How to use the pony.orm.core function in pony

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pony examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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for arg in args[1:]:
        t2 = arg.type
        if t2 == 'METHOD': raise_forgot_parentheses(arg)
        t3 = coerce_types(t, t2)
        if t3 is None: throw(IncomparableTypesError, t, t2)
        t = t3
    if t3 in numeric_types and translator.dialect == 'PostgreSQL':
        args = list(args)
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if arg.type is bool:
                args[i] = NumericExprMonad(translator, int, [ 'TO_INT', arg.getsql() ])
    sql = [ sqlop ] + [ arg.getsql()[0] for arg in args ]
    return, t, sql)

class FuncSelectMonad(FuncMonad):
    func =
    def call(monad, queryset):
        translator = monad.translator
        if not isinstance(queryset, translator.QuerySetMonad): throw(TypeError,
            "'select' function expects generator expression, got: {EXPR}")
        return queryset

class FuncExistsMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = core.exists
    def call(monad, arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, monad.translator.SetMixin): throw(TypeError,
            "'exists' function expects generator expression or collection, got: {EXPR}")
        return arg.nonzero()

class FuncDescMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = core.desc
    def call(monad, expr):
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def apply(self, vdb):
        entity = vdb.entities[self.entity_name]
        if not isinstance(self.attr_names, tuple):
            throw(core.MappingError, 'Composite index should be defined as tuple')

        attrs = []
        for attr_name in self.attr_names:


        if not vdb.vdb_only:
            if self.sql:
                self.apply_to_schema(vdb, attrs)
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func = utils.avg, core.avg
    def call(monad, x):
        return x.aggregate('AVG')

class FuncDistinctMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = utils.distinct, core.distinct
    def call(monad, x):
        if isinstance(x, SetMixin): return x.call_distinct()
        if not isinstance(x, NumericMixin): throw(TypeError)
        result = object.__new__(x.__class__)
        result.forced_distinct = True
        return result

class FuncMinMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = min, core.min
    def call(monad, *args):
        if not args: throw(TypeError, 'min() function expected at least one argument')
        if len(args) == 1: return args[0].aggregate('MIN')
        return minmax(monad, 'MIN', *args)

class FuncMaxMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = max, core.max
    def call(monad, *args):
        if not args: throw(TypeError, 'max() function expected at least one argument')
        if len(args) == 1: return args[0].aggregate('MAX')
        return minmax(monad, 'MAX', *args)

def minmax(monad, sqlop, *args):
    assert len(args) > 1
    translator = monad.translator
    t = args[0].type
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def from_attribute(cls, attr):
        name =
        if isinstance(attr, core.PrimaryKey):
            attr_class = PrimaryKey
        elif isinstance(attr, core.Discriminator):
            attr_class = Discriminator
        elif isinstance(attr, core.Required):
            attr_class = Required
        elif isinstance(attr, core.Optional):
            attr_class = Optional
        elif isinstance(attr, core.Set):
            attr_class = Set
            assert False

        py_type = attr.py_type if not isinstance(attr.py_type, core.EntityMeta) else attr.py_type.__name__

        if attr.reverse:
            r_entity_name = py_type
            r_attr_name =
            reverse = (r_entity_name, r_attr_name)
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def load(cls, dir, filename):
        m = cls(dir) = filename[:-3]
        with open(os.path.join(dir, filename), 'r') as file:
            src =
        objects = {}
        exec(src, objects)
        m.dependencies = objects.get('dependencies', None)
        if m.dependencies is None:
            throw(core.MigrationError, 'Corrupted migration file %r' % filename)
        m.operations = objects.get('operations', [])
        m.based_on = objects.get('based_on', [])
        data_func = objects.get('data_migration', None)
        if data_func:
   = True
            m.data_migration = data_func
        return m
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result =, int, [ 'COUNT', 'ALL' ])
        result.aggregated = True
        return result

class FuncAbsMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = abs
    def call(monad, x):
        return x.abs()

class FuncSumMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = sum, core.sum
    def call(monad, x):
        return x.aggregate('SUM')

class FuncAvgMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = utils.avg, core.avg
    def call(monad, x):
        return x.aggregate('AVG')

class FuncDistinctMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = utils.distinct, core.distinct
    def call(monad, x):
        if isinstance(x, SetMixin): return x.call_distinct()
        if not isinstance(x, NumericMixin): throw(TypeError)
        result = object.__new__(x.__class__)
        result.forced_distinct = True
        return result

class FuncMinMonad(FuncMonad):
    func = min, core.min
    def call(monad, *args):
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def apply(self, vdb):
        entity = vdb.entities.get(self.entity_name)
        attr = self.attr
        if entity is None:
            throw(core.MigrationError, 'Entity %s does not exist' % self.entity_name)
        if in entity.new_attrs:
            throw(core.MigrationError, 'Attribute %s is already defined' %

        if isinstance(attr, v.Required):
            if attr.is_required and attr.provided.initial is None:
                throw(core.MigrationError, 'initial option should be specified in case of adding the Required attribute')
            attr.initial = attr.provided.initial

        if isinstance(attr, v.Discriminator):
            if not attr.provided.initial or not attr.initial:
                attr.initial = attr.provided.initial = self.entity_name

        attr.entity = entity
        if attr.reverse:
            r_entity = vdb.entities.get(attr.py_type)
            if r_entity is None:
            r_attr = r_entity.get_attr(getattr(attr.reverse, 'name', attr.reverse))
            if r_attr is None:
            r_attr.entity = r_entity
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def create_tables(self, connection):
        provider = self.provider
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        for obj in self.get_objects_to_create():
            base_name = provider.base_name(
            name = obj.exists(provider, connection, case_sensitive=False)
            if name is None:
                for op in obj.get_create_sql():
                    if core.local.debug: core.log_sql(op.sql)
                    provider.execute(cursor, op.sql)
            elif name != base_name:
                quote_name = provider.quote_name
                n1, n2 = quote_name(, quote_name(name)
                tn1 = obj.typename
                throw(core.SchemaError, '%s %s cannot be created, because %s ' \
                                   '(with a different letter case) already exists in the database. ' \
                                   'Try to delete %s first.' % (tn1, n1, n2, n2))
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def rollback(provider, connection, cache=None):
        core = pony.orm.core
        if core.local.debug: core.log_orm('ROLLBACK')
        if cache is not None: cache.in_transaction = False
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def set_transaction_mode(provider, connection, cache):
        assert not cache.in_transaction
        db_session = cache.db_session
        if db_session is not None and db_session.serializable:
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            if core.local.debug: log_orm(sql)
        cache.immediate = True
        if db_session is not None and (db_session.serializable or db_session.ddl):
            cache.in_transaction = True