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# The priors are all set! Now we can define the linear model.
# Maybe it can be clearly defined using the 'Lambda()' class.
# But we will use a 'for' loop for easier readability.
mu = []
for i in x:
mu.append(a0 + a[int(i - 1)])
# And the likelihood.
like_y = pymc.Normal('like_y', mu=mu, tau=tau, value=zy, observed=True)
# Now we build the model, set the MAP and sample the posterior distribution.
model = pymc.Model([like_y, a0, a, sigma, a_tau, a_sd])
map_ = pymc.MAP(model)
mcmc = pymc.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(iter=80000, burn=20000, thin=10)
# Extract the samples.
a0_sample = mcmc.trace('a0')[:]
a_sample = mcmc.trace('a')[:]
sigma_sample = mcmc.trace('sigma')[:]
a_sd_sample = mcmc.trace('a_sd')[:]
# Convert the values.
b0_sample = convert_baseline(a0_sample, a_sample, x_levels, y)
b_sample = convert_deflection(a0_sample, a_sample, x_levels, y)
def map_fit(asrf, speed='most accurate'):
The Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) fit of the model is a point
estimate of the model parameters, which is found using numerical
optimization to attempt to maximize the posterior liklihood.
Since this is a local optimization method, it might not find the
global optimum.
map = mc.MAP(asrf.vars)
iterlim, method = MAP_PARAMS[speed]
print "searching for maximum likelihood point estimate (%s)" % method, iterlim=iterlim, method=method)
def compute_MCMC_results(niter=25000, burn=4000):
S = pymc.MCMC(model)
S.sample(iter=niter, burn=burn)
traces = [S.trace(s)[:] for s in ['b0', 'A', 'T', 'alpha']]
M = pymc.MAP(model)
fit_vals = (M.b0.value, M.A.value, M.alpha.value, M.T.value)
return traces, fit_vals
from operator import attrgetter
# I.S: when using MAP with Hierarchical model the subjects nodes should be
# integrated out before the computation of the MAP (see Pinheiro JC, Bates DM., 1995, 2000).
# since we are not integrating we get a point estimation for each
# subject which is not what we want.
if self.is_group_model:
raise NotImplementedError("""Sorry, This method is not yet implemented for group models.
you might consider using the approximate_map method""")
maps = []
for i in range(runs):
# (re)create nodes to get new initival values.
#nodes are not created for the first iteration if they already exist = pm.MAP(self.nodes_db.node)
if i != 0:
self.draw_from_prior(), **kwargs)
maps.append( = None
# We want to use values of the best fitting model
sorted_maps = sorted(maps, key=attrgetter('logp'))
max_map = sorted_maps[-1]
# If maximum logp values are not in the same range, there
# could be a problem with the model.
if runs >= 2:
def b(a=a):
return 100-a
def c(value=0.5, a=a, b=b):
return (value-a)**2/b
return locals()
M = pm.Model(make_model(3))
from pymc.examples import gelman_bioassay
M = pm.MAP(gelman_bioassay)
def compute_MCMC_results(niter=20000, burn=2000):
S = pymc.MCMC(model)
S.sample(iter=niter, burn=burn)
traces = [S.trace(s)[:] for s in ['b0', 'A', 'omega', 'beta']]
M = pymc.MAP(model)
fit_vals = (M.b0.value, M.beta.value, M.A.value,
return traces, fit_vals
- returns a pymc.MCMC object created from vars, that has been fit with MCMC
.. note::
- `burn` must be less than `iter`
- `thin` must be less than `iter` minus `burn`
assert burn < iter, 'burn must be less than iter'
assert thin < iter - burn, 'thin must be less than iter-burn'
vars = model.vars[data_type]
start_time = time.time()
map = mc.MAP(vars)
m = mc.MCMC(vars)
## use MAP to generate good initial conditions
tol=.001'finding initial values')
fit_model.find_asr_initial_vals(vars, method, tol, verbose)'\nfinding MAP estimate'), tol=tol, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
fit_model.print_mare(vars)'\nfinding step covariances estimate')
fig4_data = {}
for i, params in enumerate([dict(label='$h(a)$ unconstrained', subt='(a)', value=dict(increasing=dict(age_start=0, age_end=0), decreasing=dict(age_start=0, age_end=0))),
dict(label='$h(a)$ decreasing for $a \leq 50$', subt='(b)', value=dict(increasing=dict(age_start=0, age_end=0), decreasing=dict(age_start=0, age_end=50))),
dict(label='$h(a)$ increasing for $a \leq 50$', subt='(c)', value=dict(increasing=dict(age_start=0, age_end=50), decreasing=dict(age_start=0, age_end=0)))]):
vars = age_pattern.age_pattern('t', ages=ages, knots=knots, smoothing=pl.inf)
vars['mu_age'], ages))
vars['mu_pred'] = mc.Lambda('mu_pred', lambda mu_age=vars['mu_age'], X=X : mu_age[X])
vars['Y'] = mc.Normal('Y', mu=vars['mu_pred'], tau=tau, value=Y, observed=True)
for i, k_i in enumerate(knots):
vars['gamma'][i].value = Y_true[k_i]
mc.MAP(vars).fit(method='fmin_powell', tol=.00001, verbose=0)
fig4_data[params['subt']] = vars['mu_age'].value[knots]
fig4 = pl.figure(figsize=(11, 9))
ax41 = fig4.add_subplot(3,1,1)
ax41.plot(X, Y, 'ks', ms=4, mew=2)
ax41.plot(ages[knots], fig4_data['(a)'], 'k-', linewidth=2)
pl.yticks([.1, .5, 1., 1.5])
book_graphics.subtitle('(a) ' + '$h(a)$ unconstrained')
ax42 = fig4.add_subplot(3,1,2,sharex=ax41)
ax42.plot(X, Y, 'ks', ms=4, mew=2)
ax42.plot(ages[knots], fig4_data['(b)'], 'k-', linewidth=2)