How to use the plotnine.exceptions.PlotnineWarning function in plotnine

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github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / stats / View on Github external
def compute_density(x, weight, range, **params):
    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float)
    not_nan = ~np.isnan(x)
    x = x[not_nan]
    bw = params['bw']
    n = len(x)

    if n == 0 or (n == 1 and isinstance(bw, str)):
        if n == 1:
            warn("To compute the density of a group with only one "
                 "value set the bandwidth manually. e.g `bw=0.1`",
        warn("Groups with fewer than 2 data points have been removed.",
        return pd.DataFrame()

    if weight is None:
        weight = np.ones(n) / n

    # kde is computed efficiently using fft. But the fft does
    # not support weights and is only available with the
    # gaussian kernel. When weights are relevant we
    # turn off the fft.
    if params['kernel'] == 'gau':
        fft, weight = True, None
        fft = False
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / geoms / View on Github external
def setup_data(self, data):
        gp = self.params
        sp = self._stat.params

        # Issue warnings when parameters don't make sense
        if gp['position'] == 'stack':
            warn("position='stack' doesn't work properly with "
                 "geom_dotplot. Use stackgroups=True instead.",
        if (gp['stackgroups'] and
                sp['method'] == 'dotdensity' and
                sp['binpositions'] == 'bygroup'):
            warn("geom_dotplot called with stackgroups=TRUE and "
                 "method='dotdensity'. You probably want to set "
                 "binpositions='all'", PlotnineWarning)

        if 'width' not in data:
            if sp['width']:
                data['width'] = sp['width']
                data['width'] = resolution(data['x'], False) * 0.9

        # Set up the stacking function and range
        if gp['stackdir'] in (None, 'up'):
            def stackdots(a):
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mapping, data = order_as_mapping_data(mapping, data)
        slope = kwargs.pop('slope', None)
        intercept = kwargs.pop('intercept', None)

        # If nothing is set, it defaults to y=x
        if mapping is None and slope is None and intercept is None:
            slope = 1
            intercept = 0

        if slope is not None or intercept is not None:
            if mapping:
                warn("The 'intercept' and 'slope' when specified override "
                     "the aes() mapping.", PlotnineWarning)
            if data is not None:
                warn("The 'intercept' and 'slope' when specified override "
                     "the data", PlotnineWarning)

            if slope is None:
                slope = 1
            if intercept is None:
                intercept = 0

            data = pd.DataFrame({
                'intercept': make_iterable(intercept),
                'slope': slope

            mapping = aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope)
            kwargs['show_legend'] = False

        geom.__init__(self, mapping, data, **kwargs)
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / stats / View on Github external
w0 = w
        X = scale_simp(x, loc, n, p)
        _, s, v = linalg.svd(np.sqrt(w/np.sum(w)) * X)
        # wX = X @ v.T @ np.diag(np.full(p, 1/s))
        wX =,  v.T), np.diag(np.full(p, 1/s)))
        # Q = np.squeeze((wX**2) @ np.ones(p))
        Q = np.squeeze(**2, np.ones(p)))
        w = (wt * (nu + p)) / (nu + Q)[:, np.newaxis]
        if use_loc:
            loc = np.sum(w*x, axis=0) / w.sum()
        if all(np.abs(w-w0) < tol):
        if ((np.mean(w) - np.mean(wt) > tol) or
                (np.abs(np.mean(w * Q)/p - 1) > tol)):
            warn("Probable convergence failure.", PlotnineWarning)

    _a = np.sqrt(w) * X
    # cov = (_a.T @ _a) / np.sum(wt)
    cov =, _a) / np.sum(wt)

    if miss_wt:
        ans = dict(cov=cov, center=loc, n_obs=n)
        ans = dict(cov=cov, center=loc, wt=wt0, n_obs=n)

    if cor:
        sd = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
        cor = (cov/sd)/np.repeat([sd],  p, axis=0).T
        ans['cor'] = cor

    ans['iter'] = iteration
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / facets / View on Github external
def check_dimensions(nrow, ncol):
    if nrow is not None:
        if nrow < 1:
            warn("'nrow' must be greater than 0. "
                 "Your value has been ignored.", PlotnineWarning)
            nrow = None
            nrow = int(nrow)

    if ncol is not None:
        if ncol < 1:
            warn("'ncol' must be greater than 0. "
                 "Your value has been ignored.", PlotnineWarning)
            ncol = None
            ncol = int(ncol)

    return nrow, ncol
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / positions / View on Github external
def setup_params(self, data):
        Verify, modify & return a copy of the params.
        # Variable for which to do the stacking
        if 'ymax' in data:
            if any((data['ymin'] != 0) & (data['ymax'] != 0)):
                warn("Stacking not well defined when not "
                     "anchored on the axis.", PlotnineWarning)
            var = 'ymax'
        elif 'y' in data:
            var = 'y'
            warn("Stacking requires either ymin & ymax or y "
                 "aesthetics. Maybe you want position = 'identity'?",
            var = None

        params = self.params.copy()
        params['var'] = var
        params['fill'] = self.fill
        return params
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / geoms / View on Github external
def draw_panel(self, data, panel_params, coord, ax, **params):
        if not any(data['group'].duplicated()):
            warn("geom_path: Each group consist of only one "
                 "observation. Do you need to adjust the "
                 "group aesthetic?", PlotnineWarning)

        # drop lines with less than two points
        c = Counter(data['group'])
        counts = np.array([c[v] for v in data['group']])
        data = data[counts >= 2]

        if len(data) < 2:

        # dataframe mergesort is stable, we rely on that here
        data = data.sort_values('group', kind='mergesort')
        data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        # When the parameters of the path are not constant
        # with in the group, then the lines that make the paths
        # can be drawn as separate segments
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / scales / View on Github external
def scale_type(series):
    if array_kind.continuous(series):
        stype = 'continuous'
    elif array_kind.ordinal(series):
        stype = 'ordinal'
    elif array_kind.discrete(series):
        stype = 'discrete'
    elif array_kind.datetime(series):
        stype = 'datetime'
    elif array_kind.timedelta(series):
        stype = 'timedelta'
        msg = ("Don't know how to automatically pick scale for "
               "object of type {}. Defaulting to 'continuous'")
        warn(msg.format(series.dtype), PlotnineWarning)
        stype = 'continuous'
    return stype
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# Get indices where any row for the select aesthetics has
        # NaNs at the beginning or the end. Those we drop
        bool_idx = (data[['x', 'y', 'size', 'color', 'linetype']]
                    .isnull()             # Missing
                    .apply(keep, axis=0))  # Beginning or the End
        bool_idx = np.all(bool_idx, axis=1)  # Across the aesthetics

        # return data
        n1 = len(data)
        data = data[bool_idx]
        data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        n2 = len(data)

        if (n2 != n1 and not self.params['na_rm']):
            msg = "geom_path: Removed {} rows containing missing values."
            warn(msg.format(n1-n2), PlotnineWarning)

        return data
github has2k1 / plotnine / plotnine / geoms / View on Github external
def __init__(self, mapping=None, data=None, **kwargs):
        mapping, data = order_as_mapping_data(mapping, data)
        xintercept = kwargs.pop('xintercept', None)
        if xintercept is not None:
            if mapping:
                warn("The 'xintercept' parameter has overridden "
                     "the aes() mapping.", PlotnineWarning)
            data = pd.DataFrame({'xintercept': make_iterable(xintercept)})
            mapping = aes(xintercept='xintercept')
            kwargs['show_legend'] = False

        geom.__init__(self, mapping, data, **kwargs)