How to use the tensorly.ndim function in tensorly

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svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    non_negative : bool, default is False
        if True, non-negative factors are returned

    factors : ndarray list
        List of initialized factors of the CP decomposition where element `i`
        is of shape (tensor.shape[i], rank)

    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    if init == 'random':
        factors = [tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((tensor.shape[i], rank)), **tl.context(tensor)) for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor))]
        if non_negative:
            factors = [tl.abs(f) for f in factors]
        if normalize_factors: 
            factors = [f/(tl.reshape(tl.norm(f, axis=0), (1, -1)) + 1e-12) for f in factors]
        return factors

    elif init == 'svd':
            svd_fun = tl.SVD_FUNS[svd]
        except KeyError:
            message = 'Got svd={}. However, for the current backend ({}), the possible choices are {}'.format(
                    svd, tl.get_backend(), tl.SVD_FUNS)
            raise ValueError(message)

        factors = []
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
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if len(modes1) != len(modes2):
        raise ValueError('Can only contract two tensors along the same number of modes'
                         '(len(modes1) == len(modes2))'
                         'However, got {} modes for tensor 1 and {} mode for tensor 2'
                         '(modes1={}, and modes2={})'.format(
                           len(modes1), len(modes2), modes1, modes2))
    contraction_dims = [tl.shape(tensor1)[i] for i in modes1]
    if contraction_dims != [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in modes2]:
        raise ValueError('Trying to contract tensors over modes of different sizes'
                         '(contracting modes of sizes {} and {}'.format(
                             contraction_dims, [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in modes2]))
    shared_dim = int(

    modes1_free = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor1)) if i not in modes1]
    free_shape1 = [tl.shape(tensor1)[i] for i in modes1_free]

    tensor1 = tl.reshape(tl.transpose(tensor1, modes1_free + modes1),
                         (int(, shared_dim))
    modes2_free = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor2)) if i not in modes2]
    free_shape2 = [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in modes2_free]

    tensor2 = tl.reshape(tl.transpose(tensor2, modes2 + modes2_free),
                         (shared_dim, int(
    res =, tensor2)
    return tl.reshape(res, tuple(free_shape1 + free_shape2))
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n_factors = len(factors)
    if n_factors < 2:
        raise ValueError('A Matrix-Product-State (ttrain) tensor should be composed of at least two factors and a core.'
                         'However, {} factor was given.'.format(n_factors))

    rank = []
    shape = []
    for index, factor in enumerate(factors):
        current_rank, current_shape, next_rank = tl.shape(factor)

        # Check that factors are third order tensors
        if not tl.ndim(factor)==3:
            raise ValueError('MPS expresses a tensor as third order factors (tt-cores).\n'
                             'However, tl.ndim(factors[{}]) = {}'.format(
                                 index, tl.ndim(factor)))
        # Consecutive factors should have matching ranks
        if index and tl.shape(factors[index - 1])[2] != current_rank:
            raise ValueError('Consecutive factors should have matching ranks\n'
                             ' -- e.g. tl.shape(factors[0])[2]) == tl.shape(factors[1])[0])\n'
                             'However, tl.shape(factor[{}])[2] == {} but'
                             ' tl.shape(factor[{}])[0] == {} '.format(
                              index - 1, tl.shape(factors[index - 1])[2], index, current_rank))
        # Check for boundary conditions
        if (index == 0) and current_rank != 1:
            raise ValueError('Boundary conditions dictate factor[0].shape[0] == 1.'
                             'However, got factor[0].shape[0] = {}.'.format(
        if (index == n_factors - 1) and next_rank != 1:
            raise ValueError('Boundary conditions dictate factor[-1].shape[2] == 1.'
                             'However, got factor[{}].shape[2] = {}.'.format(
                              n_factors, next_rank))
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list of (tensor_order-1) of lists of left indices
    col_idx: list of list of int
            list of (tensor_order-1) of lists of right indices

    next_row_idx : list of int
            the list of new row indices,
    fibers_list : list of slice
            the used fibers,
    Q_skeleton : matrix
            approximation of Q as product of Q and inverse of its maximum volume submatrix

    tensor_shape = tl.shape(input_tensor)
    tensor_order = tl.ndim(input_tensor)
    fibers_list = []

