Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
N = int(options.numberofrows)
delta_true = float(
replicate = int(options.replicate)
bias = float(options.bias)
sigma_prior = float(options.sigma)
print 'Running random effects validation for:'
print 'N', N
print 'delta_true', delta_true
print 'bias', bias
print 'sigma_prior', sigma_prior
print 'replicate', replicate
M = gp.Mean(validate_similarity.quadratic)
C = gp.Covariance(gp.matern.euclidean, amp=1., diff_degree=2, scale=50)
gp.observe(M, C, [0, 30, 100], [-5, -3, -5])
true = {}
lp = gp.Realization(M, C)
true_p = lambda x: pl.exp(lp(x))
model = validate_similarity.generate_data(N, delta_true, true_p, 'Unusable', bias, sigma_prior)
for het in 'Very Moderately Slightly'.split():
model.parameters['p']['heterogeneity'] = het
model.results.to_csv('%s/%s/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s.csv' % (output_dir, validation_name, options.numberofrows,, het, bias, sigma_prior, options.replicate))
N = int(options.numberofrows)
delta_true = float(
replicate = int(options.replicate)
bias = float(options.bias)
sigma_prior = float(options.sigma)
print 'Running random effects validation for:'
print 'N', N
print 'delta_true', delta_true
print 'bias', bias
print 'sigma_prior', sigma_prior
print 'replicate', replicate
M = gp.Mean(validate_similarity.quadratic)
C = gp.Covariance(gp.matern.euclidean, amp=1., diff_degree=2, scale=50)
gp.observe(M, C, [0, 30, 100], [-5, -3, -5])
true = {}
lp = gp.Realization(M, C)
true_p = lambda x: pl.exp(lp(x))
model = validate_similarity.generate_data(N, delta_true, true_p, 'Unusable', bias, sigma_prior)
for het in 'Very Moderately Slightly'.split():
model.parameters['p']['heterogeneity'] = het
model.results.to_csv('%s/%s/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s.csv' % (output_dir, validation_name, options.numberofrows,, het, bias, sigma_prior, options.replicate))
logit_val = -10.
elif d_val == 1:
logit_val = 10.
logit_val = mc.logit(d_val)
d_se = dm.se_per_1(d)
if d_se == MISSING:
logit_V = 10. #TODO: make this a function of the max of other variables
elif d_se == 0.:
logit_V = .1
logit_V = (1/d_val + 1/(1-d_val))**2 * d_se**2
gp.observe(M, C, [[a0,a1]], [logit_val], [logit_V])
a2 = .5 * (a0 + a1 + 1)
gp.observe(M, C, [[a2,a2]], [logit_val], [logit_V])
prior_str = dm.get_priors(key)
for p1 in prior_str.split(','):
p = p1.split()
if len(p) > 0 and p[0] == 'zero':
a0 = int(p[1])
a1 = int(p[2])
gp.observe(M, C, [[a,a] for a in range(a0,a1+1)],
[-10. for a in range(a0,a1+1)],
[1. for a in range(a0,a1+1)])
#gp.observe(M, C, [[a,a+5] for a in range(a0,a1+1-5)],
# [-10. for a in range(a0,a1+1)],
# [1. for a in range(a0,a1+1)])
def uninformative_prior_gp(c=-10., diff_degree=2., amp=100., scale=200.):
return mean and covariance objects for an uninformative prior on
the age-specific rate
M = gp.Mean(const_func, c=c)
C = gp.Covariance(gp.matern.euclidean, diff_degree=diff_degree,
amp=amp, scale=scale)
return M,C
from cholesky import*
from cov_funs import *
from distances import *
from common import *
import pycuda as cuda
import pymc
import numpy as np
import warnings
# TODO: Observations!
# TODO: Nuggets in Cholesky decomps
# TODO: Diagonal calls
class CudaCovariance(
"""A class mirroring, but with all computations done on a GPU."""
def __init__(self, distance, covariance):
self.distance = distance
self.covariance = covariance
self.ndim = None
self.observed = False
if self.distance.dtype != self.covariance.dtype:
raise ValueError, 'Distance function has dtype %s, but covariance function has dtype %s.'%(self.distance.dtype, self.covariance.dtype)
self.dtype = self.covariance.dtype
def gpu_call(self, x, y, symm=False):
# Remember shape of x, and then 'regularize' it.
orig_shape = np.shape(x)
for col, smoothness in enumerate(['Slightly', 'Moderately', 'Very']):
## setup lognormal prior on intercept
gamma = mc.Normal('gamma', 0.,
mu = mc.Lambda('mu', lambda gamma=gamma: pl.exp(gamma))
## setup Gaussian Process prior on age pattern
def M(mu=mu):
return x: mu*pl.ones(len(x)))
C =,
sm ='sm', M, C, mesh,
## condition on rate being positive
def positive(f=sm.f_eval):
if pl.any(f < 0.):
return -pl.inf
return 0.
## likelihood of observed data, using normal model for simplicity
Evaluates M(x) and C(x).
Minimizes computation; evaluating M(x) and C(x) separately would
evaluate the off-diagonal covariance term twice, but callling
point_eval(M,C,x) would only evaluate it once.
Also chunks the evaluations if the off-diagonal term.
x_ = regularize_array(x)
M_out = empty(x_.shape[0])
V_out = empty(x_.shape[0])
if isinstance(C,
y_size = len(C.basis)
elif C.obs_mesh is not None:
y_size = C.obs_mesh.shape[0]
y_size = 1
n_chunks = ceil(y_size*x_.shape[0]/float(chunksize))
bounds = array(linspace(0,x_.shape[0],n_chunks+1),dtype='int')
for (cmin,cmax) in zip(bounds[:-1],bounds[1:]):
x__ = x_[cmin:cmax]
V_out[cmin:cmax], Uo_Cxo = C(x__, regularize=False, return_Uo_Cxo=True)
M_out[cmin:cmax] = M(x__, regularize=False, Uo_Cxo=Uo_Cxo)
if len(x.shape) > 1:
def gaussian_process(self):
return a PyMC Gaussian Process mean and covariance to interpolate
the population-by-age mesh/value data
from pymc import gp
from dismod3.bayesian_models import probabilistic_utils
M, C = probabilistic_utils.uninformative_prior_gp(c=0., diff_degree=2., amp=10., scale=200.)
gp.observe(M, C,['mesh'],['vals'], 0.0)
return M, C
# Prior parameters of M
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=1., tau=1.)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=.5, tau=1.)
c = pm.Normal('c', mu=2., tau=1.)
# The mean M is valued as a Mean object.
def linfun(x, a, b, c):
# return a * x ** 2 + b * x + c
return 0.*x + c
def M(eval_fun = linfun, a=a, b=b, c=c):
return gp.Mean(eval_fun, a=a, b=b, c=c)
# The GP submodel
fmesh = np.linspace(-np.pi/3.3,np.pi/3.3,4)
sm = gp.GPSubmodel('sm',M,C,fmesh)
# Observation precision
V = .0001
# The data d is just array-valued. It's normally distributed about GP.f(obs_x).
init_val = np.random.normal(size=len(fmesh))
d = pm.Normal('d',mu=sm.f_eval, tau=1./V, value=init_val, observed=True)
def C_i(i=i, grid=grid, sigma_f=sigma_f, tau_f=tau_f, diff_degree=diff_degree):
return gp.matern.euclidean(grid, grid, amp=sigma_f[i], scale=tau_f[i], diff_degree=diff_degree[i])