How to use the spikeextractors.write_binary_dat_format function in spikeextractors

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few spikeextractors examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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os.makedirs(str(study_folder / 'ground_truth'))
    os.makedirs(str(study_folder / 'sortings'))
    os.makedirs(str(study_folder / 'sortings/run_log' ))

    for rec_name, (recording, sorting_gt) in gt_dict.items():
        # write recording as binary format + json + prb
        raw_filename = study_folder / 'raw_files' / (rec_name + '.dat')
        prb_filename = study_folder / 'raw_files' / (rec_name + '.prb')
        json_filename = study_folder / 'raw_files' / (rec_name + '.json')
        num_chan = recording.get_num_channels()
        chunksize = 2 ** 24 // num_chan
        sr = recording.get_sampling_frequency()

        se.write_binary_dat_format(recording, raw_filename, time_axis=0, dtype='float32', chunksize=chunksize)
        se.save_probe_file(recording, prb_filename, format='spyking_circus')
        with open(json_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
            info = dict(sample_rate=sr, num_chan=num_chan, dtype='float32', frames_first=True)
            json.dump(info, f, indent=4)

        # write recording sorting_gt as with npz format
        se.NpzSortingExtractor.write_sorting(sorting_gt, study_folder / 'ground_truth' / (rec_name + '.npz'))

    # make an index of recording names
    with open(study_folder / 'names.txt', mode='w', encoding='utf8') as f:
        for rec_name in gt_dict:
            f.write(rec_name + '\n')
github SpikeInterface / spiketoolkit / spiketoolkit / sorters / klusta / View on Github external
# source file
        if isinstance(recording, se.BinDatRecordingExtractor) and recording._frame_first and\
            # no need to copy
            raw_filename = str(recording._datfile)
            raw_filename = raw_filename.replace('.dat', '')
            dtype = recording._timeseries.dtype.str
            nb_chan = len(recording._channels)
            # save binary file (chunk by hcunk) into a new file
            raw_filename = output_folder / 'recording'
            n_chan = recording.get_num_channels()
            chunksize = 2**24// n_chan
            se.write_binary_dat_format(recording, raw_filename, time_axis=0, dtype=dtype, chunksize=chunksize)

        if p['detect_sign'] < 0:
            detect_sign = 'negative'
        elif p['detect_sign'] > 0:
            detect_sign = 'positive'
            detect_sign = 'both'

        # set up klusta config file
        with (source_dir / 'config_default.prm').open('r') as f:
            klusta_config = f.readlines()

        # Note: should use format with dict approach here
        klusta_config = ''.join(klusta_config).format(raw_filename,
            p['probe_file'], float(recording.get_sampling_frequency()),
            recording.get_num_channels(), "'{}'".format(dtype),
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def _setup_recording(self, recording, output_folder):

        source_dir = Path(__file__).parent

        p = self.params

        if not check_if_installed(KilosortSorter.kilosort_path, KilosortSorter.npy_matlab_path):
            raise Exception(KilosortSorter.installation_mesg)

        # save binary file
        file_name = 'recording'
        se.write_binary_dat_format(recording, output_folder / file_name, dtype='int16')

        # set up kilosort config files and run kilosort on data
        with (source_dir / 'kilosort_master.txt').open('r') as f:
            kilosort_master = f.readlines()
        with (source_dir / 'kilosort_config.txt').open('r') as f:
            kilosort_config = f.readlines()
        with (source_dir / 'kilosort_channelmap.txt').open('r') as f:
            kilosort_channelmap = f.readlines()

