How to use the securesystemslib.util function in securesystemslib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few securesystemslib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github theupdateframework / tuf / tests / View on Github external
json.dumps(timestamp_metadata, indent=1, separators=(',', ': '),

    client_timestamp_path = os.path.join(self.client_directory, 'timestamp.json')
    shutil.copy(timestamp_path, client_timestamp_path)

    length, hashes = securesystemslib.util.get_file_details(timestamp_path)
    fileinfo = tuf.formats.make_fileinfo(length, hashes)

    url_prefix = self.repository_mirrors['mirror1']['url_prefix']
    url_file = os.path.join(url_prefix, 'metadata', 'timestamp.json')

    six.moves.urllib.request.urlretrieve(url_file.replace('\\', '/'), client_timestamp_path)

    length, hashes = securesystemslib.util.get_file_details(client_timestamp_path)
    download_fileinfo = tuf.formats.make_fileinfo(length, hashes)

    # Verify 'download_fileinfo' is equal to the current local file.
    self.assertEqual(download_fileinfo, fileinfo)
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os.path.join(self.repository_directory, 'metadata'))

    # Save the fileinfo of the new version generated to verify that it is
    # saved by the client.
    length, hashes = securesystemslib.util.get_file_details(timestamp_path)
    new_fileinfo = tuf.formats.make_fileinfo(length, hashes)

    url_prefix = self.repository_mirrors['mirror1']['url_prefix']
    url_file = os.path.join(url_prefix, 'metadata', 'timestamp.json')
    client_timestamp_path = os.path.join(self.client_directory,
        self.repository_name, 'metadata', 'current', 'timestamp.json')

    # On Windows, the URL portion should not contain back slashes.
    six.moves.urllib.request.urlretrieve(url_file.replace('\\', '/'), client_timestamp_path)

    length, hashes = securesystemslib.util.get_file_details(client_timestamp_path)
    download_fileinfo = tuf.formats.make_fileinfo(length, hashes)

    # Verify 'download_fileinfo' is equal to the new version.
    self.assertEqual(download_fileinfo, new_fileinfo)

    # Restore the previous version of 'timestamp.json' on the remote repository
    # and verify that the non-TUF client downloads it (expected, but not ideal).
    shutil.move(backup_timestamp, timestamp_path)

    # On Windows, the URL portion should not contain back slashes.
    six.moves.urllib.request.urlretrieve(url_file.replace('\\', '/'), client_timestamp_path)

    length, hashes = securesystemslib.util.get_file_details(client_timestamp_path)
    download_fileinfo = tuf.formats.make_fileinfo(length, hashes)

    # Verify 'download_fileinfo' is equal to the previous version.
github theupdateframework / tuf / tests / View on Github external
# Test that infinite loop is prevented if the target file is not found and
    # the max number of delegations is reached.
    valid_max_number_of_delegations = tuf.settings.MAX_NUMBER_OF_DELEGATIONS
    tuf.settings.MAX_NUMBER_OF_DELEGATIONS = 0
    self.assertEqual(None, self.repository_updater._preorder_depth_first_walk('unknown.txt'))

    # Reset the setting for max number of delegations so that subsequent unit
    # tests reference the expected setting.
    tuf.settings.MAX_NUMBER_OF_DELEGATIONS = valid_max_number_of_delegations

    # Attempt to create a circular delegation, where role1 performs a
    # delegation to the top-level Targets role.  The updater should ignore the
    # delegation and not raise an exception.
    targets_path = os.path.join(self.client_metadata_current, 'targets.json')
    targets_metadata = securesystemslib.util.load_json_file(targets_path)
    targets_metadata['signed']['delegations']['roles'][0]['paths'] = ['/file8.txt']
    with open(targets_path, 'wb') as file_object:

    role1_path = os.path.join(self.client_metadata_current, 'role1.json')
    role1_metadata = securesystemslib.util.load_json_file(role1_path)
    role1_metadata['signed']['delegations']['roles'][0]['name'] = 'targets'
    role1_metadata['signed']['delegations']['roles'][0]['paths'] = ['/file8.txt']
    with open(role1_path, 'wb') as file_object:

    role2_path = os.path.join(self.client_metadata_current, 'role2.json')
    role2_metadata = securesystemslib.util.load_json_file(role2_path)
    role2_metadata['signed']['delegations']['roles'] = role1_metadata['signed']['delegations']['roles']
    role2_metadata['signed']['delegations']['roles'][0]['paths'] = ['/file8.txt']
    with open(role2_path, 'wb') as file_object:
github theupdateframework / tuf / tuf / scripts / View on Github external
def import_publickey_from_file(keypath):

    key_metadata = securesystemslib.util.load_json_file(keypath)

