How to use the pixell.enmap.ndmap function in pixell

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pixell examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def pixshapemap(shape, wcs, bsize=1000, separable="auto", signed=False):
	"""Returns the physical width and heigh of each pixel in the map in radians.
	Heavy for big maps. Much faster approaches are possible for known pixelizations."""
	if wcsutils.is_plain(wcs):
		cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt
		pshape  = np.zeros([2])
		pshape[0] = wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]*get_unit(wcs)
		pshape[1] = wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]*get_unit(wcs)
		if not signed: pshape = np.abs(pshape)
		pshape  = np.broadcast_to(pshape[:,None,None], (2,)+shape[-2:])
		return ndmap(pshape, wcs)
	elif separable == True or (separable == "auto" and wcsutils.is_cyl(wcs)):
		pshape = pixshapes_cyl(shape, wcs, signed=signed)
		pshape = np.broadcast_to(pshape[:,:,None], (2,)+shape[-2:])
		return ndmap(pshape, wcs)
		pshape = zeros((2,)+shape[-2:], wcs)
		# Loop over blocks in y to reduce memory usage
		for i1 in range(0, shape[-2], bsize):
			i2 = min(i1+bsize, shape[-2])
			pix  = np.mgrid[i1:i2+1,:shape[-1]+1]
			with utils.nowarn():
				y, x = pix2sky(shape, wcs, pix, safe=True, corner=True)
			del pix
			dy = y[1:,1:]-y[:-1,:-1]
			dx = x[1:,1:]-x[:-1,:-1]
			if not signed: dy, dx = np.abs(dy), np.abs(dx)
			cy = np.cos(y)
			bad= cy<= 0
			cy[bad] = np.mean(cy[~bad])
			dx *= 0.5*(cy[1:,1:]+cy[:-1,:-1])
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def pixshapemap(shape, wcs, bsize=1000, separable="auto", signed=False):
	"""Returns the physical width and heigh of each pixel in the map in radians.
	Heavy for big maps. Much faster approaches are possible for known pixelizations."""
	if wcsutils.is_plain(wcs):
		cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt
		pshape  = np.zeros([2])
		pshape[0] = wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]*get_unit(wcs)
		pshape[1] = wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]*get_unit(wcs)
		if not signed: pshape = np.abs(pshape)
		pshape  = np.broadcast_to(pshape[:,None,None], (2,)+shape[-2:])
		return ndmap(pshape, wcs)
	elif separable == True or (separable == "auto" and wcsutils.is_cyl(wcs)):
		pshape = pixshapes_cyl(shape, wcs, signed=signed)
		pshape = np.broadcast_to(pshape[:,:,None], (2,)+shape[-2:])
		return ndmap(pshape, wcs)
		pshape = zeros((2,)+shape[-2:], wcs)
		# Loop over blocks in y to reduce memory usage
		for i1 in range(0, shape[-2], bsize):
			i2 = min(i1+bsize, shape[-2])
			pix  = np.mgrid[i1:i2+1,:shape[-1]+1]
			with utils.nowarn():
				y, x = pix2sky(shape, wcs, pix, safe=True, corner=True)
			del pix
			dy = y[1:,1:]-y[:-1,:-1]
			dx = x[1:,1:]-x[:-1,:-1]
			if not signed: dy, dx = np.abs(dy), np.abs(dx)
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def rand_gauss_harm(shape, wcs):
	"""Mostly equivalent to np.fft.fft2(np.random.standard_normal(shape)),
	but avoids the fft by generating the numbers directly in frequency
	domain. Does not enforce the symmetry requried for a real map. If box is
	passed, the result will be an enmap."""
	return ndmap(np.random.standard_normal(shape)+1j*np.random.standard_normal(shape),wcs)
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# If any wcs-associated indices are None, then we don't know how to update the
		# wcs, and assume the user knows what it's doing
		if any([s is None for s in sel2]):
			return ndmap(np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, sel), self.wcs)
		if len(sel2) > 2:
			raise IndexError("too many indices")
		# If the wcs slice includes direct indexing, so that wcs
		# axes are lost, then degrade to a normal numpy array,
		# since this class assumes that the two last axes are
		# wcs axes.
		if any([type(s) is not slice for s in sel2]):
			return np.asarray(self)[sel]
		# Otherwise we will return a full ndmap, including a
		# (possibly) sliced wcs.
		_, wcs = slice_geometry(self.shape[-2:], self.wcs, sel2)
		return ndmap(np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, sel), wcs)
	def __getslice__(self, a, b=None, c=None): return self[slice(a,b,c)]
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def downgrade(emap, factor, op=np.mean):
	"""Returns enmap "emap" downgraded by the given integer factor
	(may be a list for each direction, or just a number) by averaging
	inside pixels."""
	fact = np.full(2, 1, dtype=int)
	fact[:] = factor
	tshape = emap.shape[-2:]//fact*fact
	res = op(np.reshape(emap[...,:tshape[0],:tshape[1]],emap.shape[:-2]+(tshape[0]//fact[0],fact[0],tshape[1]//fact[1],fact[1])),(-3,-1))
	try: return ndmap(res, emap[...,::fact[0],::fact[1]].wcs)
	except AttributeError: return res
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def lmap(shape, wcs, oversample=1):
	"""Return a map of all the wavenumbers in the fourier transform
	of a map with the given shape and wcs."""
	ly, lx = laxes(shape, wcs, oversample=oversample)
	data = np.empty((2,ly.size,lx.size))
	data[0] = ly[:,None]
	data[1] = lx[None,:]
	return ndmap(data, wcs)
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self.threshold = threshold
	def ndim(self): return len(self.shape)
	def geometry(self): return self.shape, self.wcs
	def npix(self): return self.shape[-2]*self.shape[-1]
	def __str__(self): return repr(self)
	def __repr__(self): return "ndmap_proxy(fname=%s, shape=%s, wcs=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.fname, str(self.shape), str(self.wcs), str(self.dtype))
	def __getslice__(self, a, b=None, c=None): return self[slice(a,b,c)]
	def __getitem__(self, sel): raise NotImplementedError("ndmap_proxy must be subclassed")

