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class REGSECT(Sector.Pointer): symbol, type = '+', None
Sector.default = REGSECT
class MAXREGSECT(REGSECT): symbol, type = '+', 0xfffffffa
class NotApplicable(DWORD): symbol, type = '-', 0xfffffffb
class DIFSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'D', 0xfffffffc
class FATSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'F', 0xfffffffd
class ENDOFCHAIN(DWORD): symbol, type = '$', 0xfffffffe
class FREESECT(DWORD): symbol, type = '.', 0xffffffff
class SECT(Sector.Pointer): pass
### File-allocation tables that populate a single sector
class AllocationTable(parray.type):
def summary(self, **options):
return str().join(Sector.withdefault(, for entry in self)
def _object_(self):
return dyn.clone(Sector.Pointer, _object_=self.Pointer)
class FAT(AllocationTable):
Pointer = lambda s: dyn.block(s._uSectorSize)
# Walk the linked-list of fat sectors
def chain(self, index):
yield index
(__cond('DM_PAPERLENGTH', WORD), 'dmPaperLength'),
(__cond('DM_PAPERWIDTH', WORD), 'dmPaperWidth'),
(__cond('DM_SCALE', WORD), 'dmScale'),
(__cond('DM_COPIES', WORD), 'dmCopies'),
(__cond('DM_DEFAULTSOURCE', WORD), 'dmDefaultSource'),
(__cond('DM_PRINTQUALITY', WORD), 'dmPrintQuality'),
(__cond('DM_COLOR', WORD), 'dmColor'),
(__cond('DM_DUPLEX', WORD), 'dmDuplex'),
(__cond('DM_YRESOLUTION', WORD), 'dmYResolution'),
(__cond('DM_TTOPTION', WORD), 'dmTTOptions'),
(__cond('DM_COLLATE', WORD), 'dmCollate'),
(WORD, 'reserved0'),
(DWORD, 'reserved1'),
(DWORD, 'reserved2'),
(DWORD, 'reserved3'),
(__cond('DM_NUP', DWORD), 'dmNup'),
(DWORD, 'reserved4'),
(__cond('DM_ICMMETHOD', DWORD), 'dmICMMethod'),
(__cond('DM_ICMINTENT', DWORD), 'dmICMIntent'),
(__cond('DM_MEDIATYPE', DWORD), 'dmMediaType'),
(__cond('DM_DITHERTYPE', DWORD), 'dmDitherType'),
(DWORD, 'reserved5'),
(DWORD, 'reserved6'),
(DWORD, 'reserved7'),
(DWORD, 'reserved8'),
def __Padding(self):
sz = self['dmSize']
total = 32+32+2+2+2+2
res = sz - (total+s['fields'].li.size())
return dyn.block(res)
class LengthPrefixedUnicodeString(pstruct.type):
_fields_ = [
(DWORD, 'Length'),
(lambda s: dyn.clone(pstr.wstring, length=s['Length'], 'String')
def summary(self):
res = self['String'].str()
return "(length={:d}) {!r}".format(self['Length'].int(), res)
### Sector types
class Sector(ptype.definition):
cache = {}
class Pointer(ptype.opointer_t):
def _calculate_(self, index):
return self._uSectorSize + index * self._uSectorSize
class _value_(pint.enum, DWORD):
_values_ = [
('MAXREGSECT', 0xfffffffa),
('NotApplicable', 0xfffffffb),
('DIFSECT', 0xfffffffc),
('FATSECT', 0xfffffffd),
('ENDOFCHAIN', 0xfffffffe),
('FREESECT', 0xffffffff),
def _object_(self):
return dyn.block(self._uSectorSize)
def summary(self, **options):
return self.object.summary(**options)
class REGSECT(Sector.Pointer): symbol, type = '+', None
Sector.default = REGSECT
('FREESECT', 0xffffffff),
def _object_(self):
return dyn.block(self._uSectorSize)
def summary(self, **options):
return self.object.summary(**options)
class REGSECT(Sector.Pointer): symbol, type = '+', None
Sector.default = REGSECT
class MAXREGSECT(REGSECT): symbol, type = '+', 0xfffffffa
class NotApplicable(DWORD): symbol, type = '-', 0xfffffffb
class DIFSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'D', 0xfffffffc
class FATSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'F', 0xfffffffd
class ENDOFCHAIN(DWORD): symbol, type = '$', 0xfffffffe
class FREESECT(DWORD): symbol, type = '.', 0xffffffff
class SECT(Sector.Pointer): pass
### File-allocation tables that populate a single sector
class AllocationTable(parray.type):
def summary(self, **options):
return str().join(Sector.withdefault(, for entry in self)
def _object_(self):
return dyn.clone(Sector.Pointer, _object_=self.Pointer)
(DWORD, 'csectDifat'), # Number of difat sectors
### Directory types
class DirectoryEntryData(ptype.block):
def properties(self):
parent, res = self.parent, super(DirectoryEntryData, self).properties()
if isinstance(parent, DirectoryEntry):
res['index'] = int(parent.__name__)
res['type'] = parent['Type'].str()
return res
class DirectoryEntryType(pint.enum, BYTE):
_values_=[('Unknown', 0), ('Storage', 1), ('Stream', 2), ('Root', 5)]
class DirectoryEntryFlag(pint.enum, BYTE):
_values_=[('red', 0), ('black', 1)]
class DirectoryEntryIdentifier(pint.enum, DWORD):