  # An RSA public key is saved to disk in PEM format (not JSON), so the
  # load_json_file() call above can fail for this reason.  Try to potentially
  # load the PEM string in keypath if an exception is raised.
  except securesystemslib.exceptions.Error:
    key_metadata = securesystemslib.interface.import_rsa_publickey_from_file(

  key_object, junk = securesystemslib.keys.format_metadata_to_key(key_metadata)

  if key_object['keytype'] not in SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES:
    raise tuf.exceptions.Error('Trying to import an unsupported key'
        ' type: ' + repr(key_object['keytype'] + '.'
        '  Supported key types: ' + repr(SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES)))

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# derived key.
  junk_old_salt, junk_old_iterations, symmetric_key = \
    _generate_derived_key(password, salt, iterations)

  # Verify the hmac to ensure the ciphertext is valid and has not been altered.
  # See the encryption routine for why we use the encrypt-then-MAC approach.
  # The decryption routine may verify a ciphertext without having to perform
  # a decryption operation.
  generated_hmac_object = \
    cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hmac.HMAC(symmetric_key, hashes.SHA256(),
  generated_hmac = binascii.hexlify(generated_hmac_object.finalize())

  if not securesystemslib.util.digests_are_equal(generated_hmac.decode(), hmac):
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Decryption failed.')

  # Construct a Cipher object, with the key and iv.
  decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(symmetric_key), modes.CTR(iv),

  # Decryption gets us the authenticated plaintext.
  plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()

  return plaintext
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  # Write the public key (i.e., 'public', which is in PEM format) to
  # '.pub'.  (1) Create a temporary file, (2) write the contents of
  # the public key, and (3) move to final destination.
  file_object = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
  # The temporary file is closed after the final move.
  securesystemslib.util.persist_temp_file(file_object, filepath + '.pub')

  # Write the private key in encrypted PEM format to ''.
  # Unlike the public key file, the private key does not have a file
  # extension.
  file_object = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
  securesystemslib.util.persist_temp_file(file_object, filepath)

  return filepath
github theupdateframework / tuf / tuf / View on Github external
      The path to the target file on the repository. This will be relative to
      the 'targets' (or equivalent) directory on a given mirror.



    The hash of 'target_filepath'.

  return securesystemslib.util.get_target_hash(target_filepath)
github theupdateframework / tuf / tuf / View on Github external
# At this point the tuf.keydb and tuf.roledb stores must be fully
    # populated, otherwise write() throwns a 'tuf.Repository' exception if
    # any of the project roles are missing signatures, keys, etc.

    # Write the metadata files of all the delegated roles of the project.
    delegated_rolenames = tuf.roledb.get_delegated_rolenames(self.project_name,

    for delegated_rolename in delegated_rolenames:
      delegated_filename = os.path.join(self.metadata_directory,
          delegated_rolename + METADATA_EXTENSION)

      # Ensure the parent directories of 'metadata_filepath' exist, otherwise an
      # IO exception is raised if 'metadata_filepath' is written to a
      # sub-directory.

      _generate_and_write_metadata(delegated_rolename, delegated_filename,
          write_partial, self.targets_directory, prefix=self.prefix,

    # Generate the 'project_name' metadata file.
    targets_filename = self.project_name + METADATA_EXTENSION
    targets_filename = os.path.join(self.metadata_directory, targets_filename)
    junk, targets_filename = _generate_and_write_metadata(self.project_name,
        targets_filename, write_partial, self.targets_directory,
        prefix=self.prefix, repository_name=self.repository_name)

    # Save configuration information that is not stored in the project's
    # metadata