        nchan = recording.get_num_channels()
        dat_file = (output_folder / (file_name + '.dat')).absolute()
        kilo_thresh = p['detect_threshold']
        Nfilt = (nchan // 32) * 32 * 8
        if Nfilt == 0:
            Nfilt = nchan * 8
        nsamples = 128 * 1024 + 64
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# source file
        if isinstance(recording, se.BinDatRecordingExtractor) and recording._frame_first:
            # no need to copy
            raw_filename = recording._datfile
            dtype = recording._timeseries.dtype.str
            nb_chan = len(recording._channels)
            offset = recording._timeseries.offset
            if self.debug:
                print('Local copy of recording')
            # save binary file (chunk by hcunk) into a new file
            raw_filename = output_folder / 'raw_signals.raw'
            n_chan = recording.get_num_channels()
            chunksize = 2**24// n_chan
            se.write_binary_dat_format(recording, raw_filename, time_axis=0, dtype='float32', chunksize=chunksize)
            offset = 0

        # initialize source and probe file
        tdc_dataio = tdc.DataIO(dirname=str(output_folder))
        nb_chan = recording.get_num_channels()

        tdc_dataio.set_data_source(type='RawData', filenames=[str(raw_filename)],
                                   dtype=dtype, sample_rate=recording.get_sampling_frequency(),
                                   total_channel=nb_chan, offset=offset)
        if self.debug:
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The maximum number of wavefomrs to extract (default is np.inf)
    compute_property_from_recording: bool
        If True and 'grouping_property' is given, the property of each unit is assigned as the corresponding propery of
        the recording extractor channel on which the average waveform is the largest
    verbose: bool
        If True output is verbose
    import spiketoolkit as st
    if not isinstance(recording, se.RecordingExtractor) or not isinstance(sorting, se.SortingExtractor):
        raise AttributeError()
    output_folder = Path(output_folder).absolute()
    if not output_folder.is_dir():

    # save dat file
    se.write_binary_dat_format(recording, output_folder / 'recording.dat', dtype='int16')

    # write
    with (output_folder / '').open('w') as f:
        f.write("dat_path =" + "'" + str(output_folder / 'recording.dat') + "'" + '\n')
        f.write('n_channels_dat = ' + str(recording.get_num_channels()) + '\n')
        f.write("dtype = 'int16'\n")
        f.write('offset = 0\n')
        f.write('sample_rate = ' + str(recording.get_sampling_frequency()) + '\n')
        f.write('hp_filtered = False')

    # pc_features.npy - [nSpikes, nFeaturesPerChannel, nPCFeatures] single
    if nPC > recording.get_num_channels():
        nPC = recording.get_num_channels()
        print("Changed number of PC to number of channels: ", nPC)
    pc_scores = compute_pca_scores(recording, sorting, n_comp=nPC, by_electrode=True,
                                   start_frame=start_frame, end_frame=end_frame, max_num_waveforms=max_num_waveforms,
github SpikeInterface / spiketoolkit / spiketoolkit / sorters / kilosort2 / View on Github external
def _setup_recording(self, recording, output_folder):

        source_dir = Path(__file__).parent

        p = self.params

        if not check_if_installed(Kilosort2Sorter.kilosort2_path, Kilosort2Sorter.npy_matlab_path):
            raise Exception(Kilosort2Sorter.installation_mesg)

        # save binary file
        if p['file_name'] is None:
            self.file_name = Path('recording')
        elif p['file_name'].suffix == '.dat':
            self.file_name = p['file_name'].stem
        p['file_name'] = self.file_name
        se.write_binary_dat_format(recording, output_folder / self.file_name, dtype='int16')

        # set up kilosort2 config files and run kilosort2 on data
        with (source_dir / 'kilosort2_master.txt').open('r') as f:
            kilosort2_master = f.readlines()
        with (source_dir / 'kilosort2_config.txt').open('r') as f:
            kilosort2_config = f.readlines()
        with (source_dir / 'kilosort2_channelmap.txt').open('r') as f:
            kilosort2_channelmap = f.readlines()

        nchan = recording.get_num_channels()
        dat_file = (output_folder / ( + '.dat')).absolute()
        kilo_thresh = p['detect_threshold']

        sample_rate = recording.get_sampling_frequency()

        if not Kilosort2Sorter.installed: