How to use the securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError function in securesystemslib

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'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError' raised if the decryption fails.

  # Extract the salt, iterations, hmac, initialization vector, and ciphertext
  # from 'file_contents'.  These five values are delimited by
  # '_ENCRYPTION_DELIMITER'.  This delimiter is arbitrarily chosen and should
  # not occur in the hexadecimal representations of the fields it is
  # separating.  Raise 'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError', if
  # 'file_contents' does not contains the expected data layout.
    salt, iterations, hmac, iv, ciphertext = \

  except ValueError:
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Invalid encrypted file.')

  # Ensure we have the expected raw data for the delimited cryptographic data.
  salt = binascii.unhexlify(salt.encode('utf-8'))
  iterations = int(iterations)
  iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv.encode('utf-8'))
  ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify(ciphertext.encode('utf-8'))

  # Generate derived key from 'password'.  The salt and iterations are
  # specified so that the expected derived key is regenerated correctly.
  # Discard the old "salt" and "iterations" values, as we only need the old
  # derived key.
  junk_old_salt, junk_old_iterations, symmetric_key = \
    _generate_derived_key(password, salt, iterations)

  # Verify the hmac to ensure the ciphertext is valid and has not been altered.
  # See the encryption routine for why we use the encrypt-then-MAC approach.
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'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError' raised if the decryption fails.

  # Extract the salt, iterations, hmac, initialization vector, and ciphertext
  # from 'file_contents'.  These five values are delimited by
  # '_ENCRYPTION_DELIMITER'.  This delimiter is arbitrarily chosen and should
  # not occur in the hexadecimal representations of the fields it is
  # separating.  Raise 'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError', if 'file_contents'
  # does not contains the expected data layout.
    salt, iterations, hmac, iv, ciphertext = \

  except ValueError:
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Invalid encrypted file.')

  # Ensure we have the expected raw data for the delimited cryptographic data.
  salt = binascii.unhexlify(salt.encode('utf-8'))
  iterations = int(iterations)
  iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv.encode('utf-8'))
  ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify(ciphertext.encode('utf-8'))

  # Generate derived key from 'password'.  The salt and iterations are
  # specified so that the expected derived key is regenerated correctly.
  # Discard the old "salt" and "iterations" values, as we only need the old
  # derived key.
  junk_old_salt, junk_old_iterations, derived_key = \
    _generate_derived_key(password, salt, iterations)

  # Verify the hmac to ensure the ciphertext is valid and has not been altered.
  # See the encryption routine for why we use the encrypt-then-MAC approach.
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# An if-clause is not strictly needed here, since 'ed25519' is the only
  # currently supported scheme.  Nevertheless, include the conditional
  # statement to accommodate schemes that might be added in the future.
  if scheme == 'ed25519':
      nacl_key = nacl.signing.SigningKey(private)
      nacl_sig = nacl_key.sign(data)
      signature = nacl_sig.signature

    # The unit tests expect required libraries to be installed.
    except NameError: # pragma: no cover
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.UnsupportedLibraryError('The PyNaCl'
          ' library and/or its dependencies unavailable.')

    except (ValueError, TypeError, nacl.exceptions.CryptoError) as e:
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('An "ed25519" signature'
          ' could not be created with PyNaCl.' + str(e))

  # This is a defensive check for a valid 'scheme', which should have already
  # been validated in the check_match() above.
  else: #pragma: no cover
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithmError('Unsupported'
      ' signature scheme is specified: ' + repr(scheme))

  return signature, scheme
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junk_old_salt, junk_old_iterations, symmetric_key = \
    _generate_derived_key(password, salt, iterations)

  # Verify the hmac to ensure the ciphertext is valid and has not been altered.
  # See the encryption routine for why we use the encrypt-then-MAC approach.
  # The decryption routine may verify a ciphertext without having to perform
  # a decryption operation.
  generated_hmac_object = \
    cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hmac.HMAC(symmetric_key, hashes.SHA256(),
  generated_hmac = binascii.hexlify(generated_hmac_object.finalize())

  if not securesystemslib.util.digests_are_equal(generated_hmac.decode(), hmac):
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Decryption failed.')

  # Construct a Cipher object, with the key and iv.
  decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(symmetric_key), modes.CTR(iv),

  # Decryption gets us the authenticated plaintext.
  plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()

  return plaintext
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# Generate RSSA-PSS signature.  Raise 'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError'
    # for the expected PyCrypto exceptions.
      pkcs1_pss_signer =
      signature = pkcs1_pss_signer.sign(sha256_object)

    except ValueError: #pragma: no cover
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('The RSA key too small for'
        ' given hash algorithm.')

    except TypeError:
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Missing required RSA'
        ' private key.')

    except IndexError: # pragma: no cover
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('An RSA signature cannot'
        ' be generated: ' + str(e))

    raise ValueError('The required private key is unset.')

  return signature, method
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# Verify whether the private key of 'public_key' produced 'signature'.
  # Before returning the 'valid_signature' Boolean result, ensure 'RSASSA-PSS'
  # was used as the signing method.
  valid_signature = False

  # Verify the signature with PyCrypto if the signature method is valid,
  # otherwise raise 'securesystemslib.exceptions.UnknownMethodError'.
  if signature_method == 'RSASSA-PSS':
      rsa_key_object = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.importKey(public_key)
      pkcs1_pss_verifier =
      sha256_object =
      valid_signature = pkcs1_pss_verifier.verify(sha256_object, signature)

    except (ValueError, IndexError, TypeError):
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('The RSA signature could not'
        ' be verified.')

    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.UnknownMethodError(signature_method)

  return valid_signature
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else:  # pragma: no cover
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithmError('Unsupported'
          ' signature scheme is specified: ' + repr(scheme))

  # If the PEM data could not be decrypted, or if its structure could not
  # be decoded successfully.
  except ValueError:
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('The private key'
        ' (in PEM format) could not be deserialized.')

  # 'TypeError' is raised if a password was given and the private key was
  # not encrypted, or if the key was encrypted but no password was
  # supplied.  Note: A passphrase or password is not used when generating
  # 'private_key', since it should not be encrypted.
  except TypeError:
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('The private key was'
        ' unexpectedly encrypted.')

  # 'cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm' is raised if the
  # serialized key is of a type that is not supported by the backend, or if
  # the key is encrypted with a symmetric cipher that is not supported by
  # the backend.
  except cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm:  # pragma: no cover
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('The private key is'
        ' encrypted with an unsupported algorithm.')

  return signature, scheme
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aes_cipher =,

  # Use AES-256 to encrypt 'key_data'.  The key size determines how many cycle
  # repetitions are performed by AES, 14 cycles for 256-bit keys.
    ciphertext = aes_cipher.encrypt(key_data)

  # PyCrypto does not document the exceptions that may be raised or under what
  # circumstances.  PyCrypto example given is to call encrypt() without
  # checking for exceptions.  Avoid propogating the exception trace and only
  # raise 'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError', along with the cause of
  # encryption failure.
  except (ValueError, IndexError, TypeError) as e:
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('The key data cannot be'
      ' encrypted: ' + str(e))

  # Generate the hmac of the ciphertext to ensure it has not been modified.
  # The decryption routine may verify a ciphertext without having to perform
  # a decryption operation.
  salt = derived_key_information['salt']
  hmac_object =, ciphertext,
  hmac = hmac_object.hexdigest()

  # Store the number of PBKDF2 iterations used to derive the symmetric key so
  # that the decryption routine can regenerate the symmetric key successfully.
  # The pbkdf2 iterations are allowed to vary for the keys loaded and saved.
  iterations = derived_key_information['iterations']

  # Return the salt, iterations, hmac, initialization vector, and ciphertext