    # Extract fibers according to the row and col indices
    for i in range(rank[k]):
        for j in range(rank[k + 1]):
            fiber = row_idx[k][i] + (slice(None, None, None),) + col_idx[k][j]
    if k == 0:  # Is[k] will be empty
        idx = (slice(None, None, None),) + tuple(zip(*col_idx[k]))
        idx = [[] for i in range(tensor_order)]
        for lidx in row_idx[k]:
            for ridx in col_idx[k]:
                for j, jj in enumerate(lidx): idx[j].append(jj)
                for j, jj in enumerate(ridx): idx[len(lidx) + 1 + j].append(jj)
        idx[k] = slice(None, None, None)
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if non_negative:
            factors = [tl.abs(f) for f in factors]
        if normalize_factors: 
            factors = [f/(tl.reshape(tl.norm(f, axis=0), (1, -1)) + 1e-12) for f in factors]
        return factors

    elif init == 'svd':
            svd_fun = tl.SVD_FUNS[svd]
        except KeyError:
            message = 'Got svd={}. However, for the current backend ({}), the possible choices are {}'.format(
                    svd, tl.get_backend(), tl.SVD_FUNS)
            raise ValueError(message)

        factors = []
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            U, _, _ = svd_fun(unfold(tensor, mode), n_eigenvecs=rank)

            if tensor.shape[mode] < rank:
                # TODO: this is a hack but it seems to do the job for now
                # factor = tl.tensor(np.zeros((U.shape[0], rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
                # factor[:, tensor.shape[mode]:] = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((U.shape[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])), **tl.context(tensor))
                # factor[:, :tensor.shape[mode]] = U
                random_part = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((U.shape[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])), **tl.context(tensor))
                U = tl.concatenate([U, random_part], axis=1)
            factor = U[:, :rank]
            if non_negative:
                factor = tl.abs(factor)
            if normalize_factors:
                factor = factor / (tl.reshape(tl.norm(factor, axis=0), (1, -1)) + 1e-12)
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    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``

    .. [3] Casey Battaglino, Grey Ballard and Tamara G. Kolda,
       "A Practical Randomized CP Tensor Decomposition",
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state)
    rec_errors = []
    n_dims = tl.ndim(tensor)
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    min_error = 0

    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        for mode in range(n_dims):
            kr_prod, indices_list = sample_khatri_rao(factors, n_samples, skip_matrix=mode, random_state=rng)
            indices_list = [i.tolist() for i in indices_list]
            # Keep all the elements of the currently considered mode
            indices_list.insert(mode, slice(None, None, None))
            # MXNet will not be happy if this is a list insteaf of a tuple
            indices_list = tuple(indices_list)
            if mode:
                sampled_unfolding = tensor[indices_list]
                sampled_unfolding = tl.transpose(tensor[indices_list])
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factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f for i, f in enumerate(factors)]

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))
            if non_negative:
                accum = 1
                # khatri_rao(factors)
                # simplifies to multiplications
                sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
                for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                    if i:
                        accum *=[e]), factors[e])
                        accum =[e]), factors[e])

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
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def _validate_mps_tensor(mps_tensor):
    factors = mps_tensor
    n_factors = len(factors)
    if n_factors < 2:
        raise ValueError('A Matrix-Product-State (ttrain) tensor should be composed of at least two factors and a core.'
                         'However, {} factor was given.'.format(n_factors))

    rank = []
    shape = []
    for index, factor in enumerate(factors):
        current_rank, current_shape, next_rank = tl.shape(factor)

        # Check that factors are third order tensors
        if not tl.ndim(factor)==3:
            raise ValueError('MPS expresses a tensor as third order factors (tt-cores).\n'
                             'However, tl.ndim(factors[{}]) = {}'.format(
                                 index, tl.ndim(factor)))
        # Consecutive factors should have matching ranks
        if index and tl.shape(factors[index - 1])[2] != current_rank:
            raise ValueError('Consecutive factors should have matching ranks\n'
                             ' -- e.g. tl.shape(factors[0])[2]) == tl.shape(factors[1])[0])\n'
                             'However, tl.shape(factor[{}])[2] == {} but'
                             ' tl.shape(factor[{}])[0] == {} '.format(
                              index - 1, tl.shape(factors[index - 1])[2], index, current_rank))
        # Check for boundary conditions
        if (index == 0) and current_rank != 1:
            raise ValueError('Boundary conditions dictate factor[0].shape[0] == 1.'
                             'However, got factor[0].shape[0] = {}.'.format(
        if (index == n_factors - 1) and next_rank != 1:
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    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f for i, f in enumerate(factors)]

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))
            if non_negative:
                accum = 1
                # khatri_rao(factors)
                # simplifies to multiplications
                sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
                for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                    if i:
                        accum *=[e]), factors[e])
                        accum =[e]), factors[e])

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse*, factor)