],
attr={"to": TensorProto.FLOAT},
attr = {"axes": [0], "starts": [1], "ends": [2]}
inputs_map = {"data": cast_shape_node.output[0], **attr}
batchsize_node = GraphBuilder(self.g).make_slice(inputs_map)
if not seq_len_node:
# Tile's repeats must be INT64
repeat_node = self.g.make_node(
"Cast", [batchsize_node],
attr={"to": TensorProto.INT64}
attr = {"axes": [0], "starts": [0], "ends": [1]}
inputs_map = {"data": cast_shape_node.output[0], **attr}
timestep_node = GraphBuilder(self.g).make_slice(inputs_map)
tile_node = self.g.make_node("Tile", [timestep_node, repeat_node.output[0]])
# LSTM sequence_lens needs to be int32
seq_len_node = self.g.make_node(
"Cast", [tile_node.output[0]],
attr={"to": TensorProto.INT32}
# reshape to target shape
# output shape of gathernd: indices.shape[:-1] + gathernd_output.shape[1:]
inner_loop_shape = ctx.make_node("Shape", [gathernd_loop.output[1]], dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
# workaround in case gathernd_loop is 1-dimensional
one_const = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("one"), np.array([1], dtype=np.int64))
inner_loop_shape_ = ctx.make_node("Concat",
[inner_loop_shape.output[0], one_const.output[0]],
attr={"axis": 0},
attr = {"axes": [0], "ends": [sys.maxsize], "starts": [1]}
inputs_map = {"data": inner_loop_shape_.output[0], **attr}
output_inner_shape = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map, dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
attr = {"axes": [0], "ends": [-1], "starts": [0]}
inputs_map = {"data": indices_shape.output[0], **attr}
indices_outter_shape = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map, dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
output_shape_ = ctx.make_node("Concat",
[indices_outter_shape, output_inner_shape],
attr={"axis": 0},
attr = {"axes": [0], "ends": [-1], "starts": [0]}
inputs_map = {"data": output_shape_.output[0], **attr}
output_shape = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map, dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
[gathernd_loop.output[1], output_shape],
[inner_loop_shape.output[0], one_const.output[0]],
attr={"axis": 0},
attr = {"axes": [0], "ends": [sys.maxsize], "starts": [1]}
inputs_map = {"data": inner_loop_shape_.output[0], **attr}
output_inner_shape = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map, dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
attr = {"axes": [0], "ends": [-1], "starts": [0]}
inputs_map = {"data": indices_shape.output[0], **attr}
indices_outter_shape = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map, dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
output_shape_ = ctx.make_node("Concat",
[indices_outter_shape, output_inner_shape],
attr={"axis": 0},
attr = {"axes": [0], "ends": [-1], "starts": [0]}
inputs_map = {"data": output_shape_.output[0], **attr}
output_shape = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map, dtypes=[TensorProto.INT64])
[gathernd_loop.output[1], output_shape],
# first create "scales" info for onnx upsample
# if shape of input and output known then "scale" is calculated statically and set as a const node
shape = ctx.get_shape(node.input[0])
if shape and shape[2] != -1 and shape[1] != -1 and node.inputs[1].is_const():
target_shape = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
n, h, w, c = shape
nh, nw = target_shape
# scales is nchw
# the reason not storing data at raw field is because of the bug:
scale_val = np.array([1.0, 1.0, float(nh) / h, float(nw) / w]).astype(np.float32)
scales = ctx.make_const(tf2onnx.utils.make_name("scales"), scale_val, raw=False)
ori_shape = ctx.make_node("Shape", [node.input[0]])
attr = {"axes": [0], "starts": [1], "ends": [3]}
inputs_map = {"data": ori_shape.output[0], **attr}
ori_shape_hw = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map)
ori_shape_hw_float = ctx.make_node("Cast", [ori_shape_hw], attr={"to": onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT})
target_hw = node.inputs[1]
target_hw_float = ctx.make_node("Cast", target_hw.output, attr={"to": onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT})
scales_hw = ctx.make_node("Div", [target_hw_float.output[0], ori_shape_hw_float.output[0]])
const_one_array = ctx.make_const(tf2onnx.utils.make_name("one"), np.array([1.0, 1.0]).astype(np.float32))
# scales is nchw
scales = ctx.make_node("Concat", [const_one_array.output[0], scales_hw.output[0]], {"axis": 0})
# because onnxruntime only supports to scale the last two dims so transpose is inserted
input_nchw = ctx.make_node("Transpose", [node.input[0]], {"perm": constants.NHWC_TO_NCHW})
roi = ctx.make_const(tf2onnx.utils.make_name("roi"), np.array([]).astype(np.float32))
attrs = {"mode": mode}
attrs['coordinate_transformation_mode'] = 'asymmetric'
if attrs['mode'] == 'nearest':
# first create "scales" info for onnx upsample
# if shape of input and output known then "scale" is calculated statically and set as a const node
shape = ctx.get_shape(node.input[0])
if shape and shape[2] != -1 and shape[1] != -1 and node.inputs[1].is_const():
target_shape = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
n, h, w, c = shape
nh, nw = target_shape
# scales is nchw
# the reason not storing data at raw field is because of the bug:
scale_val = np.array([1.0, 1.0, float(nh) / h, float(nw) / w]).astype(np.float32)
scales = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("scales"), scale_val, raw=False)
ori_shape = ctx.make_node("Shape", [node.input[0]])
attr = {"axes": [0], "starts": [1], "ends": [3]}
inputs_map = {"data": ori_shape.output[0], **attr}
ori_shape_hw = GraphBuilder(ctx).make_slice(inputs_map)
ori_shape_hw_float = ctx.make_node("Cast", [ori_shape_hw], attr={"to": onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT})
target_hw = node.inputs[1]
target_hw_float = ctx.make_node("Cast", target_hw.output, attr={"to": onnx_pb.TensorProto.FLOAT})
scales_hw = ctx.make_node("Div", [target_hw_float.output[0], ori_shape_hw_float.output[0]])
const_one_array = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("one"), np.array([1.0, 1.0]).astype(np.float32))
# scales is nchw
scales = ctx.make_node("Concat", [const_one_array.output[0], scales_hw.output[0]], {"axis": 0})
# because onnxruntime only supports to scale the last two dims so transpose is inserted
input_nchw = ctx.make_node("Transpose", [node.input[0]], {"perm": constants.NHWC_TO_NCHW})
if roi_required:
roi = ctx.make_const(utils.make_name("roi"), np.array([]).astype(np.float32))
upsample = ctx.make_node("Resize", [input_nchw.output[0], roi.output[0], scales.output[0]],
attr={"mode": mode, "nearest_mode": "floor",