# Copy over some methos from ndmap
for name in ["sky2pix", "pix2sky", "box", "pixbox_of", "posmap", "pixmap", "lmap", "modlmap", "modrmap", "area", "pixsize", "pixshape",
		"pixsizemap", "pixshapemap", "extent", "distance_from", "center", "extract", "extract_pixbox"]:
	setattr(ndmap_proxy, name, getattr(ndmap, name))

class ndmap_proxy_fits(ndmap_proxy):
	def __init__(self, hdu, wcs, fname="", threshold=1e7, verbose=False):
		self.hdu     = hdu
		self.verbose = verbose
		# Note that 'section' is not part of some HDU types, such as CompImageHDU.
		self.use_section = hasattr(hdu, 'section')
		if self.use_section:
			dtype    = fix_endian(hdu.section[(slice(0,1),)*hdu.header["NAXIS"]]).dtype
			dtype    = fix_endian([(slice(0,1),)*hdu.header["NAXIS"]]).dtype
		self.stokes_flips = get_stokes_flips(hdu)
		def slist(vals):
			return ",".join([str(v) for v in vals])
		if verbose and np.any(self.stokes_flips) >= 0:
			print("Converting index %s for Stokes axis %s from IAU to COSMO in %s" % (
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"""Generates a random map with component covariance
	cov in harmonic space, where cov is a (comp,comp,l) array or a
	(comp,comp,Ny,Nx) array. Despite the name, the map doesn't need
	to be isotropic since 2D power spectra are allowed.

	If cov.ndim is 4, cov is assumed to be an array of 2D power spectra.
	else cov is assumed to be an array of 1D power spectra.
	If pixel_units is True, the 2D power spectra is assumed to be in pixel units,
	not in steradians."""
	if cov.ndim==4:
		if not(pixel_units): cov = cov *[-2:])/area(shape,wcs )
		covsqrt = multi_pow(cov, 0.5)
		covsqrt = spec2flat(shape, wcs, massage_spectrum(cov, shape), 0.5, mode="constant")
	data = map_mul(covsqrt, rand_gauss_harm(shape, wcs))
	return ndmap(data, wcs)
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def has_wcs(m):
			return True
		except AttributeError:
			return False
	if wcs is None:
		if has_wcs(arr):
			wcs = arr.wcs
		elif isinstance(arr, list) and len(arr) > 0 and has_wcs(arr[0]):
			wcs = arr[0].wcs
			wcs = wcsutils.WCS(naxis=2)
	if copy:
		arr = np.asanyarray(arr, dtype=dtype).copy()
	return ndmap(arr, wcs)