_values_=[('MAXREGSID', 0xfffffffa), ('NOSTREAM', 0xffffffff)]
class DirectoryEntry(pstruct.type):
_fields_ = [
(dyn.clone(pstr.wstring, length=32), 'Name'),
(USHORT, 'uName'),
(DirectoryEntryType, 'Type'),
(DirectoryEntryFlag, 'Flag'),
(DirectoryEntryIdentifier, 'iLeftSibling'),
(DirectoryEntryIdentifier, 'iRightSibling'),
(DirectoryEntryIdentifier, 'iChild'),
(CLSID, 'clsid'),
(DWORD, 'dwState'),
(FILETIME, 'ftCreation'),
(FILETIME, 'ftModified'),
(SECT, 'sectLocation'), # FIXME: This pointer only supports regular sectors and not mini-sectors
def _object_(self):
return dyn.block(self._uSectorSize)
def summary(self, **options):
return self.object.summary(**options)
class REGSECT(Sector.Pointer): symbol, type = '+', None
Sector.default = REGSECT
class MAXREGSECT(REGSECT): symbol, type = '+', 0xfffffffa
class NotApplicable(DWORD): symbol, type = '-', 0xfffffffb
class DIFSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'D', 0xfffffffc
class FATSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'F', 0xfffffffd
class ENDOFCHAIN(DWORD): symbol, type = '$', 0xfffffffe
class FREESECT(DWORD): symbol, type = '.', 0xffffffff
class SECT(Sector.Pointer): pass
### File-allocation tables that populate a single sector
class AllocationTable(parray.type):
def summary(self, **options):
return str().join(Sector.withdefault(, for entry in self)
def _object_(self):
return dyn.clone(Sector.Pointer, _object_=self.Pointer)
class FAT(AllocationTable):
Pointer = lambda s: dyn.block(s._uSectorSize)
('FATSECT', 0xfffffffd),
('ENDOFCHAIN', 0xfffffffe),
('FREESECT', 0xffffffff),
def _object_(self):
return dyn.block(self._uSectorSize)
def summary(self, **options):
return self.object.summary(**options)
class REGSECT(Sector.Pointer): symbol, type = '+', None
Sector.default = REGSECT
class MAXREGSECT(REGSECT): symbol, type = '+', 0xfffffffa
class NotApplicable(DWORD): symbol, type = '-', 0xfffffffb
class DIFSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'D', 0xfffffffc
class FATSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'F', 0xfffffffd
class ENDOFCHAIN(DWORD): symbol, type = '$', 0xfffffffe
class FREESECT(DWORD): symbol, type = '.', 0xffffffff
class SECT(Sector.Pointer): pass
### File-allocation tables that populate a single sector
class AllocationTable(parray.type):
def summary(self, **options):
return str().join(Sector.withdefault(, for entry in self)
def _object_(self):
def summary(self, **options):
return self.object.summary(**options)
class REGSECT(Sector.Pointer): symbol, type = '+', None
Sector.default = REGSECT
class MAXREGSECT(REGSECT): symbol, type = '+', 0xfffffffa
class NotApplicable(DWORD): symbol, type = '-', 0xfffffffb
class DIFSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'D', 0xfffffffc
class FATSECT(DWORD): symbol, type = 'F', 0xfffffffd
class ENDOFCHAIN(DWORD): symbol, type = '$', 0xfffffffe
class FREESECT(DWORD): symbol, type = '.', 0xffffffff
class SECT(Sector.Pointer): pass
### File-allocation tables that populate a single sector
class AllocationTable(parray.type):
def summary(self, **options):
return str().join(Sector.withdefault(, for entry in self)
def _object_(self):
return dyn.clone(Sector.Pointer, _object_=self.Pointer)
class FAT(AllocationTable):
Pointer = lambda s: dyn.block(s._uSectorSize)
# Walk the linked-list of fat sectors
def __FormatOrUnicodeString(self):
marker = self['MarkerOrLength']
if marker in (0x00000000, ):
return ptype.undefined
elif marker in (0xfffffffe, 0xffffffff):
return DWORD
return dyn.clone(pstr.wstring, length=marker)
(__FormatOrUnicodeString, 'FormatOrUnicodeString'),
class MONIKERSTREAM(pstruct.type):
class Stream(pstruct.type):
_fields_ = [
(CLSID, 'Clsid'),
(lambda s: dyn.block(s.blocksize() - s['Clsid'].li.size()), 'Data'),
_fields_ = [
(DWORD, 'Size'),
(lambda s: ptype.undefined if s['Size'] == 0 else dyn.clone(MONIKERSTREAM.Stream, blocksize=lambda _:s['Size'], 'Stream'),
class OLEStream(pstruct.type):
class StreamFlags(pint.enum, DWORD):
_values_ = [
('Embedded', 0x00000000),
('Linked', 0x00000001),
('Implementation-Specific', 0x00001000),
_fields_ = [
(DWORD, 'Version'),
(StreamFlags, 'Flags'),
(DWORD, 'LinkUpdateOption'),
(DWORD, 'Reserved1'),
(MONIKERSTREAM, 'ReservedMoniker'),
(MONIKERSTREAM, 'RelativeSourceMoniker'),
(MONIKERSTREAM, 'AbsoluteSourceMoniker'),
(LONG, 'ClsidIndicator'),
(CLSID, 'Clsid'),