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def test_pospix(self):
# Posmap separable and non-separable on CAR
for res in [6,12,24]:
shape,wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(res/60.),proj='car')
posmap1 = enmap.posmap(shape,wcs)
posmap2 = enmap.posmap(shape,wcs,separable=True)
assert np.all(np.isclose(posmap1,posmap2))
# Pixmap plain
pres = 0.5
shape,wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0,0),shape=(30,30),res=pres*,proj='plain')
yp,xp = enmap.pixshapemap(shape,wcs)
assert np.all(np.isclose(yp,pres*
assert np.all(np.isclose(xp,pres*
yp,xp = enmap.pixshape(shape,wcs)
parea = enmap.pixsize(shape,wcs)
assert np.isclose(parea,(pres***2)
assert np.isclose(yp,pres*
assert np.isclose(xp,pres*
pmap = enmap.pixsizemap(shape,wcs)
assert np.all(np.isclose(pmap,(pres***2))
import sys
import test_pixell as ptests
import os
import numpy as np
from pixell import enmap
version = sys.argv[1]
obs_pos,grad,raw_pos = ptests.get_offset_result(1.,np.float64)
enmap.write_map("MM_offset_obs_pos_%s.fits" % version,obs_pos)
enmap.write_map("MM_offset_grad_%s.fits" % version,grad)
enmap.write_map("MM_offset_raw_pos_%s.fits" % version,raw_pos)
lensed,unlensed = ptests.get_lens_result(1.,400,np.float64)
enmap.write_map("MM_lensed_%s.fits" % version,lensed)
enmap.write_map("MM_unlensed_%s.fits" % version,unlensed)
# Flat-sky
px = 2.0
N = 300
shape,iwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0,0),res=np.deg2rad(px/60.),shape=(300,300))
shape = (3,) + shape
a = enmap.zeros(shape,iwcs)
a = a[...,::-1]
wcs = a.wcs
seed = 100
imap = enmap.rand_map(shape,wcs,ps_cmb,seed=seed)
kmap = enmap.map2harm(imap.copy())
rmap = enmap.harm2map(kmap,spin=0) # reference map
imap = imap[...,::-1]
kmap = enmap.map2harm(imap.copy())
rmap2 = enmap.harm2map(kmap,spin=0)[...,::-1] # comparison map
assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[0],rmap2[0]))
assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[1],rmap2[1],atol=1e0))
assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[2],rmap2[2],atol=1e0))
def cutout(imap, width=None, ra=None, dec=None, pad=1, corner=False,
res=None, npix=None, return_slice=False,sindex=None):
if type(imap) == str:
shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(imap)
shape, wcs = imap.shape, imap.wcs
Ny, Nx = shape[-2:]
def fround(x):
return int(np.round(x))
iy, ix = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, coords=(dec, ra), corner=corner)
if res is None:
res = np.min(enmap.extent(shape, wcs) / shape[-2:])
if npix is None:
npix = int(width / res)
if fround(iy - npix / 2) < pad or fround(ix - npix / 2) < pad or \
fround(iy + npix / 2) > (Ny - pad) or \
fround(ix + npix / 2) > (Nx - pad):
return None
if sindex is None:
s = np.s_[...,fround(iy - npix / 2. + 0.5):fround(iy + npix / 2. + 0.5),
def prepare_map_field(map, args, crange=None, printer=noprint):
if crange is None:
with printer.time("ranges", 3):
crange = get_color_range(map, args)
if map.ndim == 2:
map = map[None]
if args.autocrop_each:
map = enmap.autocrop(map)
with printer.time("colorize", 3):
color = map_to_color(map, crange, args)
return map, color
def rotate_map(imap, shape_target=None, wcs_target=None, shape_source=None,
wcs_source=None, pix_target=None, **kwargs):
if pix_target is None:
pix_target = get_rotated_pixels(
shape_source, wcs_source, shape_target, wcs_target)
assert (shape_target is None) and (
wcs_target is None), "Both pix_target and shape_target, \
wcs_target must not be specified."
rotmap =, pix_target[:2], unit="pix", **kwargs)
return rotmap
bsize = int(shape[-2]/(nblock+0.5))
# Allocate output maps
if "p" in output: phi_map = enmap.empty(shape[-2:], wcs, dtype=dtype)
if "k" in output:
kappa_map = enmap.empty(shape[-2:], wcs, dtype=dtype)
kappa_alm = phi_to_kappa(phi_alm,phi_ainfo=phi_ainfo)
for i1 in range(0, shape[-2], bsize):
curvedsky.alm2map(kappa_alm, kappa_map[...,i1:i1+bsize,:])
del kappa_alm
if "a" in output: grad_map = enmap.empty((2,)+shape[-2:], wcs, dtype=dtype)
if "u" in output: cmb_raw = enmap.empty(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
if "l" in output: cmb_obs = enmap.empty(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
# Then loop over dec bands
for i1 in range(0, shape[-2], bsize):
i2 = min(i1+bsize, shape[-2])
lshape, lwcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape, wcs, (slice(i1,i2),slice(None)))
if "p" in output:
if verbose: print("Computing phi map")
curvedsky.alm2map(phi_alm, phi_map[...,i1:i2,:])
if verbose: print("Computing grad map")
if "a" in output: grad = grad_map[...,i1:i2,:]
else: grad = enmap.zeros((2,)+lshape[-2:], lwcs, dtype=dtype)
curvedsky.alm2map(phi_alm, grad, deriv=True)
if "l" not in output: continue
if verbose: print("Computing observed coordinates")
obs_pos = enmap.posmap(lshape, lwcs)
if verbose: print("Computing alpha map")
raw_pos = enmap.samewcs(offset_by_grad(obs_pos, grad, pol=shape[-3]>1, geodesic=geodesic), obs_pos)
del obs_pos, grad
if "u" in output:
if verbose: print("Computing unlensed map")
curvedsky.alm2map(cmb_alm, cmb_raw[...,i1:i2,:], spin=spin)