How to use the pony.orm.PrimaryKey function in pony

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pony examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Tribler / tribler / Tribler / Core / Modules / MetadataStore / OrmBindings / View on Github external
def define_binding(db):
    class Author(db.Entity):
        public_key = orm.PrimaryKey(database_blob)
        authored = orm.Set('ChannelNode')

    return Author
github erdc / quest / quest / database / View on Github external
status = orm.Optional(str)
        message = orm.Optional(str)
        file_path = orm.Optional(str, nullable=True)
        visualization_path = orm.Optional(str)

        # setup relationships
        collection = orm.Required(Collection)
        catalog_entry = orm.Required(str)

    class Providers(db.Entity):
        provider = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
        username = orm.Required(str)
        password = orm.Required(str)

    class QuestCatalog(db.Entity):
        service_id = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
        created_at = orm.Required(datetime,
        updated_at = orm.Optional(datetime)
        metadata = orm.Optional(orm.Json, nullable=True)
        geometry = orm.Optional(orm.Json, nullable=True)
github Tribler / tribler / Tribler / Core / Modules / MetadataStore / OrmBindings / View on Github external
def define_binding(db):
    class ChannelVote(db.Entity):
        This ORM class represents votes cast for a channel. A single instance (row), represents a vote from a single
        peer (public key) for a single channel (ChannelMetadata entry, essentially represented by a public_key+id_
        pair). To allow only a single vote from the channel, it keeps track of when the vote was cast (vote_date)
        and what amount was used locally to bump it (last_amount).

        rowid = orm.PrimaryKey(int, size=64, auto=True)
        voter = orm.Required("ChannelPeer")
        channel = orm.Required("ChannelMetadata", reverse='individual_votes')
        orm.composite_key(voter, channel)
        last_amount = orm.Optional(float, default=0.0)
        vote_date = orm.Optional(datetime, default=datetime.utcnow)

    return ChannelVote
github ponyorm / pony / pony / View on Github external
def __init__(attr, py_type, *args, **keyargs):
        if attr.__class__ is Attribute: raise TypeError("'Attribute' is abstract type")
        attr.is_required = isinstance(attr, Required)
        attr.is_unique = isinstance(attr, Unique)  # Also can be set to True later
        attr.is_indexed = attr.is_unique  # Also can be set to True later
        attr.is_pk = isinstance(attr, PrimaryKey)
        if attr.is_pk: attr.pk_offset = 0
        else: attr.pk_offset = None = next_attr_id()
        if not isinstance(py_type, basestring) and not isinstance(py_type, type):
            raise TypeError('Incorrect type of attribute: %r' % py_type)
        if py_type == 'Entity' or py_type is Entity:
            raise TypeError('Cannot link attribute to Entity class. Must use Entity subclass instead')
        attr.py_type = py_type
        attr.is_collection = isinstance(attr, Collection)
        attr.is_ref = not attr.is_collection and isinstance(attr.py_type, (EntityMeta, basestring))
        attr.is_basic = not attr.is_collection and not attr.is_ref
        attr.sql_type = keyargs.pop('sql_type', None)
        attr.entity = = None
        attr.args = args = keyargs.pop('auto', False)
github Tribler / tribler / Tribler / Core / Modules / MetadataStore / OrmBindings / View on Github external
#    of uptime.
    # b. Repeated votes by some peer to some channel _do not add up_. Instead, the vote is refreshed by substracting
    #    the old amount from the current vote (it is stored in the DB), and adding the new one (1.0 votes, scaled). This
    #    is the reason why we have to keep the old votes in the DB, and normalize the old votes last_amount values - to
    #    keep them in the same "normalization space" to be compatible with the current votes values.

    # This binding is used to store normalization data and stats for VSIDS
    class Vsids(db.Entity):
        This ORM class is used to hold persistent information for the state of VSIDS scoring system.
        ACHTUNG! At all times there should be no more than one row/entity of this class. A single entity is
        enough to keep the information for the whole GigaChannels.
        In a sense, *this is a singleton*.

        rowid = orm.PrimaryKey(int)
        bump_amount = orm.Required(float)
        total_activity = orm.Required(float)
        last_bump = orm.Required(datetime)
        rescale_threshold = orm.Optional(float, default=10.0 ** 100)
        exp_period = orm.Optional(float, default=24.0 * 60 * 60)  # decay e times over this period
        max_val = orm.Optional(float, default=1.0)

        def rescale(self, norm):
            for channel in g: g.status != LEGACY_ENTRY):
                channel.votes /= norm
            for vote in
                vote.last_amount /= norm

            self.max_val /= norm
            self.total_activity /= norm
github boxed / mutmut / mutmut / View on Github external
from pony.orm import Database, Required, db_session, Set, Optional, select, \
    PrimaryKey, RowNotFound, ERDiagramError, OperationalError

    OK_KILLED, RelativeMutationID, Context, mutate

db = Database()

current_db_version = 4


class MiscData(db.Entity):
    key = PrimaryKey(str, auto=True)
    value = Optional(str, autostrip=False)

class SourceFile(db.Entity):
    filename = Required(str, autostrip=False)
    hash = Optional(str)
    lines = Set('Line')

class Line(db.Entity):
    sourcefile = Required(SourceFile)
    line = Optional(str, autostrip=False)
    line_number = Required(int)
    mutants = Set('Mutant')
github NiklasRosenstein / flux-ci / flux / View on Github external
import pony.orm as orm
import shutil
import uuid

db = orm.Database(**config.database)
session = orm.db_session
commit = orm.commit
rollback = orm.rollback
select =
desc = orm.desc

class User(db.Entity):
  _table_ = 'users'

  id = orm.PrimaryKey(int)
  name = orm.Required(str, unique=True)
  passhash = orm.Required(str)
  can_manage = orm.Required(bool)
  can_download_artifacts = orm.Required(bool)
  can_view_buildlogs = orm.Required(bool)
  login_tokens = orm.Set('LoginToken')

  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    if 'id' not in kwargs:
      kwargs['id'] = (orm.max( for x in User) or 0) + 1

  def set_password(self, password):
    self.passhash = utils.hash_pw(password)

github Tribler / tribler / Tribler / Core / Modules / MetadataStore / OrmBindings / View on Github external
def define_binding(db):
    class MiscData(db.Entity):
        This binding is used to store all kinds of values, like DB version, counters, etc.

        name = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
        value = orm.Optional(str)

    return MiscData
github pmdevita / GifReversingBot / core / View on Github external
db.bind(provider="mysql", host=creds['host'], user=creds['username'], password=creds['password'],
                db=creds['database'], ssl=ssl, port=int(creds.get('port', 3306)))
        raise Exception("No database configuration")


class GifHosts(db.Entity):
    name = PrimaryKey(str)
    origin_gifs = Set('Gif', reverse='origin_host')
    reversed_gifs = Set('Gif', reverse='reversed_host')

class Gif(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    origin_host = Required(GifHosts, reverse='origin_gifs')
    origin_id = Required(str)
    reversed_host = Required(GifHosts, reverse='reversed_gifs')
    reversed_id = Required(str)
    time = Required(date)
    nsfw = Optional(bool)
    total_requests = Optional(int)
    last_requested_date = Optional(date)


ghm = GifHostManager()

def sync_hosts():
    # Double check gifhost bindings