How to use the pyflow.demo.memoryDemo.memoryDemo.MemTestWorkflow function in pyflow

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyflow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Illumina / pyflow / pyflow / demo / memoryDemo / View on Github external
# but this is site-configurable in, so we
        # specify it for every task here
        # This works correctly if task 4 is the only task run in
        # parallel with one of the other 3 tasks.
        self.addTask("task1", "echo 'Hello World!'", memMb=2048)
        self.addTask("task2", "echo 'Hello World!'", memMb=2048)
        self.addTask("task3", "echo 'Hello World!'", memMb=2048)
        self.addTask("task4", "echo 'Hello World!'", memMb=1)

# Instantiate the workflow
wflow = MemTestWorkflow()

# Run the worklow:
retval =, memMb=2049)

# done!