How to use the pyfaidx.__init__.FetchError function in pyfaidx

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1. Count newlines before start
        2. Count newlines to end
        3. Difference of 1 and 2 is number of newlines in [start:end]
        4. Seek to start position, taking newlines into account
        5. Read to end position, return sequence
        assert start == int(start)
        assert end == int(end)
            i = self.index[rname]
        except KeyError:
            raise FetchError("Requested rname {0} does not exist! "
                             "Please check your FASTA file.".format(rname))
        start0 = start - 1  # make coordinates [0,1)
        if start0 < 0:
            raise FetchError(
                "Requested start coordinate must be greater than 1.")
        seq_len = end - start0

        # Calculate offset (
        newlines_before = int(
            (start0 - 1) / i.lenc * (i.lenb - i.lenc)) if start0 > 0 and i.lenc else 0
        newlines_to_end = int(end / i.lenc * (i.lenb - i.lenc)) if i.lenc else 0
        newlines_inside = newlines_to_end - newlines_before
        seq_blen = newlines_inside + seq_len
        bstart = i.offset + newlines_before + start0
        if seq_blen < 0 and self.strict_bounds:
            raise FetchError("Requested coordinates start={0:n} end={1:n} are "
                             "invalid.\n".format(start, end))
        elif end > i.rlen and self.strict_bounds:
            raise FetchError("Requested end coordinate {0:n} outside of {1}. "
                             "\n".format(end, rname))
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raise FetchError(
                "Requested start coordinate must be greater than 1.")
        seq_len = end - start0

        # Calculate offset (
        newlines_before = int(
            (start0 - 1) / i.lenc * (i.lenb - i.lenc)) if start0 > 0 and i.lenc else 0
        newlines_to_end = int(end / i.lenc * (i.lenb - i.lenc)) if i.lenc else 0
        newlines_inside = newlines_to_end - newlines_before
        seq_blen = newlines_inside + seq_len
        bstart = i.offset + newlines_before + start0
        if seq_blen < 0 and self.strict_bounds:
            raise FetchError("Requested coordinates start={0:n} end={1:n} are "
                             "invalid.\n".format(start, end))
        elif end > i.rlen and self.strict_bounds:
            raise FetchError("Requested end coordinate {0:n} outside of {1}. "
                             "\n".format(end, rname))

        with self.lock:
            if self._bgzf:  # We can't add to virtual offsets, so we need to read from the beginning of the record and trim the beginning if needed
                chunk = start0 + newlines_before + newlines_inside + seq_len
                chunk_seq =
                seq = chunk_seq[start0 + newlines_before:]

                # If the requested sequence exceeds len(FastaRecord), return as much as possible
                if bstart + seq_blen > i.bend and not self.strict_bounds:
                    seq_blen = i.bend - bstart
                # Otherwise it should be safe to read the sequence
                if seq_blen > 0:
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def fill_buffer(self, name, start, end):
            seq = self.from_file(name, start, end)
            self.buffer['seq'] = seq
            self.buffer['start'] = start
            self.buffer['end'] = end
            self.buffer['name'] = name
        except FetchError:
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"Please check your FASTA file.".format(rname))
        start0 = start - 1  # make coordinates [0,1)
        if start0 < 0:
            raise FetchError(
                "Requested start coordinate must be greater than 1.")
        seq_len = end - start0

        # Calculate offset (
        newlines_before = int(
            (start0 - 1) / i.lenc * (i.lenb - i.lenc)) if start0 > 0 and i.lenc else 0
        newlines_to_end = int(end / i.lenc * (i.lenb - i.lenc)) if i.lenc else 0
        newlines_inside = newlines_to_end - newlines_before
        seq_blen = newlines_inside + seq_len
        bstart = i.offset + newlines_before + start0
        if seq_blen < 0 and self.strict_bounds:
            raise FetchError("Requested coordinates start={0:n} end={1:n} are "
                             "invalid.\n".format(start, end))
        elif end > i.rlen and self.strict_bounds:
            raise FetchError("Requested end coordinate {0:n} outside of {1}. "
                             "\n".format(end, rname))

        with self.lock:
            if self._bgzf:  # We can't add to virtual offsets, so we need to read from the beginning of the record and trim the beginning if needed
                chunk = start0 + newlines_before + newlines_inside + seq_len
                chunk_seq =
                seq = chunk_seq[start0 + newlines_before:]

                # If the requested sequence exceeds len(FastaRecord), return as much as possible
                if bstart + seq_blen > i.bend and not self.strict_bounds:
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key_fn_test = self.key_function(
                "TestingReturnType of_key_function")
            if not isinstance(key_fn_test, string_types):
                raise KeyFunctionError(
                    "key_function argument should return a string, not {0}".
        except Exception as e:
        self.filt_function = filt_function
        assert duplicate_action in ("stop", "first", "last", "longest",
                                    "shortest", "drop")
        self.duplicate_action = duplicate_action
        self.as_raw = as_raw
        self.default_seq = default_seq
        if self._bgzf and self.default_seq is not None:
            raise FetchError(
                "The default_seq argument is not supported with using BGZF compression. Please decompress your FASTA file and try again."
        if self._bgzf:
            self.strict_bounds = True
            self.strict_bounds = strict_bounds
        self.split_char = split_char
        self.one_based_attributes = one_based_attributes
        self.sequence_always_upper = sequence_always_upper
        self.index = OrderedDict()
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.buffer = dict((('seq', None), ('name', None), ('start', None),
                            ('end', None)))
        if not read_ahead or isinstance(read_ahead, integer_types):
            self.read_ahead = read_ahead
        elif not isinstance(read_ahead, integer_types):