How to use the pyflow.demo.envDemo.envDemo.EnvWorkflow function in pyflow

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyflow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Illumina / pyflow / pyflow / demo / envDemo / View on Github external
self.addTask("testAugmentedEnv", "[ $FOO == 'BAZ' ]; exit $?", env=augmented_env)

        # test funny characters that have shown to cause trouble on some sge installations
        funky_env = {}
        funky_env["PATH"] = "/bin"
        funky_env["_"] = "| %s %F \n"
        # in this case we just want the job to run at all:
        self.addTask("testFunkyEnv", "echo 'foo'; exit $?", env=funky_env)

        assert("FOO" not in os.environ)

# Instantiate the workflow
wflow = EnvWorkflow()

# Run the worklow:
retval ="local")
